The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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The Sacramento Beei

Sacramento, California

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THE SACRAMENTO BEE MONDAY MAY 25 1953 Sacramento California Page Sacramento Officer Tells Of vS1" Flash Cloud Mark Atomic Shell Firing Psychiatric GIs In Korea Name Of Former Treasury Chief Enters Tax Probe A different kind of war story Continued from pace 1 from Korea is told by Second r0ie NY rfcairman of ihf Lieutenant James Genasci Hoint atomic rnmmitt son of Charles Genasci of 4533iwere assigned nosirinns sevpral miles behind the trenches where 2525 troops and 575 military ob- Street Genasci spent 20 months in Korea much of the time in the medical service corps rehabilitat servers had comparative box seats Need For Family Service Agency Is Outlined Continued from page 1 children but in educating their parents "We must not forget the very Important preventive work done by such agencies "A child guidance clinic treats children with behavior problems It offers an educational program on what a normal child is like and gives guides for the development and growth of wholesome personality One Of 10 Need Treatment "As you walk or drive through the streets of Sacramento and the rest of the county consider WASHINGTON AP House investigators today developed a story that the revenue bureau once revesed its own specialists and gave a favorable tax ruling to a liquor industry official when then Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder gave personal attention to the case In Toledo Snyder today said in a formal statement: "ii lit I If fill mm sMtoM Mr i ir- 114 I i it it in el "I have conscientiously served the government except for short ing psychiatric patients in a treatment center at Seoul All Kinds "We saw all kinds" he declared "There were the homesick lad the behavior case who refused to take orders the young man away from mother's apron strings for the first time the emotionally unstable and finally the outright psychotics those who completely lost contact with his world" Genasci whose mother Mrs Frank Riffe resides at 1615 Twenty Eighth Street conducted physical recreation and training classes for the men These included calisthenics close order drill care of equipment softball volleyball swimming horseshoes and touch football Direct Commission A graduate of the Sacramento High School with the class of 1946 Genasci went to Korea as a private in the medical corps and received a direct commission Also present were General Lawton Collins army chief staff and Thomas Murray member of the Atomic Energy Commission Assault An hour and a half after the burst the troops moved out "of the trenches 5000 yards from ground zero (the point directly below the burst) in a mock assault on the battered installations The center of the target area was reported set afire but the extent of blast damage was not de-determined immediately Radioactive Cloud Affects Plane Flights SALT LAKE CITY AP -3 (A radioactive cloud from today's atomic artillery shell explosion prompted orders stopping or affecting plane flights over a large area northeast of Nevada As strong wind blew northeastward toward Miles City Mont and Rapid City SD requests to fliers underwent' revision The intervals in private life for a great many years in a number of responsibilities In each assign ment I always have given whole the fact that one out of every 10 children born in this country will need treatment for a mental disorder sometime during his life "This means more than 1000 hearted devotion to the public in terest I confidently feel my serv ia it -Jo tt James Genasci ices have left a good record" Willys Official Snvder now is vice president in' Bee Photo charge of finance at Willys-Over- had acquired it Ms profit would Bee Photo land Motors Inc in loieao A house ways and means sub-j children living in this county now! plus one tenth of the babies born! each year "Or translate this into the costs i and tragedies of delinquency and crime "Some have estimated it costs $25000 to apprehend try con-j vict and commit just one delin-! quent or criminal "If clinical help would save Just two or three such persons pach year the cost of a professional agency would be paid for in March 1952 The 2 unit apartment house filled Street Reflector Car Big Apartment Katherine Nalley of the rev Hp arrived home rorentlv anH committee digging into taxi enue bureaus rulings brancn frauds went into the case as part land Sylvan Tobolowsky assist- Rotary Parley In Paris Hears Head From SF of an inquiry into the extent to' ant head of the interpretative i I i 1 I 1 1 11 1 11 CaOUi Jf UlilVlUl IJ1U1 1 ill lilt UUAaL4 0 will be reassigned to CamplY" Aeronautics Administration Stoneman after a visit here andlofce- here said -fallout of in Springfield Mass where his radioactive particles from the wife Jean is residing with herCufre cl1ud Vas expeced to end parents during the afternoon Describing the army treatment At flrst commercial air lines of psychiatric patients the lieu- wred' fice testified the requested rul may have intervened in tax cases PARIS AP Brunnier of during the Truman administra Building Rumbles To New Location tion ing was denied by technical specialists "all along the line" Oliphant's log of telephone conversations showed Secretary The committee first heard testi vised by the CAA to ground their tenant commented: San Francisco president of Rotary International told 8000 members of the organization at their annual convention today that world tensions exist "be- mony from technical tax experts License Report Goes To Senate A report was filed in the senate today citing both objections and advantages to the idea of inaugurating reflector type license plates for automobiles then had its counsel read excerpts I Snyder called him on October 26 planes or take other routes to avoid an area extending hundreds of miles north and northeast of 1950 and referred to the case Emphasis is placed on returning the patient to duty Actually very few the reallv serious from a purported transcript of teleDhone conversations held by A two floor apartment build- Four days later after a series "I do not wish to imply that psychiatry and social work have a magic formula which will immediately resolve the emotional difficulties of parents and children No Sinjfle Cause "This certainly is not the case Such problems do not have a sincrle cause and their solution one cause the peoples of the world 'si the Nevada proving ground are sent out to hospitals i tr J-inH tth th ff of conferences and telephone con cases Charles Oliphant former general counsel of the revenue bureau sulfations among top officails de- in Japan or the United States StVeet to the southwest corner of learned how to live Fifteenth and Street -together The 15 year old structure was' "As we meet in convention here moved to make room for the ex-in this historic and glamorous cision of the technical experts reversed and the bureau reversed ana tne oureaui with treasury officials Stock Deal The case involved a was Ann i i-ruled any profits from the stock! I ITnUU In DUllding The report was prepared by the ed area variable the no flying re-quests were applied only to altitudes of 15000 feet or more Flying below 15000 feet was permitted again in the entire area shortly after noon pansion of state parking area onCity of Paris each of us should the hlorkMieel a certain sense of resnonsi-U anu nmfit in a Ktork Projects Are Approved xne norm nan or bounded by Ninth andibility 'deal should be considered tax- Saved $20000 Tax requires the combined help of all i department of motor vehicles the resources in a community I pursuant to Senate Resolution 95 such as church school recrea- Desmond calling for an investi-tjon jgation into the feasibility of such City Building Inspector Otto1- Tenth Streets The CAA stated there was "We are living in a troubled iabTe income John Leban a Subcommittee counsel Jonn i Steinbrenner Jr today issued "Mate nan wor ri ThPrp arp ware -u anrt "rnmmiinitv sttirurlp tnwarrt" SCneme vice president or scneniev inaus- loom saia mis saeu iuaii tries had agreed to buy 20000 roughly $20000 tax on the first The state hopes ev entually to threats of war At one moment Senator Earl Desmond (D) some interruption of flying after all the other atomic explosions in Nevada But only once before it added had flying in the Salt Lake City section been affected and then only below 12000 feet of Sacramento County author of the California Fruit Ex-0ur hopes may be raised by talk the resolution also has building if and when Jhej0f peaceful cooperation The very permits for the erection of a warehouse at a cost of $101400 and for the remodeling of a store at a figure of $18000 The warehouse will be built bv Arata Bros at 220 Broadway The structure will be concrete and exchange builds a new moment those same hopes siiares of stock from the firm at $2650 a share over a period of 20 years for a total cost of $530000 Testimony was that Leban made the agreement with Louis duced SCR 74 which would urge he department to issue reflector- transfer of stock but that market value of the stock has since declined so Leban is buying it at a loss Chairman Robert Kean (R NJ commented that after Snyder intervened "everybody in the de ters The state garage occubies mav he dashed to the prnnnri certain groups the kind of housing people have and many other things have their impact on the individual and must not be omitted from consideration "In looking at juvenile difficulties we must not forget parents and other adults frequently use the south half of the block Thei He renorted 213 new rlnhs have ized plates and tabs Boy Is Hurt In John The concurrent resolution is half could be used some day been formed with 12000 new win proviae ajbzu square xeei or Harris 2 of 1715 Thirteenth Rosenstiel president of benen ior anouier siaie ounaing members since last Ju The pending before the transportation iioor space street was treated in the emer- partment was running around to space provided by the four day convention is being heldilay in 1950 Then he asked the children as an indirect means of committee Senator Desmond saidjditl't Parking ui lejnuvdi oi an in tne Calais aes sports ueie- revenue Dureau in septemner oi see if they could find some wayj Representatives of Safeway to change the regulations TheyjStores Inc obtained the permit mpf in? tneir own nromems 1C iUl mAaciivA IIAr ptiiHtrmrr Itirti' 1 vu va CS IM)t'i Wl 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 It I 1 t'S 1 11 1 1 1 fl Vtrtl lu 1U1C IIICXL IX Ult ijcx- gency hospital for injuries to his head suffered in a fall He was referred to a private physician for further care store at mi finally wound up changing the for remodeling a nlrSnr he coders "there is "P1 up their sleeves to find re-iket value of the stock exceeded actually'decision" Sixteenth Street lieu as a udiudi i fuitufmeiii iui ier frnm th nnnreeciue noat vh i ar Tne Time ne emotional problems as a result area lost when the State" Capitol "Tests Conducted Many Phases To Problems lAnnex was built Foundation Ready The department's report fs "There are many many phases FrS lEfStRELY SH0PPM6 Afit) BARGAINS YOU SEEK to the problems we face and a based on tests conducted on the The building moved today family service agency and a child ptate l-air ground April ra oy nouses apartments A basem*nt guidance clinic cannot provide the the California Highway Patrol has been constructed at the new only answers 'and correspondence with officials jlocation and the structure will be "They are necessary members in Maine and Connecticut where completely modernized of the community team however I reflectorized plates are used A second similar apartment and Sacramentans would be wise The Maine officials reported house will be erected next to it to add them as quickly as possi-success in reducing night acci- forming a double unit The own-ble" dents Connecticut leaders said ers are Howell and Elmer Jones The psychiatrist remarked the the cost tends to overshadow the' former proprietors of the Supe- people hear a great deal about benefit but the state hesitates to! nor nckie works rhancrp hordes in the middle of! ne real estate transaction Democracy these days and assert ed: the stream with the state was handled by the Watrous-McClory Company State Fair Results inuings in uie oiait- ran icm as reported by Inspector I i Irhl llpnt WPathPr IBlackwell of the highway patrol! i ui mmiw i i muiiiwi Children are the foundation of our Democracy If we wish to build a strong Democracy a strong house that will stand we must have the right foundation We permit serious weaknesses In the foundation when we permit children's emotional problems include I ll tl 1 The plates with reflector mate jnlrC NOTlM NtTP I IIIO I 1VI III feSIVIIVr rial were visible at greater dis- tances than standard plates plates with glass beads on the bad attitudes and habits and faulty start in life to go undetect-numerals were only a slight im ed and unremedied provement over regular plates We know some of the services The insoector reported it ap- which will help us strengthen nea red to the observers reflector the next generation olates have little if any advan Now let us get them started Continued from page 1 tioned however similar highs in the last few days have crumbled before the chain of disturbances and this one may do the same Freakish aspects of the weather upset were climaxed late yesterday in the eastern part of Sacramento County when cloud formations took on at least some of the characteristics of a tornado Nothing developed however and funnel shaped formations which showed briefly under the 1 Specials Effective Tues and Wed May 26 27 tage in identifying a car Different Colors However it was observed the use of reflectorized tabs of differ- officials in the apprehension of officials in the apprehension oi NOTICE: All Stop-n-Shop storts WILL BE OPEN MEMO registration delinquencies Differ Abortion Defense Challenges Accuser The defense In the abort'on conspiracy trial of Sacramento Dr Michael Lipp today moved to delete evidence on the key witness' contacts with him Mrs Nora Mae Briggs who pleaded guilty as a codpfendant in the death of Heidi Schmidt RIAL DAY Saturday May 30th from 9:00 A to 7:00 ALL MEAT DEPTS WILL BE CLOSED SHOP EARLY Thursday and Friday thunderheads soon dissipated Observers reported there was: no whirling activity and the for-j mations may or may not have 1 been indicative of an embryonic tornado ent colors according to tne report could be used silver yellow grsen or red being most effective in the order named The observers said they thought this plan could be adopted without much additional expense $4000000 Additional But information from the states UUTCh rlane rasnes PEACH MERINGUE PIE 56c department of corrections which Ara D-ftPpJ ea S2 iomio Eilams Sacramento school teacher haslmakes the plates at the prisons denied meeting Dr Lipp until I indicates $189000 worth of equip- Kingan Canned Boneless No Waste 3'2 Lbs AMSTERDAM The Nether- she saw him in court ment would he needed to convertllands AP -A plane of the Dutch The defense todav asked her to reflector plates and that thejKLM line crashed in two pieces testimony regarding teletihone 'entire additional cost would be (Regularly 6oc) A new Hart's treat Wonderful Californa sun -ripened fresh frozen freestone peaches a layer of smooth French custard then heaped with drifts of golden brown meringue Irresistible! 13c conversations be stricken There was no esti-tending lack of proof that she mate of additional cost if only was talking to Dr Lipp reflector tabs were made The fudge took the motion un- Adverse reports from Connect-dcr advisem*nt icut said the reflector plates are Mrs Briggs 51 vear old nurse subject to weather and must be Plate Lean Meaty Choice or Good Grade ioilifiig Bef just outside Schiphoi Airport here today First reports said two bystanders a woman and a child been killed and 20 of the plane's passengers injured The crash occurred as the ship was taking off on a regular flight-for Paris Apparently unable to get off the ground the plane banged into trees and gates just outside the field and broke in ended her testimony this morn replaced often But Maine reports said the replacement factor is negligible More Tests 56 PINEAPPLE COFFEE CAKE 3So two There was no fire Freshly Ground roaoini The department suggested the) ing after cross examination Locking Tot In Car Brings Probation Mr and Mrs Robert Romane of Fall Creek Ore today went state do nothing about changing! plates until more careful tests txchanqe dub Will are made as to the advantage of 'j I reflector plates under California near VJt VjTTICial weather conditions Humohreys -manager of Senator Desmonds resolutions (Regularly 65c) For added interest at breakfast meals serve this delicious Danish coffee ring Topped with golden pineapple vanilla icing and sprinkled with sliced almonds Serve warm for extra flavor ASK FOR FREE SAMPLE TUESDAY AND DISCOVER THE 45c era if Boneless Brisket free under probationary sen state the Sacramento Junior uepcmmeui ui uie fences after pleading guilty to chamber of Commerce and othenSacramento Chamber of Com BEST BY TEST! cnua neg eci I junior chambers are sponsoring The police arrested the twotne U5e of refiectorized bumper merce will discuss industrial development in the Sacramento area tano ac a mpaic nf "rprfnrinc the riaay nigni aiier ineir iu inonin at a meeting of the Sacramento Exchange Club Wednesday noon Potatoes Broccoli Eggplants old baby Robert Jr was found terribe toll in life and prop-locked in a car at 916 Street jertv After a passerby reported the- ThV resolutions sav It appears baby crying in the car the police thjs idea coud well used for broke into the auto and took the icense child to the emergency hospital i Later Mrs Romane called the -police station to report her baby Church Council Dinner missing 2i-n in the Hotel Senator Humphrey returned recently from a tour of the Middle West and East in an effort to interest industry in Sacramento-as a location for west coast plants He Orange Juice Real Gold Frozen 6-oz Tins Fresh Green Tender Iced Large Bunch Fancy Coachella Large Size will tell of the results of his trip and recent events in industry in 1 i a ino I 5ize A fir Shaffers Judge James McDonnell Will De domorrow suspended 90 day jail sentences The annuai dinner Dthe Sac-Sacramento for the pair pending good be- ramento Council of Churches will havior for two vears be held tomorrow at 6:30 PM in 'i fZQe Tarm the Westminster Presbyterian 1 ransenT N-7eTS ierm 2 bun 276 tins HQ for Housewife Reports Church President David Gill will Lloyd Patrick a transient with preside ja record of 49 arrests since 1930 Pair Raped Her i The program will Include elec- was sentenced to the county jau for one year on a charge of es A 40 vear old housewife toldltion and installation of ollicers caping from the county airport! li the police she was raped by twoand the reception of reports from i vav Rpv Titus executive secre- MM road camp Superior Judge Ray- rickun truck at Second and I tary the treasurer and the 12 mond Coughlm denied proba-piCKup trucK at oecona ana i aft patrifk- earted en itv CHASE SANBORN lb Streets and drove to a spot luuuMiuiu rvuo rJinor a the city filtration plant Rev Cecil Fellers pastor of thejf reaping while serving a term The woman said both mepat-J First Christian Church will tacked her then threatened to: speak on the united Nations kill her unless jshe got another Ttus said several hundred per-woman for them and spent theisons are expected to attend night with them They drove back rrTTTAdvcrtisem*nt to town she said and stonned atl Crackeri and a hop a cafe She ran when they let More Comfort Wearing ner out oi ine huck ana iney drove away- FALSE TEETH Tools Are Taken Deputy sher- Hre is pleasant war to overcom arganne Ills are investigating the theft pal discomfort fasteeth an fL imfrovd powder sprinkled on upper Ot a tOOl bOX and ItS COntentSi and lower plates hold them firmer so they feel more comfortable No rrom tne Leonard Pump well tnat ED BERRY'S PHARMACY BROAPWATAT 35TH ST SACRAMENTO CAITF PHONE HI 6-3807 tunny rnoey nasty taste or feeltnr It's alkaline (non-acid) Does not sour Checks "plate odor" (denture breath Get FASTEETH tday at any drug gtore company on istockton Boulevard The stolen property is valued at about $70.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.