Overview of Financial Statements: Limitations of the Statement of Cash Flows | Saylor Academy (2024)

Overview of Financial Statements

Read each section in this chapter, which explains the purpose of the balance sheet, income statement, and the cash flow statement. It also is a guide to where you will find financials on publicly traded companies. You should get as much practice working on these statements as you can, since they are the fundamental information on any organization. Make the connections between each financial statement. The more you understand the connectivity of these statements, the better understanding you will have of how the entire accounting system works, which is important if you want to understand the overall operations of any company.

The Statement of Cash Flows

Limitations of the Statement of Cash Flows

Although the cash flow statement is a very useful tool, it has its own limitations which must be kept in mind at the time of its use.

Learning Objective

  • Identify the factors that make the statement of cash flows of limited use

Key Points

  • Cash flow statements, just like Income Statements and Balance Sheets, are prepared using past information. It therefore does not provide complete information to assess the future cash flows of an entity.
  • As a cash flow statement is based on a cash basis of accounting, it ignores the basic accounting concept of accrual.
  • Cash flow statements are not suitable for judging the profitability of a firm, as non-cash charges are ignored while calculating cash flows from operating activities.


  • accrual basis accounting
    a method that records income items when they are earned and records deductions when expenses are incurred
  • accrual basis accounting
    A method of accounting where income is not recorded until earned and expenses are not recorded until incurred.
  • cash-basis accounting
    a method where revenue is recorded when cash is received, and expenses are recorded when cash is paid

The cash flow statement has been adopted as a standard financial statement because it eliminates allocations, which might be derived from different accounting methods, such as various timeframes for depreciating fixed assets. Although the cashflow statement is a very useful tool of financial analysis, it has its own limitations which must be kept in mind at the time of its use .

Overview of Financial Statements: Limitations of the Statement of Cash Flows | Saylor Academy (3)

Statement of cash flows

The statement of cash flows includes cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities.

Cash flow statements, just like Income Statements and Balance Sheets, are prepared using past information. It therefore does not provide complete information to assess the future cash flows of an entity. On its own, the statement of cash flows cannot be used to determine the financial position of a company.

The balance sheet is a snapshot of a firm's financial resources and obligations at a single point in time, and the income statement summarizes a firm's financial transactions over an interval of time. These two financial statements reflect the accrual basis accounting used by firms to match revenues to the expenses associated with generating those revenues. The cash flow statement includes only inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents; it excludes transactions that do not directly affect cash receipts and payments. These non-cash transactions include depreciation or write-offs on bad debts or credit losses. As a cash flow statement is based on the cash basis of accounting, it ignores the basic accounting concept of accrual.

Cash flow statements are not suitable for judging the profitability of a firm, as non-cash charges are ignored while calculating cash flows from operating activities.

Overview of Financial Statements: Limitations of the Statement of Cash Flows | Saylor Academy (2024)


What are the limitations of the statement of cash flow? ›

There are a few limitations to a cash flow statement. First, it only shows the cash flow of a company for a specific period of time. Second, it doesn't show how much money the company has spent or received during that time. Finally, it doesn't show how much money the company has left over after paying its bills.

What are the 5 limitations of financial statements? ›

There are 8 limitations: Historical Costs, Inflation Adjustments, No Discussion on Non-Financial Issues, Bias, Fraudulent Practices, Specific Time Period Reports, Intangible Assets, and Comparability.

What are the potential limitations or shortcomings of an income statement as a financial performance measure? ›

One of the limitations of the income statement is that income is reported based on accounting rules and often does not reflect cash changing hands. This could be due to the matching principle, which is the accounting principle that requires expenses to be matched to revenues and reported at the same time.

Who are the external users of the statement of cash flows? ›

People and groups interested in cash flow statements include: (1) Accounting personnel, (2) potential lenders or creditors, (3) potential investors, (4) potential employees or contractors, and (5) shareholders of the business.

What are two limitations of cash flow forecast? ›

The limitations of cash flow forecasts include being unable to account for changing costs, and the accuracy of when money comes into the business. Miscalculations will affect the business which could result in debt.

Which of the following are limitations of financial statements? ›

No Qualitative Information: Financial statements contain only monetary information but not qualitative information like industrial relations, industrial climate, labour relations, quality of work, etc. They are Only Interim Reports: Profit and loss account discloses the profit/loss for a specified period.

What are three limitations of financial statements Quizlet? ›

  • Limitation 1. -Companies omit items from the income statement that they cannot measure reliably.
  • Limitation 2. -Income numbers are affected by the accounting methods employed.
  • Limitation 3. -Income measurement involves judgement.

What are at least three 3 limitations of consolidated financial statements? ›

Consolidated financial statements may face limitations when it comes to capturing the value of intangible assets. Intangible assets, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and brand value, are often critical to a group's success but can be challenging to quantify accurately.

What are the 5 limitations of the income statement? ›

Financial statements have several limitations in the lending business, including their historical nature, biasness, limited scope of analysis, the potential for easy manipulation, incomplete financial information, and lack of comparability.

What are two limitations of financial reports? ›

Limitations of financial reports
  • Original cost of an asset on the balance sheet is different from its market value.
  • Value of asset on balance sheet is always changing. ...
  • Some assets will appreciate over time (for example, real estate) and some will depreciate over time (for example, tools or vehicles)

What are the problems with financial statements? ›

Three typical problems that occur when creating the financial statements are reporting errors, disagreements in judgment, and fraudulent financial reporting. Reporting errors are errors that are a result of such things as miscalculations or transposing numbers.

What are two limitations of financial analysis? ›

Some other limitations of financial analysis are mentioned below : The financial analysis does not contemplate cost price level changes. The financial analysis might be ambiguous without the prior knowledge of the changes in accounting procedure followed by an enterprise.

What are the limitations of the cash flow statement? ›

As a cash flow statement is based on a cash basis of accounting, it ignores the basic accounting concept of accrual. Cash flow statements are not suitable for judging the profitability of a firm, as non-cash charges are ignored while calculating cash flows from operating activities.

What are the three main sections of a cash flow statement? ›

The cash flow statement is typically broken into three sections: Operating activities. Investing activities. Financing activities.

How to manage cash flow? ›

Here are some best practices in managing cash flow:
  1. Monitor your cash flow closely. ...
  2. Make projections frequently. ...
  3. Identify issues early. ...
  4. Understand basic accounting. ...
  5. Have an emergency backup plan. ...
  6. Grow carefully. ...
  7. Invoice quickly. ...
  8. Use technology wisely and effectively.

What is the problem with cash flow statement? ›

Some common problems with the cash flows statement are the following: Classification differences between the operating statement and the cash flows statement. Noncash activities. Internal consistency issues between the general purpose financial statements.

What is fund flow statement what are its uses and limitations? ›

The fund flow statement is a vital financial document in corporate accounting. It offers a comprehensive overview of a company's financial activities over a specific period. Furthermore, it is a dynamic tool for assessing a company's liquidity and financial health.

What are the three limitations of the income statement? ›

Income statements have several limitations stemming from estimation difficulties, reporting error, and fraud.

Why is the statement of cash flows not useful? ›

Cash flow statement is the financial statement that presents the cash inflows and outflows of a business during a given period of time. It is equally as important as the income statement ad balance sheet for cash flow analysis but it is not useful for checking net worthiness of the company. Was this answer helpful?

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