Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)


ISTO. 229 ITEMS. Prank Matthews, the actor, diec Liverpool, yesterday, aged 67. Hon. Stephen Richards has buen sworn iu Provincial Secretary of Qin- Shakspeare's works have jast buen translated into Greek and published at Athens.

Courts martial to try will assemble on the 31st of July iu Paris or at Versailles. Tbe men who hung Meara, who tried his son to death, are willing to staud trial. The Governor ought to be bung for proposing it. Rev. Mr.

Kellogg, who had a pute with Bishop Mcllvain, attem ed to call up the subject in the Guild last night, but was deieatod. A dispatch from DesMoines, Iowa, says James Guyon, of John Robin son's circus, was killed by some son unknown, near that city. Richmond papers think the watei James river much better and althier for drinking purposes than the rakish water taken from the wells. Whatever government may ensue, savs the Mobile RegiUer, whether Or- aeans, Bourbon or Republic, the cal Commune has got to be thrown. It is estimated that one hundred am sev enty-five millions of feet of lumter come out of Canada and pass in me United States through Lake Cham p- iain every season.

Sir Geonre E. Garter retires from the Canadian Cabinet to accept an perial appointment, and Sir ram i- Uink- Hlso retires 10 oecome rresioent of the Metropolitan Bank. After a careful canvass, Democratic i.aoer- iu Pennsylvania assert that a fufj Democratic vote in October will insure the election of Cooper and McCailuiess Dy a large majority. Orant wanted to confine the Kicka poos to a Texas reservation, but they Kicked at it and have accepted tan Drotection. They will now raid and scalp Texans with impunity.

All the colored brakesmen on the Mississippi Central railroad have beon dischitrevd. and white men put in their Diaces. on account of a disease Among them called kleptomania The workintrnien of New York havv resolved to hold a parade and indignation mass meeting, some time as protests against tlie non-enforcement oi ine eigni-nour taw. A man named Joseph Murlock crossed the St. Louis railroad, neur Carbon, in front of a running train.

His remains were scraped together next day for a largely attended neral. The Executive Council of Massachu- aet te at a meeijng yesterday afternoon voted to pay toward enabling the trustees ol the Joton. Hartford and railroad to obtain possessio i ol the read. At a eat meeting, held at Lloyd's Hill, Meath, Irelanu, jjroiesi aicauiiii me eviction oi a iai dumber of farmers, violence wat threatened if necessary to resist the evictions. The New York Dealing Mail says: "Mrs.

Agnes -cauland Leonard, the cause of the recent homicide in go, hae the execrable taste to write up 'tbe late tragedy of my under the title of 'The New as a rial story for a woman's paper in that city." The Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Berg, fessor in the Theological Seminary of New Brunswick, New Jersey, died in that city on Thursday evening. Dr.

Berg was born at Grace Hill, Island of Antigua, on June 3, 1812, and was ODsequeatly but just past' his fifty- ninth year. Virginia paper- say that the der-tanks found by the wreckers in the Confederate iron-clad Richmond, now lying in thirty or 'orty feet of -at-r at Chaffin's Bluff, are in good oo ndition and the powder as dry and rea dy for use as before its submersion six years ago. Th ey are to have an organization in for the creation and ap- plicatu of a science of Christian morals. It is fortunate that, besides the application of an improved code of morals, they thought of the matter of first creai ing it, for at present cago is totall. innocent of such an pendage.

Tbe iourth tiorgia is in jail in SjeBCer country, Kentucky. She pawontd the witfc of a wealthy citi- tna, married the widower and poisoned him so soon as he made a will leaving her all his property, She then married another goose and poisoned him. The single men of Spencer had her arrested for fear she would "do for them" seriatim. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Killed by a Derrick.

St. Louis, July 26. James Stock, a stone mason, working on the locks at Keokuk, Iowa, was fatally injured yesteraay Dy a portion oi a derrick falling on him. Killed at His Poet. St.

Louis, July 26. W. M. Bos- nam, while working on his farm, In Dallas county, in this State, last Fri day, was instantly shot and killed by some unknown persons. His body was riddled with Duck-shot.

The posed shooting gtew out of some old war difficulty. Heavy Fire in rederickton. N. B. St.

Johns. N. July Very destructive tires have occurred in Fredericktou. N. B.

Some fourteen or fifteen buildings, nearly all of which were occupied for the sale of ship stores, were burned. The loss to the insurance companies is estimated at fifty thousand dollars, while the tual loss is nearly lour times tnai sum Trail on Fire. Louisville, July 26. A freight car in a train on the Cincinnati Short Line road caught fire this morning near Yeatman's Point, it is supposed from a spark from the engine. nately the fire was discovered, and almost immediately the train ran on the side-track at Woodland, and the fire was extinguished with slight loss Horse Tblef.

Louisville, July 26. Albert Spen cer, claiming to be from Mercer county, Kentucky, was arrested day in Portland, with two horses, which he confessed were stolen in Mercer county in company with a man named.Kett who was not tured. The first day of the Kentucky agricultural fair season commences to-morrow at Stanford, Lincoln county. Justice at Last. Louisville, July 26.

Some fifteen months ago eight young men of Washington county, all cousins, went to the house of an old man named McConnelly, in that county, and bound the old man and wife, and all outraged the person of their daughter. Two of them were afterward caught and lynched! and two werejsent to the penitentiary, and yesterday another named K. B. Uatchell was captured at Richardson's Landing, in Mead county, where he was teaching school, and to day he was conveyed through this city to Washington county for trial. Hatchell is a one-armed man, said to be a desperate character and is said to have committed many crimes during the war, which, on count of the Toss of his arm, peculiar to both, were iaid to the charge of the notorious one-armed Berry.

Affectionate Mother. Ellen Stessney, colored, mother of tbe colored boy Holla Uarrett, who was killed a short time ago by another colored boy, died to-day from grief at the tragic death ol her child. FOREIGN SUMMARY. of the British Boat Crew. N.

July 26. The -teamshio Jorth American, from Liverpool, amveu- An.e Ayne cr.ew HOME SUMMARY. Meeting of Irish Soldiers. New Yoke. July 26.

The inde dependent volunteers of the ancient order of Hibernians, called a meeting to be held next Saturday evening The names attached to the call are the same as those which ap peared on a paper taken from the per son of a rioter on the day of the riot Fastest Rowing on Record. 3pringfielod, July 26. The official statement of L. Powers and C. A.

Nichols, of this city, time keepers for the recent university toat race at Ingleside, declare that they have discovered an error of one mm ute in reckoning time tor that race The change thus effected makes the time of the Agricultural crew ib: the fastest time oh record by nearly one minute. A Desperate Venture. New York, July 20. Captain John Meeks, who, in 1867, crossed the lantic on an India rubber life raft, is having another raft made fifteen leet iong and twelve feet wide, on which he intends to go to Europe, panied only by a boy. tie will be ready to start about the middle of August and will carry with him sixty days provisions, lie will take direct steamers' track.

A Warning to Fiianoiers. KdU7 i Iiiltr )d 1 onil irrunf bonds ol the Kansas racinc Kailroad Company, with coupons attached for uly 1871, JNOS. 3UI to 360, inclusive. five hundred dollars each 250 to 286. inclusive, five hundred dollars each 801 to 400, inclusive, two hundred and hfty dollars each; 461 to 500, inclusive, two hundred and fifty dollars each, were stolen from the United States Express Company at St.

Louis, July 25, 1871. The public are cautioned against negotiating for the same. The Big New Jersey Railroad Suit. New Yoke, July 6. The argu merit commenced in Chancellor Sea- briski's court, at Trenton, New Jer sey, yesterday, on the motion for a perpetual injunction forbidding the united companies of tne isew jersey and the Pennsylvania Central road companies from penecung lease ot the property of the former companv.

A motion of ex-Secreta rv Black, tor a postponement of the case, was granted until Wednesday, in order to enable the plaintiff's sel to examine the reply of the fense A Little Romance. New York, July 26. Honora Greatoh, who for the past fifteen years has traversed the streets harnessed to a hand-cart and collecting rags and bones from the gutters and swill tubs. died suddedly in a tumble-down ty at the foot of West One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street. The inves tigation proves that although she died from starvation and exposure she had nearly five thousand dollars deposited in the North River Savings bank.

The money she bequeathed, by will, to a little giri eight years of age, who lived with her. The will provides that the girl shall be educated in some Catholic boarding-school. Henry Coulter Kaye, vpf who, with the BigOin orot hers, will make uj? the champion Amei 'can crew for tbe World's Re- getta a Halifax, arrived at 2MJ YorK yesterda.v, and will go imm'ateJ' into train, ng. Coulter states ue is determined to get into a single race with Reniorth, tbe Eiglis1 wnamvioii, at sm. for bar The rice crop in uisiaua 1670-71 is estimated at 4y.a7J rels, of 200 pounds each.

The crop for amounted to 100. 740 barrels. lhe crop for 170 71 was nearly ruined by the drought am prospect irr tne crop ior i7i is goo-'t, but only a small breadth has been so, "vn, so tnat while there may oe a lull y.eio per acre, mere will be small yield ror tne estate. We are to note that New Or lean has bridged the disasters by war and the elements, ana is again on the high road to prosperity. learn through the j'ime of that city that the improvements public and private buildings now progres re estimated to cost $2.85.000.

Among them are a Masonic temple to cost a Hebrew temple to cost fJZj.UOu; liibernia Hall, tMhOW: Ya rieties Theater, the Orleans Dramatic Keiiel Association heater JlOO.OUd: French Vaudeville 'I'lieater St. Louis Hotel, $60,000 three other hotels, fifci.OUO: lour churches twenty-seven stores, 000, and fltty-hve dwellings, The tug of war" in 1872 will be in Ohio and Pennsylvania. As to ginia, she will give any Presidential candidate against General Grant not less than majority. We doubt, with the exception of South Carolina, whether a single one of the old slave States, from Deleware to Texas mclu sive, will vote against the Democratic residential candidate. This, With New York, New Jersey, Indiana, California and ore fou, we believe will eteci.

ratinsylvauua and Ohio can le carried by the nomination of the right man, and lite conducting of the can vans upon tne ngnt issues. gether, it looks an it we were to have Lhe old contest ot 1856 over again, then, as now, with the chances iu our favor. President Helton laid before the Ex ecuttve Committee of the Viaduct mil road, TueViay, viewsoi the engineers of the board on various interesting ters connected with its succeasiul operation when completed. They cided against extending the main trunk of Lhe line to the Battery, but recommended the construction of a branch road to the South ferry, with the depot at Wall or Pine street, vided the dewn-town merchants are willing to iurnisb the necessary tal. The surveys of main streets are almost completed.

The report moves all doubt ot the possibility of building such a road. Along the tled route the subscriptions have been liberal, and that of Lhe five million dollars by the city has already been scored according to law. It ja timated that tbe cost of the road will be fifty million dollars gross; and the autiuai income ol tbe eastern branch is estimated at blue million live dred thousand dollars. consisting of RenKrth, Perry Bright and Chambers, were among the sengers. They brought with them a new race boat.

The creW, will ceed by rail to-morrow for ri. Johns. The Goodwood Races. London. July 25.

The Goodwood meetinz commenced yesterday and continues until Friday. The great event of to day was a race lor the Goodwood stakes handicap. teen horses started, and the result was as follows: Tarraban. by Rataplan, and out of WTeasma, Colt, by Wamba and out of Lady'Hungerford, 8 vears old. 2.

The well-known jockey Fcrdham rode the winner From Distant Wlnnepeg. Toronto. June 26. News from Winnenee ot the 15th states that the first Orange processiou ever seen in the Northwest marched through the streets ot Winnepeg on that day, rying banners and wearing the regalia of the order, but had no band. About Hhp members were mustered.

About six hundred emigrants had arrived there, but the great bulk of the arrivals had gone to the Portage and Rat creek district, where they are thickly settled. A band of Red Lake Indians cently arrived and are watching a chance to near the Portage to attack. the Sioux, who have been living there ior a few years past. The New Spanish Ministry. Madrid, July 26.

The following is a complete list of the new ministry, just formed by Senor Zorilla, all of whom have been sworn into office President of Council and Minister of the Interior, Seuor Ruiz Zorilla; Minister of War, Lieutenant eral Fernandez de Cartoba; ter of Justice, Senor E. Montero Reo; Minister ot Finance, Senor Gomez; Minister ot Marine, Senor Bentnger; Minister of Works, Senor Madras: Minister of Foreign Al- Senor P. M. Sagasta. Zorilla that cil the ministry are meuLSer8 ot the j-ogressist party, and wib the pol.

inaugurated in tbe Sepmber rhere lias been ho difficulty in th formation ot the Cabinet since the ret, Ration ol Marshal Serrano. South American Affairs. Kingston. Jamaica. Julv 26.

Advices from Costa Rica rep th 4'nipany MM been pending some four country quiet ami tne government strong. Beast Butler on Temperance. Boston, July 26. At a thinly tended meeting of the Massachusetts temperance Alliance" to-day, the merits of several candidates for ernor were discussed. The Rev.

Dr. Marvin said he had talked with eral Butler, who would soon plant himself firmly on the prohibitory plat- lorm, and in case of his nomination and ejection, if Boston cast her vote against him, he would make the city as hot for rum-sellers as he made New Orleans ior rebels. There was a position to indorse the General on the; spot, but the Alliance finally cided to await his written pledge. Mayor Hall Putting his House in Order. New Yore, July 26.

Mayor Hall stated to-day that the Comptroller is now engaged in having the accounts ol his department, including tures, published in detail. The counts are intended to show that bills which have called forth censure in one of the morning papers, were approved and audited by the old Board of pervisors, which represented the publican and Democratic parties. The Mayor says that all the counts are in the hands of the printer and would have been published in connection with the message, if they had not been too large to be bodied In it. A Newspaper that Could Not be Bought. New Yore, July 26.

The lyn Union says: We have the est authority for saying that nent members of the Tammany ring called upon the principal proprietor of the New York 'lime, a week or two since, and made a startling otter for the copyright of his paper. He was told that there was not money enough in New York city to by it. A day or two after, a Tammany lican called on the same gentleman, and offered one million dollars on the part of the ring if the Times would keep silent concerning the frauds it is now unearthing." TELEGRAMS, WASHINGTON. William the Good is to visit Cob- Ion tz. Bismarck has been created Duke of Luxembourg.

Secretary Delano has returned to Washington. Catackzy, the Russian Minister at Washington, is to be recalled. It is thought Wisconsin will have only half a crop of wheat. Mr. French, the cashier of the Detroit Jriowte, is mysteriously missing.

Grant has gone to pay Fish a visit at "Garrison's," on the Hudson. The horse disease still prevails in York. It has also broKen out in Paris. Disturbances have occuried in ton. British gunboats have gone to see about it.

Victor Hugo has accepted an orary membership in the Llberel Club ot new York. Captain Jas. C. Williamson, of the United States navy, died in Jersey City yejterday. The special department for Catholic afiairs is to be abolished In the Berlin Government.

It is rumored that Cardinal Anto- nelli has summoned Bishop Dupan- loup to norne. i ne uermans ot Cincinnati are tive opponents of the liquor law and nope to iorce its repeal. Fred. Pfeister, engaged in coupling cars at nurungton, lowa, yesterday, caught between two and crushed to death. VIIMIJIBO iAUUUJVlj vigil Jr OLA.

vXU KJI age, lormer publisher of the ticut Mirror, died in Hartford, yesterday. THE MOBILE OOLLEOTOBSHIP. Washington, July 26. The bile collector-ship is still agitated by Alabama politicians, senator spen' cer continues the pressure for Collector Warner's removal. He had an view with Secretary Boutwell this morning, upon the subject it Is ported, ol Warner's removal from the office of Collector, and In case he is removed, he is to be offered the Com- missionership oi Indian Affairs.

NATIONAL RANK TAX. Nearly all of the National banks have sent in their semi-annual ment of tax ot dividend circulation, etc. By law all these taxes must be paid by tne nrst oi August, caan in crease in the Treasury from this source will be about two million five hundred thousand dollars. REPORT ON THE TARIFF. The report on tariff has just been prepared at the Bureau of Statistics, and contains sixty-five acts relating to tariff.

These are so digested that each house has all the articles enumerated and arranged in alphabetical order, the progress ol legislation shown in a series ot tables, and the arrangement of the tables will show at a glance the tariff history and every article that was first introduced in the law and subsequently amended. There were few enumerations in the early tariff law commencing in 1780, never ceeding two hundred, while the in present law they amount to over teen hundred. STATE AND MUNICIPAL TAX ON TIONAL BANES, An Important question has arisen respecting State and municipal taxes on the capital of bank officers of the banks in Louisiana. They have ten to Secretary Boutwell, stating that the city authorities where the banks making a report on the history and customs of tariff legislation before the next session of Congress, parative tablos, showing theateof uuiy unoer eacn tans, trom isea to iau, inclusive, nowever, are ready for we printer. NKIE PICEXNGS.

The amount paid for advertising and negotiating the new loan, up to June 30th, not Including the paper or wora oi engraving ana printing in the bureau at Washington, THE KENTUCKY WAR CLAIMS. The decision of the War Deuart- mentin the case of the Kentucky war inuemniiy ciaims, nas been delayed on occount ol the representative of tne state desiring to make an tional statement concerninsr the sub- A. 1 jwi ueiore auai ttcuon. HORRORS. The Famine is Persia Sickening Details.

London, July 26. Special es from Constantinople say that iamme in i ersia is causing dreadful navoc. xne number oi deaths in the province of Knorassar average three tiuntirea daily and so great is the tress that the dead bodies of the tives are being devoured by the viving men, and the women and chil- "whicti have bean opened have met with ready sale, particularly Peaoedale shawls. The extreme prices prevalent for wool and cotton hare a tendency to impart great buoyancy to the market. Printing cloths are in light supply and held at 7H for good extra.

Dark prints are not yet in rail dinpliy, and fancy styles are selling at UjU)ic, bat makes are likely to bring Vic. In dark style delaines there has been no attempt, as yet, at a full display, bat a sale ot medium work has been effected at. 20c. The better olasa of work is likely to command still higher rates, as leading companies are bat poorly supplied with wool, and (he selections they need are both aoarce and very dear. In ginghams and colored cottons there is no important change to observe.

Prices are steady and buoyant for all grades. Cotton is steady with a moderate mand; middling, 20.i. Floor is in fair demand and the market firm; superfine Western and State, fl d05 16; common to good extra, a 86; good to choice, 6 756 M0; white Western extra, 8 20 6 86; Ohio extra, 6 60g)S 36; st Louis, $6 76 00. Kye floor, firm at S3 60. C'ornmeal Western, 13 -tyi Whisky ia Arm at Wttc.

Wheat is firm with a fair demand; No. 2, spring, fl 38 140; new red and amber, 1 351 42; oid. (1 46; white Wester fl 37(a). Hy barley and malt axe unchanged. Corn full prices axe asked, but is no demand; inferior and common Western mixed, 66 067 He; good to choice, OOo; yellow, 70 724c.

Oats are in fair demand and prices higher; Western, 6Sri3; Ohio, 66: lc. Hsy, qoiet. Hops, firm; astern, S1 2c. Leather, firm at Orinoco, 24Xtjl 27.Sc Woul i verv firm; extra Ohio, 62 82Sc: unwashed, 40c: pulled, 68SS0c; tabbed, 71o. Coffee is firm and in fair demand; 13Ultk.

Hugsr, firm with dren are, in some cases, killed to ren der the supply of food abundant. A plague has also appeared among I a fair demand; Fair to good refining, 9X Vi PuMiana ami Vr 'Pi. Ulin.ltha daillvo awu ment has been compelled, bv the exi gency oi tne situation, to draw a san itary cordon along the border of its dominions. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT Tea Men Killed and a Large Number Wound ed by a Railroad Accident. The new city loan for the building I are located have assessed three mills X- 1 IX i i I ri tlioir nanllal Than Chicago Court Upon Telegraph Companies Responsibility.

Chicago, July 26. A case of great interest in the mercantile community was determined to-day iu the Circuit Court of this city. Judge Williams presiding. The suit by Mil ward el al. vt.

tne vyestern union xeiegrapn The news from Uuatemaia is that the revolutionists are in possession of the capital. President Cerena has lieen defeated and has tied. General (irandes is Provisional President. Valparaiso dates up to the 1st inst. have been received, and state that Kv- eracunz has been elected President through the exertions of the priests.

Caluto advices are to the 14th find state that the Peruvian ment has ordered the disarmament of the fleet as a precaution against any trouble during the coming election. "In- inhabitants were much excited. It was rumored that Prado had bribtd lhe fleet to aid him in landing a fort La Callao harbor. The Kuiflish ship Chamnion of the Sts was considerably damaged by fire iu Callao harbor. Kingston, Jam An July 26.

vices from Uuatamnla state that fciaires and Kamus had been made Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of tlit Interior respectively. Their decessors have tied. ran das entered the capital of Honduras amidst the njjoicings of the people. lhe government oi ban Salvador has made arrangements with one huiem, an American, to construct a railroad from tbe capital to Ubertal. The liberals ot Ban Salvador are ttyinif to carry the coming elections, with an obiect of passing a bill guar autoei ng religious liberty.

The clergy ai-e m. skiug a desperate resistance, and are de termined, if possible, to retain pmer among tbe people. Dr. Lewis J. JDuPra.

ot Macon, was hoiTibly mangled and killed near tliat place on Saturday last. lie was lying on tbe track thn Macon and Western railroad, 'a-hen the regular ti-ain came along, it ran over him. One of bis feet as cut ofl, his legs several Diaces: the in the back, dislo- li is shoulder was hia jawbone was his teeth knocked pilot struck hiiu eating his spine. tearfully crushed broken and all out. The Canadian volunteers who n- went to ngland to compete the prizes at the Wimbledon rine meeting, and some ol whom have b-aen winners, iave been entertained al.

a dejeuner, hich was given by lish officers They will soon return home. ers. in iNovember, isob, muwaru oil uu causing Ha, timore, la which the word haHtutari "sheen." a i hsii" Oi provisions Oi i at iubb i over six thou-ssnd dollars. The cision mi rendered by the court at solved the defend.

"om respon sibility on account ci ttearror alleged to have occurred in i'he massage. Ravages of Yellow a Brazil. New York, July private ietter. received by last steamy an American resident at Para, if8Z" dated July 4th, says yellow fev'W o8 assumed a very malignant forn Para. Nearly every stranger in tiat city haw died.

The writer says: Th British Uousui died a lew days since. and 1 hear to-day that his wile is ing. 1rs. Lamar. Walcner, juaueras aud JLabas, and ail the other Brazilian physicians, are losing nearly all their patients with yellow lever.

"All strangers are liable to taae tne fevar in Para, and nearly every tuguese who.emigrated to Para in the last six or eight months, has died." Se-veral steamers, which have lately arrived at New York from Para, have been quarantined in the lower bay hut the last stoauier from Rio was permitted to reach her dock, though she had touched at Para. Extessive Railroad Business. i Ohio, July 26. A stockholders' meeting ot the luxe Shore and Michigan Southern railroad win be held in this city to-morrow for the transaction ot important ness pertaining to that road. It is understood that the main objects of the meeting are to decide the uuestioo of providing for the immediate struction of a second track trom falo to Toledo, by the issue of a cient amount of stock and the tion of a stock dividend.

It is lieved that both purposes will absorb the fifteen millions of stock which the company have power to issue. Tbe Ohio portion ol the Atlantic and Great Western railroad was sold at the court-house at Akron, this ning, by lion. Reuben Hitchco*ck, to Hon. A. Q.

Thurman, General G. B. McClellan and W. B. Duncan, tees, lor four miliionj four hundred and thirty-live thousand and five nun died dollars.

There were no other bids and no other railroad men present. of New York city docks, has been taken by the International Bank of Hamburg. a scnooner loaded with pine was seen off Barnegat, N. yesterday.on ner beam ends, rour men were cling mg 10 ner lhe English Consul at Tabriz prom lses to forward to his government most heart-rending accounts of the famine in Persia. a letter trom t'ort-Au-rrmce savs mat nineteen people have been rested and placed in prison in Hayti ior cannibalism.

Preparations tor the Industrial Ex position at Cincinnati are going vigor ously on. The admission will be twenty-five cents The American Institute of tion began its forty-second annual sion at the Town Hall in Fltchbury yesterday afternoon. John Metheringham and Mrs. roll, of JNewport, Kentucky, charged with poisoning James Madox. were released from custody yesterday The Pope has, in a letter just lished, extended his congratulations to Monseigneur Mabert upon his vation to tne archbishopric of Pans Arrangements are being made in Paris to welcome the Hon.

Andrew ohnson, ex-President of the United states, who is expected there at an early day. Dr. W. D. Dawson, of Cincinnati.

nas been elected to the chair ol bur gery in the Ohio Medical College, made vacant by tne death of JJr Blackman. Mr. Gow, secretary of the Trust and Eoan Company of Kingston, Ontario. was drowned Tuesday night, while attempting to jump on board of a steamer. Richard J.

Bright, of the Indianap oils bentmel, has been arrested on the charge of swearing to fraudulent accounts tor state printing. All a Radical trick. Ned Myers and Lewis Cappedge, negroes, were hanged at Walboro, Union county, isorth Carolina, last Friday tor the murder of Jas. W. Redfers, white.

A labor reform State Convention was held at Columbus, yesterday. but the attendance was so small that nothing was done. Not even a State ticket was nominated. rne journal uot ueoau makes a sharp attack upon the financial meas ures put forward by the Thiers Gov ernment, and proposes a subscription tnereior ot income tax. The Free Institute of Industrial Science in Worcester, the only institution oi tne Kind tne country.

graduated its first class yesterday, consisting oi sixteen young men, The Internal Revenue authorities in New York city yesterday seized the wholesale whisky house ot Stephen Kinney it on tne charge of having a large quantity of contraband whisky on hand. W. J. Daniels, of Oilman, 111., one oi the principals in the mob that hung Meara, at atseka some tune ago, ior the murder of his boy, has been rested, with three others, by order of the Uovernor. Atlanta was visited by a leartul storm on Sunday evening.

Much damage was done to property, and two persons (a man and a woman) were injured by the blowing down of their residence. Sarah J. Mets, the twenty-year old daughter of a wealthy farmer of Burton township, Adams county, committed suicide last Sunday by takiug strychnine. She had been duced and abandoned. During a severe thunder storm at Washington, Pennsylvania, yesterday evening, Mrs.

Jno. Alien was ly killed, and her youngest child and a lady named Elizabeth Wolf were badly stunned by lightning It is said that President Thiers has induced Bismarck to consent to the evacuation of the Paris forts, still held by German troops, and the entire partment of the tfeine and Et Oise on or before tne iust oi August. Benjamin A 1 is tall the Toronto bank robber, who was arrested in ton, was released yesterday. He could not be held under the extradition treaty. His companion, tor having burglars' tools in his possession, was held.

James Marshall, President of the 1 1 id ted States and Canada Railroad Conductors' Life Insurance Company, Uaa issued a call for the annual ing of that association at Hooley's Ouera House, Chicago, on day, October 14. A convention of nail dealers was held at Niagara Palls, yesterday. Factories representing a producing pacity of six million tegs per annum, had delegates there. The convention will reassemble at Pittsburg on the 16th of August. An injunction having been served upon George M.

Branner, in the terest of W. A. Branner, deceased, whereby all operations at the works were prohibited, the city of kiioxville was on Monday night without gaslight. At the commencement of the third annua! session of the American logical (Society, in New Haven day, unaticeuoi jisuy, on the dollar of their capital. They claim exemption from the payment of this tax, on the ground that tneir ital is represented by bonds of the funded loan and are, consequently, exempt from taxation.

The matter has been referred to tne Attorney General, and his decision will set at rest the numerous inquiries upon tne subject which are daily received at the Treasury. THE MBBCHAUTB' JUISPATCH PORTATION COMPANY. The Secretary of the Treasury yes terday approved the application of the Merchants' tion Company, and has forwarded bonds to New York for execution. This company is the first and only line yet bonded under the act of July 14, 1870, lor tne immediate tation of merchandise to the West, in bond, without appraisem*nt or ex animation at the port ol arrival. NOTORIOUS BULLOCK ARRESTED R.

H. Bullock, the notorious forger. who escaped from Rockford, a week ago, was arrested yesterday at the Pension Bureau, where he peared and claimed about a year's pension due him. KU-KLUX INVESTIGATION. General A.

R. Wright was before the Ku-Kiux Committee to-day. He said he was a practicing lawyer and one ol the editors of the Chronicle and Sentinel, in Augusta, Ga. He further testified that the people of that State were peaceful and law-abiding, and the laws are as fully enforced as they were before the war. The witness said his law practice extended to ten counties, and from his personal obser vauon and Knowledge of the State, he could say that the negroes enjoyed all the privdeges In courts accorded to the whites, and in fact the juries seemed to lean no little toward the negro, from apprehension that they might be suspected of doing injustice to them, in reply to the question whether he knew of white men ing committed offenses against the groes, he said he prosecuted one ior murdering a negro and convicted him of manslaughter, and he sentenced for the full term allowed by law.

in the same court in the same county, a white man, charged with the murder of a negro, was found guilty, and sen fenced to be hanged on the first in day iu September. While these two trials were in progress, twelve white citizens of Washington countv were arrested under the Ku-Klux. law, car ned one hundred miles, and tried by the United States Commissioners for assault and battery on negroes. They were kept in jail several days, but on an mvestigation before Gen. Swayne and a carpet-bagger named Lee, they were acquitted.

Witness said he had no reason to believe there was any organized band ol Ku-Kiux in Georgia for political purposes, nor had ne ever beard of any. ne, however, knew ot a band of marauders, like Murrell's gang, that tended through a part of the counties ot the district in which he lived, and two white men, in Washington county, suspected as longing to a band, a man named Noes, who killed a negro, were found guilty, but pardoned by President Johnson. This same man, not long ago, killed a man, was tried, found guilty and sentenced to be executed on the 4th of August, uovernor Bui lock reprieved him, and his friends said, in order to have him pardoned, it was necessary to mate some rangements. In answer to a question as to the nature of the arrangement, witness replied that they involved the raising a sufficient amount ot money In furtherance of these designs. Having been asked what effect the disfranchisem*nt under the teenth amendment had on the public mind, he replied that it was the cause of complaint among the people against the Government.

The people mured because men heretofore customed to the conduct of public affairs were kept out of office while their lormer slaves were now makers. If the disabilities of the people were removed and they lowed to select their best men for public offices there would be no cause of complaint against the Government. The relations between the white and black races are perfectly monious; tne negroes nave ueen neither cheated nor swindled, but iairly treated uimcuiues quently arise because tne negroes could not tell in calculating the drops whether one-tenth or one-third was the most, and frequently arbitrators were called in to determine the tion for them. The witness naving been asked whether he knew of any persons having been whipped by guised men, said a white man named Ferguson was seised by a band of groes, stripped and nearly whipped to death a negro man was prosecuted for living in adultery with a white man, tried and convicted, but was pardoned by Governor Bullock and that the frequency ot pardons had produced much mischief; a little while alter tne auove wuyhuuu, white man was convicted ior living in adultery with St. Louis, July 26.

A terrible road accident occurred fifteen minutes past six Tuesday evening on the Toledo and Was bash railroad, sixteen miles from this city and two miles this side ot Ed wards viile, Illinois. A freight train of thirty-three cars, heavily laden with grain going south, at a great speed, collided with a gravel train, on which were a number of laborers returning home from their work. Of these six were killed out right and four others so severely jured tnat but nttie nopes are enter tamed of their recovery. Of the other men on the construction train fully half more or less injured, some of them quite seriously although witn tne exception of tbe lour men tioned none are believed to be fatally hurt. The track was not cleared at a late hour last night, and the express trains transferred their passengers at the wreck.

The collision occurred on a short curve, and neither of the neers was aware that another train was on the track until it was too late to. prevent the catastrophe. The engineers and firemen trom both locomotives jumped off in time to save their lives, but the engines and a large number ct cars were demolish ed. The names of the killed and wounded are not yet ascertained. New Irish Militia Regiments In New York.

New York, July 26. At a ing of the Irish ward delegates last night ior the purpose of taking steps toward organizing tne new Irish ntis regiments, resolutions were ted to the effect that as loyal citizens oi this republic, the Irish people should place themselves in position to be able at any time to defend the public from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and to resist the inroads of despotism or monarchcial institu tions this country, should an tempt in that direction ever be made Connecticut Legislature. Hartford, July 26. The bill con solidating the New York and New Haven and the Hartford and New Haven railroads, passed the Senate day by a vote of 13 to 46. It has now passed both Houses.

he Mouse to-day voted to adhere to the former vote rejecting the propriation of rive hundred thousand dollars lor the State-house at New Haven, by a large vote. This defeats the appropriation. JdARTEORD, July 26. In the House to-day, a bill to enable the purchasers of railroad, to take and operate the same, which is a claim to involve a plan for eeitain parties to get sion of the Boston, Hartford and Erie road, was defeated by a large majority The Legislature will adjourn Friday forenoon. The following names are indeed propriate ior tne uses mentioned For an auctioneer's wife Bid-dy.

For a general's wife Sally. For a sport's wife Bet-ty. For a fisherman's wife Net-ty. For a shoemaker's wile Peg-gy, For a teamster's wife Car-rie. For a lawyer's wife Sue.

For a printer's wife Em. For a druggist's wife Ann Eliza. For a carpet man's wife Mattie. The Intolerance" ol the Southern people toward their Northern friends can no longer be questioned. Near Brandon, Mississippi, only a few davs ago, a couple oi virtuous New land young ladies, who had left all the comforts of borne and come down South to teach the poor negroes how to read, were crueuy ostracised, for no other reason than that they went ing with some virtuous and sive negro men.

Certainly the markable temper ol these Southern people needs subjugation. MARKETS BY TELE6RAPH. NEW YOaVK. Nkw Yoaa, July 26. WaU Street.

Gold is dull. The bull clique find it cult to maintain prioes. It opened at sold up to 112) and elosed at 112 W. From 1 to 2 per cent, wag paid for use, ana. at one time, i per ceii i.

ior carrying. Clearances, 130,000,000. Exports to-day 300,000. tiovernments are steady and without decided onsnge. stock are rather dull, most operators waiting to learn the result of tne meeting of tne Lake shore directors, which will be held at Cleveland to-morrow.

It is believed that their tion will be favorable to higher prices, as the directors are said to nave a majority of the stock. New xorx uentrai, abash and ft. Paul stock remains firm, because it ia thought that the directors of theee companies are heavy holders of their stocks. Northwestern and Book Island are weak, on account of a report that the Presidents and directors or these roads are short of the market. At the doss the market was ateady, and showed a slight recovery from the lowest point or the day.

Hannibal ana at. Joseph snares auvanoea about 1 per cent, trom the lowest figures. acino null was siruag on toe rumors that some of the most substantial houses were buying. Money is abundant at 2(3 per cent. State bonds are dull and without materia unange.

sterling exchange, bankers' bins, ium. united States coupons of 1S81, IIS do 62s, 6-20S 114: do b4s, ilSH; uo oos, ua; ao new 6-2US, 112X; do 67 6 30b, 112 do 68s, I12J; do 10-408 118: do currency 6s, souri State bonds, ttb; Old Tennessees, 72 uew, 72X Virginia, new, 72fc; do Molasses, more tive; sales were on private terms. Rice, 808o. Petroleum, crude, MtgvUJic; fined, 26Hc Pork is dull and drooping; Mess, 14 26; prims, ttl i 50(912 00 prime mess, new, $13 00; September, til 26 14 37X; October, $14 0); and January, $14 00. Beef, dull; mess, $10 00 ail3 00; extra, $13 UO.

Hams, 18( ac; prime and India meas, $20 Ou, Cut eats, steady hams, ers, middlue inactive. Lard, quiet and lower; prims steam, Butter, dull; Western, 1018c; State, 15 938c Cheese, steady st 0(gdlc. Latest. Flour is iu good demand at full prices; $6 40o 90 for shipping extras. Wheat is strong and unchanged.

Corn, Arm. Oats, strong. Pork, lower, $14 for August. Lard, duU; lU2c bid for August: 10Hc asked. Eggs firm, 22c.

ST. LOUIS. St. Lodis, July 26. Cotton quiet and unchanged, lSMc Flour ia in fair demand for medium and low of fall other qualities are dull; superfine winter, $4 60 tf 1 75; XX, $5 Oo45 75.

Wheat is in fair demand and Arm; TSo.i red fall, $1 16 No. 2 red winter, $1 25, in elevator. Corn only white is wanted, and that is 8, 01 bulk choice white, on track, uKavnc mixed sacked. white, 57i oats are very dull; in bulk, mixed, on track, 3637c: do sacked, 4cc. Barley, no aales.

Kye, Mo. 2, in e.evator, 59c. his ky, quiet at 93c. Tobacco, steady. Hemp and bagging are unchanged.

Jonee fairly active and tending upward; prices range Irom lexwlSHC sugar is strong no Louisiana on the market. Molasses are dull; prime plantation, 60c. Pork heavy at $14 50taU4 Bacon only small lobbing and order nates; 7c; clear rib sides, clear sides, 9Xc. Lard is easier; 9c for prime kettle. Hogs axe higher, $1 2'a.

4 65. Cattle are quiet, ranging from $2(5 25. ATI. Cincinnati. July at Cotton is dull and unchanged middling; 20(20Xc Kiour is dull and lower; new family.

$5 85 Qjb 00; there is no old any consequence in the market. Wheat Lu dull and ing, $1 19. Corn is dull and droop ing, IMpfc Rj uull and drooping, tin (0uo. oats, uuii ana lower, 3(A4Uu. Bar ley, quiet and unchanged.

Urocorienare unchanged. Linseed 1, scarce and hxm at S8to89. L.ard ou is steady with a moder ate demand, 76J78. Eggs are dull and unchanged at 12c for selected. Butter steady with a moderate demand, Cheese, dull and prices drooping; factory 93il(J.

Pork is dull auc. unrotlled sales ot choice country, $14 A). Card an ad vance is asked but was not established loxc asked. Bulk meats are dull uuii prices a ahade lower; there were sales of Boulders at and rc ugh sides at eftc. Bacon, dull and uroouing: there were sales of sides at pK(98Sc.

Whisky is in active demand and highor, 93c. cmvAcio. Chicago, July 26. Floor spring extra is unset ueii and irregular, S5 2. (a o0 Wheat, Mo.

2 spring. 11 14K6SI li'Ac tor Juiy; si uvxiau 10 nrst hall ot August $1 06gi 05)4 seller all the year: this after noon, steady at ft 09 for August $1 10 lor first half of the month nominally $1 14S for July. Corn, No. 2 mixed, less active ana for Julv 4hX(4ho for August, and 454(gy4flc for hrst half of the month; this afternoon it is steady at 4(948 for August, and 48c for tember, oats, ui fair demand but at lower rates; No. 2, cash; 33c for August and 33' jC for September.

Kye, No. 2, artive at 67 Stops Barley, No. 2 spring, in lair demand at TU(a7U4c cash aud 70X70XO tor September. High wines, strong, 92c. Provisions are dul and eaker.

Mess pork, $13 75414. Hogs are steady at ft 2o(jp. torist 11.LK. LOU1SVU.LB, July 26 Tobacco spies 218 hogsheads; lugs, $6 2j7; low to dium $7 2fr612 50. Cotton is dull- held at 20Mc lour steady extra family, $6.

Wheat is in fair demand, $1 30. Corn is in good demand shelled sacked selling at 70c. Oats, new on arrival. 40c. rtye is quiet old, 85c.

jrrovisions very little doing but prices a -0 steady. Mesa pork, $15. Bacon, shoulders, 6e; sides. 8X(8c; hams, 14S16c Card, 10 (11 Sc. hisky, hrm at 93c.

ASM ash villk, July 26. The cotton max ket is uuiet and weak low middling. 18Sc. Bacon ahouldei-s, 7ic; clear sides, 9c; plain hams, 12)io; sugar- cured hams, loc.

Card, prime steam, like. Wheat, No. 1 white Kentucky, $1 30. Corn, No. 1 white, 73c; Mo.

1 mixed, 70c. Oats, Mo. 1, 55c. Kye, Mo. 1.

SOo. Barley, spring o. 1, tc. Flour, superfine spring, $4 75; family, $7 00. cornmeal, 76c.

UACVKNTOW. Oalvbston, July 26. Cotton market is firm; good ordinary, net ceipts, 294 bales; exports coastwise, 27 bales sales, 600 bales; stock, 12)6 bales MOBILE. Mobilk, July 26. Cotton is dull and nominal; middling, 190 net receipts, 108 bales; sales, 60 bales; stock, 8680 bales; CHABLEMTiDX.

Charleston, July 26. Cotton market is quiet and nominal; middling, 19c; net receipts, 177 bales stock, 3489 Dales, rOBEIOH. London, July 26, 1:30 p.m. Consols. 98V United States Coupons 5 20s of 1882, 82 do do '67, 91; do 10-408, 91.

Turpentine, 438 6d. Fbankfo bt July 26. Cni ted statea coupons 5-208 of 1862, 96,. xajus, July a. rtentee, 661 46c Ltvbrpool, July 26 Cotton is firmer; Uplands, 9d: Orleans, 9g9d.

Sales, 11,000 bales. Breadstuff axe changed. Pork. 52s. 88a.


tar be folly prepared to meat the demand ior this justly osieoratod flic remedy, wholesale reset ved SAJ.VE. i appiy of We hall cereal or retail. lea U. W. JON hd 7 MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY.

OfJttol.l MOKMINU i'LOJS-So. S6l 26, 49, 10, 82, 13, 41, 72, tt, 22, 8, US, 44, 27, 8. cvuue clahb-no. 38, 59. 21, 48,82, 11, 4o, 48, 73, 14, 2, 87, 28.

Prises from SlflC to asajaa naidln rnonn Coltrlef. drswlmj dally. J. E. FRANCi, box 112, Mempi MILLKBA OOm Mi J7 orta Conn atreet Box 147, Memphis, r.

w. agTa. at. Couia. Mo.

AUSBIHBIPPI AGRICULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL An MANUFACTURING AID SOCIETY, Authorised by the Legislator of thsBtate. WChHSSOAT MOH.11.HO. CX.SS 4S, JOLT JB 1S71 1 i 4 5 7 10 11 la IS IS, 7, 53. 5, TS, 15, IS. Si.

S7. 64. WBSHBSDAT XVKBT90, CLASS 44, JOLT lailSSTStlOUU 11 tr 20, 17. it 4. a.

m. lyig XT MPOaTD STREET MASORIC NOTICE. ttr ECi AC communication of Soto Lodge. No. flt.

thlM ITHrTRanx Vi .11. at 'slock, tor work in the r. C. decree. All r.

LVs are fraternally invited. B. WILLIAMSON, W. M. B- W.

Bksltom, Bs retry. jyjr AUCTION. FhM HmiiIiiII Fwaitare at Auc on. Co th premises, 104 Hernando nreet. eooth of Beale.

by A. M. STODDARD OO. Isralat, Joly art, 1 eel'k, will sell as above. Bee red flag.

US. HOTKC FURNITURE, Ho. Proeas. Dads street. Navy Yard, at auction tending to discontinue keeplna hotel, 1 wui nxxt Tneadav morning.

Angus 1, iJTL to Us highest bidder, the extsnjiv noea furniture with which the house now plied, most or it being e-unpsrativsiv new and la good order, as Is well Known myDumerouH rrlenda irom the eurro a lng country who have bean in the habit of atop- ping with me. in the stock will be found a Bsral assortment of all necessary hiu- piug furniture, chamber wits, esypsle. bleware, beds and bedding The mi will commence promptly at Is o'clock so lbs premises. Persons wishing to examine the furniture before the sale earn do to. THG8.

Oeo. Shields A Auctioneers. jyjs FvUer obOo. I'l Asmiao'ra, 21 Frwt St.oWW WILL SKLJ. Id Without limit or reserve, IN LOTH TO BfJI PCRCHA-it s-i oeaplets urtsicat Dry Hats assorted- of Da- be held'gV' Uy MEMPHIS ESCAMx-MENT, No lu.i TH Inst, ats o'clock.

--L as, aa mviu so a obm uiaax inortiuk tbls (THURSDAY) evening, 27tb All P. member! to good standing are in vlted. UUS. W. JONES, CP.

C. Qsosa. Scribe. jyJ7 TVOTH LODGE. No.

1. DAOGH- IV TERS Of REBEKAH Willi this evening. I rel- meet at, o'clock. 27th Ln Odd lows' HalL Ins allatlon of offloeia for the I resent term, and other Important buslntss to transact. A fall attendance of all the iuemiers i.

respectfully reqoeatsd. By order of S. M. NORWOOD.N O. Thi.

Baooh, Scribe. Jyx7 ANNUAL SK5- MARRIED. JORDAN -DISH UK ES-Yesterday. IK. o'clock, at the residence of Jie brlce father.

bv Rev. J'r. Walk. Mr. SAJftru.

a. Joan ah. of Austin, Nevada, and Miss iTahsib Dis- BCKJC8, of this city. The happy coupie left on the Memphis and Louisville train for their new home in souri. HsjonJbslJMOjaDersisaseoDy NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS XT.

O. JO. THE officers and members of Memphis Urove No. 2, U. A O.

are hereby tified to attend a quarterly meeting, at their Hall, No. SI South Court streot. this DAY) evening, July Vth. al is o'ciock. syorueroi a.

uikul, r. a. P. J. BHIDX.

SsCy. tvx7 in artultnrv with negro WOD34U1, 1 7s hew, an; lirguus, now, iw, ao iirmMcutiiur omcer. me 1 tz" zri man was discharged on a technical delect in the proceedings, lhe citi- MnH whimxHi the white man and gro woman who had been living in shame; there were no politics in these occurrences, rtuniehinnnts because of the mis- -kii aniatv nrnduced DV the indlS- I ui.u... -1 i4n. iv.

uieeiueui "vvi criminate Dtiruons ui vjuyciuui our wayne ana Chicago, taij northwestern. 67H; Quicksil Mariposa, I04H do preferred, 106 Adams Express Co. 81: Wells, rargo Co, 'a ls.x press, 44; American M. U. Express Company, 62X; United States Express Company, b4: Pacific Mail, 45; New York Central.

tto; New tork central scrip, w4 line, 28 do preferred, bo: nariem, imn: do preferred, 180: Reading, itddress and papers on important points to be read by J-Toieesors ney, Marsh, Hail, fladley and others at the evening reception, to be given iu the Vale Art Uailery. The Ohio portion oi the Atlantic and Great Western railroad, was sold at AEron yesterday lor four million lour hundred aud thirty-tive thousand live hundred dollars. A. tt. Thurman, lienor al George B.

McClellan and Mr. uuncan, trustee, were the purchasers, udge Boynton, of Akron, appointed two arbitrators to settle the. difler- euces between the Atlantic and Great Western and rie wm ponies. lock. jtKAVY REWARD.

The Commissioner of Internal Kev- 1 1 enue has ouereu a rewmu ui vo thousand dollars tor the detection of the murderer of Assistant Secretary Clinton Gilbert, the recent rata on the Brooklyn illicit distilleries. NO RESORT ON THE TARUW UNTIL NEXT uMBIOK. Th rflnort on the tarifl, which the press has stated had been prepared at the Bureau of (Statistics, has not even haon hniri. The Chief ot Be venue. Dr.

Young, does not gobteiiipiate 80H; do preferred, mw, Rock Island, 1317s ew Jersey central, mom t. raol, 68 do preerred, T9h i Wabash, is. do preferred, se vt wayne, sv; lerre Haute, 24; do preerred, 68; Chicago and Alton, 122: do preferred, 12 Ohio and Mississippi, 44 Cleveland, bus and Cincinnati, 86: Burlington and Quinoy. 162i Union Pacific, SB Central Pacific bonds. VAX UbJop Paclfio bonds, 87k.

Dry Goods There is a fair business doing among leading jobbers, at steady and un Lform rales. The demand is oniony for un broken paokugea. For worsted and woolen shawls there Is a good inquiry from first hands siisady, ln anticipation round TRIP os faigfiavr prism, ana usuos gxaass AT RALEIGH SPRINGS, ON Thursday Night, July 27th. rpHE RIENDS OF UNCLE TOR AND AUNT MARY axe respoctfuliy invited to attend on Thnraday nlahl al their Picnic No expense has bssa nmitui to render this a most enjoyable evening, 'lhe Oblo 1st. as Pi Jet xx has been secured lor the ojeaalon.

ances will meet the 6 o'cl jck train at the Cemetery. Dr. Usorge llunean and Thos. Taylor, Esq. As this is for the benefit of Unole 'Tom and Aunt Mary, they sincerely trust that ail ot their lxienua will attend.

1'Me spring ens and the One tat tnrklsii an an ready to be retimed for the boontlxul supper to be spread on the ooeasioo. ass- KnZitei train on ih JxulsvUI road will leave at 7 pja. and return at 6 aoa. Th. omnibus mum will oonnect with Use train at the cemetery.

ONE DOLLAR. Jy ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO. THE TWENTY -Nil si on wlU Open oa Monday. Septstsber 4, 1871.

RBV. T. O'DONOeHOB, C. Vice-President. sr Kor particulars apply to Very Rev.

rather Riordon, V. at 3c Kalrlsk's Church lyB dew DISSOLUTION. firm of Meorr. Eader ft Is this day dissolved, Mr. C.

B. Moore retiring, Either member of the Arm is authorised to eoueet claims or sign ln liquidation. C. MOORE, W. KADER July IS, 1527.

FRANE MELLKKSH A CAKD. Having this day retired from the firm of Moore. Eader A I am desirous 1 returning my sincere sud heartfelt thank to a generous public their kind patronage, and would respectfully solicit ior my sors a contlnuauoe of the asms. C. B.


MKI.l.KRSH EADER MELLERSH, Steam Planing Mills AND Manufaeturers and Dealers ln Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mantels Moldings, Brackets, Scrollwork, Ballusters, Doer and Window Fr88, 7 IiOORIN Or. CEILING, WEATHER BOARDING, Lattice, Laths, Shingles and Rough and Dressed Lumber, snr Mill. Noc BOH and SOO Second 8fWS Office and Seles room, ut Seeeid Street, Between Union and Gay oeo. jyS7 Mssxpsua. Petition for locorporation No.

First Chsncery Court of Shelby county. WHEREAS, the Southern Life insurance Company, romposed of O. W. MeCarn, D. Dewey.

H. Dedrlck. F. S. Da via, Charles Northrop, L.

B. Hatch. M. Dob be and Thorns A Kercheval, origiaal rators, have filed a petition In said Court, praying an amendment to tbe cbarter ed them by an act of the Legislature of Ten- nessee, of date May ft, 18SS (by which said company was antiorixed to cariyon a lite assurance business, In this thst the cal year of said company be changed from the first day of July, to commence on tbe first day of January and esa on the 31st day of December of each year heieafler; also, that tbe holding or only 850,001) worth ol real estate be changed to S0OU.CUO, and that after said company be allowed to purchase and hold real estate to tbe amount of which said amendment Is asked by the rection of the stockhold-rs of sold company, as per tbelr action at a meeting, held by them iu Memphis on the 4th day of uly. 1871 It Is therefore ordered.

That air persons desiring such do make their appearance herein, at the court-house 01 said court, in tbe city of Memphis. Tenn. on er before the firm Monday In October. 137L and show cause. If any they have, why said amendment should not be granted, prsyed fer, or thst ins same win ne heard ana proceeded with exparte; and that a copy 01 this order be pupiisnea ior winy uays me Meaapsua Appeal, mis juiy 3, tan.

EDMUND A. COLE, Clark and Master. By J. Black, Deputy C. and M.

C. W. Fraaer, SollefUir. JyU AJOO, 60 box as Qiaos ware, assort sd Tnrn biers, boxes Bar and Toilet noape, and a general stock of Notions, Hardware. Table sm rwut cutlery, ow itums spll Q.

MILINS. By G. BALDWIN 4 CO. (Successors to Ksekiel Co No. 888 Ulzt treat, SECULAR TRADE SALES OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES, HATS, Every Tuesdaj 4 Thursday Moro'g, AT 19 O'CLOCK.


HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS. Accom modation WM. S. DAVIS, 1-1 Hack Lint. 1 ope ratios Mr six years.

No THxoroH Ticxns sold on this line raxuee su oaa new woos tney pay fore parting with one dollar These hacks are all of tbe very best ma rial and bulit expressly for that travel. They seat six persons, are large and oomy. and may be used by parties of from two to five with ordinary baggage, or for isyslus, the seats being ao constructed as eaUr to eon- itltute bed. Remember, this la the only Accommodation Hack Line, and no taxon.1 tickets are sold over it. Racks may be cured by letter or telegraph.

Office at the A nthon and Ashley stables. Little Bock rk SWAYNE'S MAMMOTH SPRiAb essay Cosuasjr, T'HKEE AND ONE-HALF MILES NOKT of Sprlngvllle Depot, on ths Mempuis and Louisville Railroad. Hoes a meet th morning train from Memphis at the dep Dally mall aud express office there. No style" to psy for at tbe Springs, bat all needed comforts had, and the finest shades and greenest park, and best and most abnnd ant mineral water drinking and bath ing Board, by the month, but OS; by the week by the day. Si 30.

Address I RNE, Proprietor, at SprlngTtiie P. O. Henry county, and letters, el, tor tue Springs, send to his care. Persons golag up. would do well first to osii on Judge Swayne.

175 Main street jels HHAMMOTH QAVt! THKjoute to this Urea test Natural wonder of the world la via Louisville and ville to Glasgow Junction or Cave City. Tills, thence by easy stages seven miles through tne finest mountain seeaery. moth Cave Hotel, newly fitted and furnished through oat, is first-class in every respect Amusem*nts of every kind splendid ing HalL Billiards, Croquet. Target PracUcv Base Ball, Ten Pins, etc Finest Fishing Hunting within a few minutes' walk oi the Hotel. Flrst-cla-s Band during the entire season.

Purest atmosphere and moat ln vlgo- ratlcg climate on the continent Tempera tare in the region ot ths Cave el war Sulphur Water of any required strength cently discovered in the Cove, and always on hand. Direct telegraphic communloatloo in theHetsJ. Ths very best Smassaor Resort to A merles. D. LORAVEB, Piofiletor Attachment Notice.

No. sis, A. D. In the First Circuit Court of Shelby county, rennisee oeo. A.

Lewis, Chas. Cooper and Edmund ri. Lewis vs. Wm. U.

Ford. this cause a writ Issued on the 17th day of April. IS71. to the sheriff of shelbV couoly, retnrnubie to ths third day ln May, 1871, commanding him to mon defendant to answer plaintiffs In aa tion to their daman S3S.000. and said mons was duly returned into this Court not this Court, on motion of plaintiffs, a Judicial attachment was awarded, and Issued Msy 27, 1S71.

to the sheriff, commanding him to tach a sufficiency of the lefenamt's estate to satisfy said S2B.0IV damages, and the same having been duly returned Into this Court, levied upon real estate, the property of fendant: It is therefore ordered. That said ant, William Ct. Ford, make his personal appearance herein, before the Judge of the First Circuit Court of Shelby county, at the Court-house ln the cltv of Memphis, on ins intra Monday ln ber next and defend said attachment suit within the time prescribed by law. or ths same will be proceeded with exparte, and that a copy of this order be published once a week for four consecutive weeks, ln the phis Appeal. Done at onus, this ZH day of July, 1K71.

FRANK TAFT, Clerk. By B. F. CohKMAS, Deputy Clerk. Vance A Anderson, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, jyS7thu MERCHANTS' IFIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, COSFAHY'S BUILDING, 12 Madison Street, MannlNe.

Teas. tDAVITT, PrssJAaot, I. T. FAJtSASOM, VlM-PrMoatL ft. A.



S. JACASor, mess, n. Ai.urn, J.T. Sl'SilTUS, osr The Stock of ths Company la by oar Kerch an is ana onsiness sten, every respect, fully Identified with the m- teresta of this commnnlty. my1 RIVERSIDE HOTEL, RIVERSIDE, ILL.

THIS moat beautiful and heal toy summer resort la now open for ths rsesption oi guests. The buildings, comprising the Dor- mltorv, Kerectory. PsvlJion ssd jfustc goda, with iSUu teel of covered vraiidans, are new, and most admirably arranged for the comfort and enjoyment of gneets, with very large, well ventilated, handsomely rooms, lighted with gas and supplied w.t running water. Ten miles from Chlca.o and only thirty-rive minutes' ride on the and u. with twentv-foar trains day, located in Riverside Park, which com prises ISao acres.

beautifully improved, ing many mil-a of delightful pork and lorest drives and promenades equal to those In Central Park, with the advantages of the celebrated Sulphur and Magnetic ater- from Springs on the premises, and with fine boating and fishing faculties on the A tax Plalnea River. It la rendered one oi the mosi attractive resorts to be found on the nent, and affords home comfort, with the mosi charming surroundings. Application-. for rooms, received at the Hotel, or at my oases, Washington strsst, Chicago. 111.

Jyil H. M. KINSLEY, Bon Aqua SPRINCS. 18 NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF visitors, Theee celebrated Springs are su uated In Hickman county, Tennessee, tei miles south of Dickson station, Nashville and Northwestern Railroad, at which point Will always be in readiness to convey pa. seogers to the Springs without delay.

There are FOUR SULPHUR SPRINGS, One Calybeate. Limestone and Freestone Water. The efficacy of the watsrs Is not snr passed by any ln the South or West, and th air ia pure as the sir on the Cumberland Mountains. PRICE OF BOARD: Board per sea Board pes umj "cnildren htlf price. 10 OU JOB under ten years aud servants.

SJCr-RKENcl*to Dr. Irwin, M. J. Wright, C. France, W.

McDowell and Hon. S. if. Jones. jwjj d-w M.J.

HU LINUS, VIRGINIA SPRING. will be regulariy reception ol visitors, on uae first day of Jane, 1S7L Situated as it la to the Rowley Springs, opened tor tne mountains of ths Valley, it Is not only ot ths most delightful Summer resorts in the Slate, bat lis great curative properties are becoming widely celebrated. The analysis of the water by Pro! Msliett. of ths University of together with the experience of many eminent Physician, prove that it Is "ths Springs" lor aaflsring females, bat besides its wonderful tonic properties ss a remedy ln general debility, anemia and dlasaaw peculiar to femai It is unsurpassed in the treatment of the various forms of Dyspepsia, and pertieolaxy for those suffering from torpid and inactive liver, its action upon tbe liver, as well as tne kidney, being prompt and decided, vary many remarkable cures could be sited of this class of troublesome diseases. Rowlsy la now easy of access, situated only twelve miles from Harrisonburg, the present terminus of the orange ana Manassas use Kaliroad irom wmuu point uiere wu, oe two dally lines ox stages, morning ana evening.

Since last summer tne onuamga nave been aa tne gi eatiy Improved, as well I legra No. SuuU- In the Second Chancery Court of ShelbV county, i ou n.iniis, Adm'i. etoToi H. A. Slats, deeM.

va. Joseph Massey et ai. having been ade to appear to the Court at the April Term, 1S71, thereof. Chat Joseph one of ths defendants, had died ing the pendency of this salt, leaving as his heirs, among others. Wm.

Barnes and wife. Alabama Barnes, Grey and wife. Ann E. and Tennessee Breckinridge, dtlsens ol ths State of Arkansas and non-residents of the State of Tennessee, and ordering toot sens lseias, it was tnereiore us tin ny we vuuxi, imi thev moke their aonearance herein, at the Court- house the Second Choneery Court, In HWMi why una salt should not be net them, or ln their nosses theoitrof MsmnCls.Tenn..on or before the flrst Monday in October, 171, snd show It any tney have 1. iiZ.

ni Josenh Massey, deo'd, and that pnhUoatMB be mans aownungiy. sius jmy i. i7L Sr uixj- I D. ii and M. Eves, moL lor com pi jy ton rood trom There is also a Harrisonburg.

The ac- i irrisonourg to me springs. leaxaph office at Harrison mod st Ions will be strictly first-elaas an- dt the management of Joseph N. Woodward, w. lsly known as a hotel manager. tteslcent Phys.elana: -midun A Wllilams.

oi or ths other of wl will be ln ds ice during the entire -on. aVUnS MOos I Montn 1 Week 1 Pi Day a ilidren and servant hail price. le people of Memphis snd theSoata are ro referred to A. H. Eerr, D.

snu T. D. Wltherspoon, D. IX. both of whom ha visited tula celebrated Virginia ing Place, A.

Bk I But M. y.17 Boord of Directors Springs Oo. X7 iARDiNO st seven to tea desists week new rooms. FamUiss acoonuut dot' i. sor Healthiest place in the Lmuu Su il i.

XL. U. Xl.fasrt- RtfViUVA s. W. RITCHIE has removed his wora and Chain Pumpotore to xr HI i STRkJCr, oppoait mooim.

C- 1 Planing Mill. JsJy 1S2L.

Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.