What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (2024)

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (1)

Here is a list of “biggest regrets” many people have: being less assertive, breaking up, carelessly choosing one's life partner, choosing work over family, comparing oneselfwith others, dreaming more than acting on things, engrossing in anger, giving high importance to possessions, lacking self-confidence, lingering around the wrong people, losing sleep over other people’s thoughts about oneself, making poor life decisions, lacking the courage to express feelings, neglecting oneself, preferring tomorrow over today, taking life too seriously, thinking others are better, trying to be perfect, wasting time over little things, working too hard, worrying too much, etc.

The biggest regretsof many others are over notundertaking the following actions: becoming an Olympian, being a better parent, coming out earlier, following one'spassion, having clear-cut goals, learning that language, listening, living honestly, making amends, being present with one'sdad/mom at his or her end, pursuing one'sdream, revealing love to someone, standing up to bullies, staying true to one'svalues and principles, taking risks, trusting one's owninner voice enough, undertaking certain actions, watching one'shealth, etc.

Lord Krishna points out in the ancient Bhagavad-Gita: "Pleasures conceived in the world of the senses have a beginning and an end and give birth to misery. The wise do not look for happiness in them. But those who overcome the impulses of lust and anger which arise in the body are made whole and live in joy."

We asked our panel: What is your biggest regret?

Not learning the language!

Matthew T. Fisher, resident priest, Reno Buddhist Center

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (2)

I regret not taking full advantage of life's great opportunities in my 20s. Traveling the world after college, I had opportunities to study and meet with significant teachers of the time. In Sri Lanka my studies were “average” at best and included idle touring and the occasional beach! I truly regret not taking that moment more seriously and studying diligently in Buddhist institutions. This regret includes not going deeper into the ancient languages of Buddhism, barely studying Pali for sixmonths;more study would have served for a lifetime. In Japanese language too, more study early on would have given fluency for life.

My time living and studying in Japan was a series of wonderful opportunities to meet important personages and teachers — where, sadly,I only barely recognized the rare chances life presented. Instead, I dabbled and didn't go deep enough to speak at length with these precious people.

Not acquiring truth earlier

Micheal L. Peterson, northwest Nevada media specialist, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (3)

This question is no doubt pondered by most of us throughout our lives, and the older we get, the more likely it becomes to accumulate regrets. We can and must learn from our past mistakes as well as our successes. Regrets are often looked at as a negative part of our life; however,successes — not regrets — should be motivating factors to improve in areas of our life that need improvement.

Most of my regrets are from omissions rather than commissions. The most significant being not coming to a complete understanding of the most important knowledge one can obtain, at an earlier age than I did. Namely, where do we come from, why are we here, and where are we going. Although my life may have been richer earlier, this has not diminished my optimism for life. My regret, has become my greatest blessing with the acquisition of these truths.

Going back

Anthony Shafton, author and atheist thinker

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (4)

1966. Many of you oldsters remember the ambience of revolution then, and not just political. A general transvaluation of values was in the air, an exhilarating rediscovery of the here and now. “Don’t trust anyone over 30" (I made it under the wire at 28). In those heady days I effectively redid my unhappy inner child for the better. Riding high, I left my wife of two years who didn’t change with me, left loathed Los Angeles for Oregon. There, these changes brought profound “spiritual” experiences, but the whole process of change left my identity so unmoored that joy oscillated with utter terror. In panic, I went back to my wife and LA. It didn’t work, and going back, retreating from peak experience, became my biggest regret.

But eventually I realized that deflation then was a stage in the development of wisdom, and thus my biggest regret became an essential life lesson.

Live with few regrets

Karen A. Foster, minister, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (5)

I am a person who believes strongly in living in an intentional and thoughtful way so as to have no regrets. This is not to say I do not make mistakes—of course I do—but mistakes are part of the adventure and learning of life. They need not necessarily lead to regret.

That said, I do regret that I have over the decades of my life, consciously or subconsciously, bought into the culturally ingrained pathological belief that women find their self-worth and identity by “pouring themselves out” completely for others. That being utterly selfless is somehow noble and a high achievement. This is especially complicated and convoluted for women ministers.

I am learning that if I do not take care of myself, I have very little to offer others. When I honor myself and make my own needs a priority, I am a better minister, spouseand mother.

Why erase the stepping stones?

ElizaBeth Webb Beyer, Jewish rabbi

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (6)

To me, regret means wishing something never happened. Many regret lost opportunities or failures. Interestingly, even G-d “regrets” (Genesis 6:5-7).

In reflecting on my life, some choices have been really bad. Consequences were painful to myself, to others or both. Certainly, we hope to never cause pain to another person and to avoid it ourselves. For those bad choices, my goal is to do my best to make amends.

To regret is to want to erase the past. Everything that occurred in my life was divinely designed. My mistakes resulted in learning opportunities. They were stepping stones to today. To erase the bad choices, would change me. So, for me, there’s no regret,no wish to “do over.”

To the best of my knowledge, my slate is clear … but if anyone reading this was injured by me, please make yourself known to me. Reach out —let’s talk, let me make amends.

… what might have been

Stephen R. Karcher, presiding priest, Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (7)

I lament that I’ve not pursued the study of music to the extent I would have liked. I’ve had some opportunities that I’ve missed, despite my intentions. After all, there are tremendous benefits to developing musicality. One study shows how music improves cognitive and noncognitive skills more than twice as much as sports, theateror dance. But we all know that music is about much more than personal improvement.

“Music is a universal language central to every culture of the world,” Gigi Baba Shadid says. She also indicates that “learning through music is extremely effective because it is completely brain compatible.” And because learning is essential to how we practice our faith, it’s why our services are mostly sung, and why such a robust tradition of Orthodox sacred music has been developed over the millennia. So, to date, my biggest regret is that I’ve not yet learned music adequately enough.

Should’ve walked out

Nancy Lee Cecil, Baha’i teacher

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (8)

I became a Baha’i, attracted to the tenet of the oneness of humanity —and the celebration of all races. I chose a profession where I could apply these ideals, taught in diverse schools, and lived for years in a culture where I was the minority race.

Eventually, I taught literacy to future teachers. One semester I had a young Black woman, “Angie,” in my class. In discussions, my students would make comments that, while not intentionally racist, were. I discussed this with them and spent hours with Angie after class, listening empathically as she vented her feelings about living in a world where whites are the dominant culture.

My biggest regret is not walking out when our chairperson then called a meeting to lecture us about how badly Angie was being treated by the faculty, knowing the celebration of minority students was at the forefront of every action I took.

The destructive power of sin

Bryan J. Smith, lead pastor, Summit Christian Church, Sparks

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (9)

Allowing sin to run rampant in my life has brought about unspeakable destruction. This has looked like being consumed by p*rnography for a decade starting at age 16, pride, judgment, insecurity, anger, etc. It’s a long list.

Often, we overestimate our own righteousness and underestimate the power of sin in our lives. In doing so, we downplay the utter vulgarity of sin and the impact it has on our relationship with God, self and others. Jesus didn’t die to mitigate the power of sin in our lives, but to eradicate sin and the destructive power it has in our lives. When I continue to sin, making allowances or comparing myself to others to placate my conscience, I give room to the very thing that leads to spiritual death (James 1:15).

God is serious about sin and the destruction it brings. I need to be as well.

Regretting my ignorance

Kenneth G. Lucey, philosophy/religion professor emeritus, University of Nevada

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (10)

In the context of “Faith Forum” my biggest regret is the fact of my religious ignorance.

People are is ignorant of a topic when they lack knowledge about that subject. However, when it comes to the topic of God as traditionally conceived, my ignorance is not total. If called upon to do so, I can deploy several very detailed arguments for God’s existence, such as the Ontological, Cosmologicaland Design Arguments. Yet I can also lay out an excellent argument for God’s nonexistence, viz. the Argument from Natural Evil.

My regret is that I simply do not know what the truth of the matter is. People sharing my ignorance in this matter can join me in calling themselves agnostics. “Agnostic” is the proper descriptor for a person lacking knowledge of whether or not God exists. By contrast, an atheist is one claims to know that God does not exist.

Yet to come

Sherif A. Elfass, president, Northern Nevada Muslim Community

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (11)

Muslims are encouraged to seek Allah’s guidance when making any decision in life, even the simplest ones. This is usually done through praying a special prayer called Istikharah, which means “guidance for best course of action.” Those who practice Istikharah on regular basis will have no regrets in life.

My fear is that my biggest regret is yet to come. It will be on the day of Judgement when I stand in front of God. This is when I realize that I should have prayed more, read more Quran, fasted more daysand givenmore in charity. Every good deed will count, and I will regret not doing more. The question is then why I do not do more. It is because I am human. Sometimes, I succumb to Satan when he tries to stop me from doing more good deeds. I should resist and that is my struggle.

Not questioning more

Pamela A. Pech, creator of Discovery of Self Programs

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (12)

I did whatever I was told to do as a child —a good kid,never caused trouble, obeyed the rules. I grew up preparing to be a wife, a mom. Didn’t think much about college or a career or the world. Just making sure I always was "a good person.” Growing up in the South, when told that black people had different bathrooms, sat in the back of the bus, I accepted that was the way it was. Never challenging why. I regret that I didn’t question more about what was going on around me and realize that I could make a difference —realizing that making a difference meant that sometimes you just might be a thorn in somebody’s side. I regret not believing that I was here for a reason and that being a “good person” didn’t always mean playing by all the existing rules.

Next week’s topic: What is a "fulfilled life"?

Faith Forum is a weekly dialogue on religion produced by religious statesman Rajan Zed. Send questions or comments to rajanzed@gmail.com or on Twitter at @rajanzed.

What is your biggest regret? | Faith Forum (2024)


How to answer what's your biggest regret? ›

Don't focus on major life disappointments, but rather on past work situations where you decided or took an action you wouldn't repeat. Choose a regret that reflects on your professional skills and growth. Next, seek a relatable experience.

What is the biggest regret in your life? ›

Most people (72 percent) feel regret related to their ideal self as opposed to their ought self (28 percent). In fact, when asked to name their single biggest life regret, 76 percent of participants cite an action they did not take that would have helped them realize their ideal self.

What is the no 1 thing people regret? ›

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled.

What are your biggest regrets in life, Quora? ›

I regret that I stayed in a bad relationship a couple years too long. We should have ended it two years before we did but neither of us were strong enough to walk away.

How do you answer what is your biggest mistake? ›

How to answer "Tell me about a time you made a mistake."
  • Outline your mistake. Start your response by explaining your past mistake. ...
  • Describe your actions. Explain what you did to resolve your errors. ...
  • Emphasize positive results. Focus on the results of what you did to fix the error. ...
  • Discuss what you learned.
Jul 14, 2023

What we regret most and why? ›

A meta-analysis of 11 regret ranking studies revealed that the top six biggest regrets in life center on (in descending order) education, career, romance, parenting, the self, and leisure. Study Set 2 provided new laboratory evidence that directly linked the regret ranking to perceived opportunity.

What is deepest regret? ›

a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or about a mistake that you have made, and a wish that it could have been different ...

What are some examples of past regrets? ›

Past regrets

Here are some examples: They wish they hadn't spent so much money on holiday, they are broke now! I wish I had visited the exhibition when I was in Bologna. We wish we had studied harder when we were in English class at school.

What I regret most in life are failures of kindness.? ›

In his address to the 2013 graduating class of Syracuse University, George Saunders emphasized the importance of kindness. Listing all the moments he doesn't regret, despite the sometimes severe consequences, he shares one moment he does remember with remorse.

What are the most common last words before death? ›

Ms McFadden is often around death due to her job and revealed that the most common thing people say right before they die is 'I love you,' and that they often call out to their mom or dad, who have usually already passed away.

What does a dying person think about? ›

Rather, patients speak of relationships with the people they love and who love them; what life means to them and how they might be remembered; the reality of death; their hope that they won't be a burden to others; their worry about how those they are leaving behind will manage without them; and a fear of the process ...

What do you always regret? ›

We regret procrastinating, not forming better habits, eating too many sweets, not writing the novel we always wanted to write, not reading all the books we planned to read, not mastering Russian or chess or the ninja arts. We regret getting into bad relationships, or making mistakes in a past relationship.

What is your best regret? ›

Example answers to the question "What is your biggest regret?"
  1. Turning down a job or a promotion. ...
  2. Neglecting development opportunities. ...
  3. Studying the wrong discipline in college.
Mar 10, 2023

How do I get over my biggest regret in life? ›

Take Action. One way to help cope with feelings of regret is to use those experiences to fuel future action. Consider what you might have changed and done differently, but instead of ruminating over what cannot be changed, reframe it as a learning opportunity that will allow you to make better choices in the future.

What causes regrets in life? ›

Regret, like all emotions, has a function for survival. It is our brain's way of telling us to take another look at our choices—a signal that our actions may be leading to negative consequences. Regret is a major reason why addicts get into recovery.

Do you have any regrets sample answer? ›

Sales Example

"The most prominent regret I have is with my most recent career move. Despite doing my due diligence, and working with an experienced headhunter, the role was not what it was supposed to be, and the company was in complete disarray. Despite this misstep, I did learn a lot over the past year.

How do I let go of my biggest regret? ›

Here are some ways you might be able to help yourself or others in the journey of forgiveness:
  1. Acceptance. Acknowledge that you are a human, and know that every human makes mistakes. ...
  2. Learn from mistakes. Try to learn from your mistakes. ...
  3. Take risks. Be willing to take risks. ...
  4. Visualize the future.

How do you express regret in words? ›

Three Phrases for Expressing Regret in English
  1. I regret…
  2. I wish (that)…
  3. I should / shouldn't have…
  4. drab – adj. not bright or colorful.
  5. disappointed – adj. feeling sad, unhappy, or displeased because something was not as good as expected.
  6. phrase – n. ...
  7. clause – n. ...
  8. verb tense – n.
Aug 27, 2020

What do you say when you regret saying something? ›

If you said something hurtful: "I know my words hurt you. I should have never spoken that way to someone I love and respect. I'll do my best to think before I speak in the future."

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