Politics and regional interests (article) | Khan Academy (2024)


  • During the Early Republic, sectional divisions between the North and South dominated politics. Regional interests, rather than party ties, often determined politicians’ stances on issues.
  • Northerners and Westerners tended to favor tariffs, banking, and internal improvements, while Southerners tended to oppose them as measures that disadvantaged their section and gave too much power to the federal government.
  • Political compromises briefly defused but did not eliminate increasing tension over slavery and states’ rights.

Politics and regional interests

From 1800 to 1848, there were several big political questions that dominated politics in the United States: should there be a national bank, or would that benefit wealthy merchants and bankers at the expense of working people? Should there be protective tariffs on American industry, or would they benefit factory owners at the expense of farmers? Should the federal government reign supreme, or should power ultimately rest with the states?

These questions can be a little hard for us to relate to: controversy over tariffs, the national bank, and the expansion of canals and railroads seems kind of quaint to us now. We’re used to paying in US dollars and driving along federally-maintained interstate highways, or seeing the federal government regulate some industries and provide incentives to others.

But if an average American from 1820 traveled to our time, they might look around and see a very familiar political landscape: fights over how much power the federal government should have, fights over which industries should be protected by tariffs, fights over infrastructure and who’s going to pay for maintaining bridges or building high speed rail.

These fights, then as now, relate to bigger questions about which kinds of people and industries American political decisions will benefit. Workers or business owners? The rich or the poor? People living in cities or in rural areas? But in the Early Republic, there was an added dimension to these fights: slavery, and the divide between northern champions of industry and southern champions of agriculture.

The American System

The War of 1812 exposed some glaring weaknesses in the organization of the United States: without a national bank (the First Bank of the United States’s charter lapsed in 1811) or reliable means of internal transportation, it was difficult to raise money for the war effort or move men and supplies to the battlefield.

In 1815, President James Madison, along with fellow Republican politicians Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, called for a program of internal improvements to jumpstart the American economy known as the American System. The program had three parts: first, the creation of a new national bank; second, federal financing to improve and construct roads and canals; and third, a protective tariff to shield American industries. This protective tariff would raise the price of imported goods to entice American consumers to purchase the cheaper, American-made version of those goods.

Portrait of James Madison.

Congress enacted two of the three provisions of the American System, passing the Tariff of 1816 and creating the Second Bank of the United States, also in 1816. Ironically, although Congress passed a bill to improve roads and canals, Madison himself vetoed it. Although he had originally pushed for the American System, Madison had come to oppose permitting the federal government to exercise powers not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution. A more powerful federal government, he believed, would jeopardize the sovereignty of states and put the South at a disadvantage.

Madison’s change of heart mirrored the broader political transformation during his time in government. The Era of Good Feelings, a time of single-party rule for the Republicans, revealed simmering sectional tensions. White southerners like Madison feared that the federal government’s intervention to promote banking and industry would benefit the North at the expense of the South. Moreover, a strong federal government might interfere with the institution of slavery.

In this era, regional interests came to dominate national politics. Like Madison, South Carolinian John C. Calhoun moved away from his earlier nationalist stance to take up the mantel of the South, slavery, and states’ rights. Henry Clay represented the West. John Quincy Adams and Daniel Webster represented the North.

Clashes and compromises

Westward expansion brought the growing tension between the North and South to a head. In 1819, the citizens in the territory of Missouri requested admission to the Union as a new state, formed on land acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. Since white settlers had already transported thousands of enslaved people to the region, Missouri was likely to enter the Union as a slave state. New York Congressman James Tallmadge attached an amendment to the request for statehood prohibiting slavery in the new state and providing for the emancipation of the children of the enslaved at 25 years of age.

The Tallmadge Amendment set off a firestorm in Congress, where representatives voted along sectional lines, threatening disunion and civil war. The admission of Missouri as a slave state would upset the balance of power between free and slave states, tilting the advantage toward the South.

Ultimately, to avoid disunion, Henry Clay helped to pass the Missouri Compromise. The Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state at the same time that it admitted Maine as a free state, maintaining the balance of power between North and South. In addition, the Compromise established a line along the 36°30′ north line of latitude (the southern boundary of Missouri). Above this line, Congress agreed, new western states would not permit slavery, while below it, slavery could continue to expand westward.

Map showing the Missouri Compromise of 1820. As part of the agreement, the United States admitted Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and established a compromise line along 36°30′, forbidding slavery in any new western states north of this line. Slavery could expand westward to states south of this line.

The Missouri Compromise held the Union together, but it didn’t prevent further squabbles between the sections. In another example of regional interests taking precedence over national politics, the state of South Carolina announced its intention to nullify (declare null and void) the protective tariffs of 1828 and 1832. Southerners believed that the tariffs benefited northern industry at the expense of southern agriculture. Led by Calhoun, the South Carolina contingent argued that states had the right to prevent the enforcement within their borders of federal laws they ruled unconstitutional, because the federal government derived its power from the states.

When the tariff went into effect in 1832, the resulting Nullification Crisis nearly ended in military conflict between the federal government and South Carolina. Jackson persuaded Congress to authorize the Force Bill, which gave him the power to use the army and navy to enforce the tariffs in South Carolina. Clay, the Great Compromiser, once again stepped in to prevent catastrophe. He negotiated a new tariff that the South Carolina legislature approved. It dropped the nullification ordinance against the tariff . . . but voted to nullify the Force Bill, just to prove its point.

What do you think?

What were the arguments for and against the American System?

Why were opinions about tariffs, banking, and internal improvements tied to sectional differences?

What is nullification? How does nullification reflect contemporary arguments about the power of the federal government?

Article written by Dr. Kimberly Kutz Elliott. This article is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

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    • David Alexander

      4 years agoPosted 4 years ago. Direct link to David Alexander's post “Then as now, sadly, white...”

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  • Nicolas Green

    3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to Nicolas Green's post “What were the arguments f...”

    What were the arguments for and against the American System

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  • Trivia Master

    7 months agoPosted 7 months ago. Direct link to Trivia Master's post “The divide between the Fe...”

    The divide between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans isn't unlike the divide between Republicans and Democrats today. They argue endlessly, make weak and meaningless compromises, and then argue about the compromises, then make more weak and meaningless compromises... The cycle will never end.

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      6 months agoPosted 6 months ago. Direct link to gebeamat000's post “Sad but true. Can we as a...”

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  • 3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to aolani.baker's post “how has politics affeted ...”

    how has politics affeted deisions about adding states

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    • Wolfy

      a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to Wolfy's post “Well, Jefferson was the p...”

      Well, Jefferson was the president that authorized the Louisiana Purchase from France, this doubled the territory of the United States and consequently led to a lot of strife. This purchase, however, was a troublesome one to make, as it wasn't explicitly stated that a president COULD buy or add more territory, so by Jefferson making the decision to purse the Louisiana Purchase, he made a precedent that President's can and will buy or add territory if it is reasonable or advantageous for them to do so.

      I hope this helps.

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    • David Alexander

      8 months agoPosted 8 months ago. Direct link to David Alexander's post “Those tariffs meant that ...”

      Those tariffs meant that the things that Southern farmers purchased "off the market", but which were imported, were more expensive than they had previously been.

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  • ariasanya7

    5 months agoPosted 5 months ago. Direct link to ariasanya7's post “In the article about John...”

    In the article about John Quincy Adam's presidency, it said that Jackson wanted to represent the south and paint JAQ as an elite who didn't care about the common man; it was especially useful after the passing of the Tariff of Abominations by JAQ. So, how come Jackson was willing to get into armed conflict with Southern Carolina about the tariff? Wasn't he also born in South Carolina? Is it just him being inconsistent or is there another reason?

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  • montoya720

    3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to montoya720's post “how big was the natives l...”

    how big was the natives land when they were kicked to the side.

    (1 vote)

    • Shane McGookey

      3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to Shane McGookey's post “The Native Americans were...”

      The Native Americans were geographically dispersed throughout the modern-day United States and in other areas of the North America continent as well.

      If you are interested, there is a video lecture series on the Native Americans as they were before contact, which you can find here: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/precontact-and-early-colonial-era/before-contact/v/native-american-societies-before-contact

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  • aiyaiyaira

    19 days agoPosted 19 days ago. Direct link to aiyaiyaira's post “Henry Clay and his 9 thou...”

    Henry Clay and his 9 thousand compromises

    (2 votes)

  • ellbellmax

    3 months agoPosted 3 months ago. Direct link to ellbellmax's post “Here's the definition of ...”

    Here's the definition of nullification-

    Noun form of nullify

    Make legally null and void;invalidate
    similar annul, void, invalidate, reverse, rescind
    • Make of no use or value; cancel out;
    similar neutralize, negate, negative

    (1 vote)

Politics and regional interests (article) | Khan Academy (2024)


What is the era of good feelings Khan Academy? ›

After the War of 1812, the Federalist Party died out on the national political stage, starting a period of single-party government under the Democratic-Republicans called The Era of Good Feelings. But by the mid-1820s those good feelings had soured.

In what ways did regional interests and political partisanship influence debates about the role of the federal government from 1800 to 1848? ›

Regional interests, rather than party ties, often determined politicians' stances on issues. Northerners and Westerners tended to favor tariffs, banking, and internal improvements, while Southerners tended to oppose them as measures that disadvantaged their section and gave too much power to the federal government.

What does "regional interests" mean? ›

Regional interests refer to the specific economic, social, and political concerns that are unique to a particular region within a country. These interests are shaped by factors such as geography, resources, and cultural differences.

What was the tariff in the American system? ›

The establishment of a protective tariff, a 20%–25% tax on imported goods, would protect a nation's business from foreign competition. Congress passed a tariff in 1816 which made European goods more expensive and encouraged consumers to buy relatively cheap American-made goods.

What ended the era of good feeling? ›

Several crises marred and ended the Era of Good Feelings; including the financial Panic of 1819, the Missouri Crisis of 1820, and internal Republican divisions.

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The designation of the period by historians as one of good feelings is often conveyed with irony or skepticism, as the history of the era was one in which the political atmosphere was strained and divisive, especially among factions within the Monroe administration and the Democratic-Republican Party.

How did regional interests affect these policy debates? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. The way that different regional interests affected debates about the role of the federal government in the early republic is that Many political leaders' stances on slavery and economic policies were frequently based on regional concerns, which frequently took precedence over national ones.

How different regional interests affected debates about the role of government in the early republic? ›

Explain how different regional interests affected debates about the role of the federal government in the early republic. -Regional interests often trumped national concerns as the basis for many political leaders' positions on slavery and economic policy.

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In the early 1800s, national political parties continued to debate issues such as the tariff, powers of the federal government, and relations with European powers.

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Interests are defined as vital, extremely important, important and secondary. Vital interests are necessary to enhance America's survival. Extremely important interests would prejudice but not imperil the United States. Important interests would, if compromised, have major negative consequences for the United States.

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Within the field of international relations, national interest has frequently been assumed to comprise the pursuit of power, security and wealth.

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In this context, sectionalism is considered the opposite of nationalism—the belief that national interests should always be placed ahead of regional concerns.

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In 2018, then-President Donald Trump imposed tariffs on $300 billion worth of Chinese goods and his actions were broadly condemned by many at the time as poor economic policy. President Joe Biden has now opted to keep all those tariffs in place and add additional tariffs.

What was the highest tariff in US history? ›

The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, enacted in June 1930, added about 20% to the United States' already high import duties on foreign agricultural products and manufactured goods. The Fordney-McCumber Act of 1922 previously raised the average import tax on foreign goods to about 40%.

How did tariffs cause the Civil War? ›

Tariffs did not cause the war, as some Confederates later alleged in attempts to downplay the central role of slavery. Economic recession in 1857 breathed life into protectionism, making tariffs a regional campaign issue in 1860.

What did the Era of Good Feelings do? ›

Marking the end of the War of 1812, the Treaty of Ghent, ushered in an era of heightened nationalism in the United States. Patriotic sentiments ran high as Americans delighted in their “victory” over the British and looked for ways to make their nation even stronger.

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a period in the political history of the United States that reflected rising nationalism in America after between 1817-1825. The era saw the collapse of the Federalist Party and an end to the disputes between it and the dominant Democratic-Republican Party during the First Party System.

What was the era of good feeling and why is it so called? ›

James Monroe's presidency is known as "The Era of Good Feelings". It was nicknamed this because Americans were proud that we had won the War of 1812 and President Monroe said that this was reason to be unified as a country.

What is the Era of Good Feelings apush? ›

The Era of Good Feelings was a period in American history from 1815 to 1824. It followed the Jeffersonian Era and preceded the Jacksonian Era. The Era of Good Feelings was marked by a sense of nationalism and patriotism following the War of 1812 and the signing of the Treaty of Ghent.

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