What’s the Most Important Factor of Your Credit Score? (2024)

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In this article:

  • Payment History Is the Most Important Factor of Your Credit Score
  • What Bills Affect My Payment History?
  • How Long Do Late Payments Stay on Credit Reports?
  • How to Improve Your Payment History
  • The Bottom Line

You may know you have a credit score—and likely several scores—but do you know how your scores are calculated? Your credit score may seem like it's the result of a mystical mathematical formula, but the factors that go into calculating your credit score are pretty straightforward.

The most important factor of your FICO® Score , used by 90% of top lenders, is your payment history, or how you've managed your credit accounts. Close behind is the amounts owed—and more specifically how much of your available credit you're using—on your credit accounts. The three other factors carry less weight. Here's what you need to know.

Payment History Is the Most Important Factor of Your Credit Score

Payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO® Score. Four other factors that go into your credit score calculation make up the remaining 65%.

Keep in mind that there are as many as 28 versions of the FICO® Score, meaning you may have one score that's used to determine whether your credit card application is approved, another score for a mortgage application and yet another score for an auto loan application. When calculating these various scores, FICO weighs your payment history on your credit accounts most.

Why is payment history more important than the other factors? A lender wants to protect itself from risk. Therefore, it wants to know whether you've made timely payments on current and previous credit accounts. According to FICO, research shows payment history is typically the No. 1 predictor of whether you'll pay your debts on time, thus the heavier emphasis on this factor.

What Bills Affect My Payment History?

Several kinds of bills affect your payment history. These include:

  • Credit cards, including Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover cards
  • Retail credit cards from stores
  • Installment loans, such as auto loans and mortgages, that involve making regular payments for a set term
  • Accounts from finance companies

In addition to these accounts, FICO considers bankruptcies and collection accounts as part of payment history. Both can have a significant negative effect on your scores.

Bills from providers of phone, utility, cable TV and streaming services also may affect your payment history. In the past, these accounts would only impact your credit if they were sent to collections as a result of non-payment, in which case they'll stay on your credit report for seven years and negatively affect your score.

Today, these accounts can actually help improve your credit score, through Experian Boost®ø. With Experian Boost, you can allow Experian to securely access your online payment history for phone, utility, cable TV and certain streaming service providers. Then, on-time payments on authorized accounts will start showing up on your Experian credit report, and your FICO® Score may get a boost. Find out how paying a credit account in full affects your credit score.

How Long Do Late Payments Stay on Credit Reports?

Late payments can stay on your credit report for up to seven years. They can damage your credit score, but the effect on your score fades over time.

Not all late payments show up on your payment history, however. If you didn't make a credit card payment by the due date and instead made the payment a day late or a week late, you could be hit with a late fee by the card issuer, but your credit won't be hurt.

Why is that? Because credit card issuers won't notify the major credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion and Equifax) about a late payment until a full billing cycle, or 30 days, has gone by.

The situation changes if the payment is more than 30 days late. In this case, the effect on your credit scores depends on how long your account was delinquent before you made a payment. So, a payment that's 60 days late will do more harm than a payment that's more than 30 days late but less harm than a payment that's 90 days late.

How to Improve Your Payment History

If you're looking to improve your payment history and potentially bump up your credit score, the simplest advice is to always pay your bills on time and be sure you've budgeted enough money to cover them. Other recommendations include:

  • Catch up on past-due payments. Bringing unpaid bills current will help your score over time.
  • Activate automatic bill payments. If you put your payments on autopilot, you reduce the chance that a bill will go unpaid.
  • Set up payment alerts. Many creditors let you create reminders to inform you when upcoming payments are due.

Other Factors That Impact Your Credit Score

While payment history ranks as the top factor in calculating your FICO® Score, it's important to be aware of the four other factors:

  1. Amounts owed (30%): The amount of available revolving credit you're using (also known as your credit utilization ratio) and how much debt you're carrying accounts for 30% of your score. If you're using too much of your available credit, it may be a sign that you're financially strapped and might end up defaulting on your debt. For the best scores, keep your credit usage on each of your individual revolving accounts and overall under 10%.
  2. Length of credit history (15%): Generally, a longer credit history can result in a higher score.
  3. Mix of credit types (10%): Managing different types of credit, such as credit cards, mortgage loans and personal loans, can help your score.
  4. New credit (10%): Opening several new credit accounts over a short period of time may signal risky financial behavior. It also reduces the average age of your accounts, which can lower your score.

The Bottom Line

Because payment history is the most important factor in your FICO® Score, paying all your bills by the due date can go a long way to helping you build a positive credit history over time. To ensure your payment history and other aspects of your credit are in good shape, check your free credit score from Experian and regularly review your free Experian credit report.

What’s the Most Important Factor of Your Credit Score? (2024)


What’s the Most Important Factor of Your Credit Score? ›

Payment history is the largest of the factors that affect your credit score, so pay attention to it. Use only a small portion of your credit limit. The next biggest influence on scores is “credit utilization,” your balance relative to your credit limit on each card.

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Payment history (35%)

The first thing any lender wants to know is whether you've paid past credit accounts on time. This helps a lender figure out the amount of risk it will take on when extending credit. This is the most important factor in a FICO Score.

What is my most important credit score? ›

FICO® Scores are used by 90% of top lenders, but even so, there's no single credit score or scoring system that's most important. In a very real way, the score that matters most is the one used by the lender willing to offer you the best lending terms.

What factor has the biggest impact on a credit score in EverFi? ›

Your payment history and your amount of debt has the largest impact on your credit score.

Which is the most important factor that FICO? ›

The most important factor that FICO uses to determine your credit score is payment history. This factor accounts for 35% of your credit score. Payment history refers to whether you have made your credit payments on time. Late payments or missed payments can significantly lower your credit score.

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A perfect FICO credit score is 850, but experts tell CNBC Select you don't need to hit that target to qualify for the best credit cards, loans or interest rates.

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Companies use credit scores to make decisions on whether to offer you a mortgage, credit card, auto loan, and other credit products, as well as for tenant screening and insurance. They are also used to determine the interest rate and credit limit you receive.

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Which Credit Score Is Used Most by Lenders? Many consider the FICO score the more important to pay attention to. FICO states that the majority of lenders prefer the FICO scoring model, and FICO's website shows that 90% of lenders use their scoring model.

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Simply put, there is no “more accurate” score when it comes down to receiving your score from the major credit bureaus.

What has the biggest impact on a credit score? ›

Most important: Payment history

Your payment history is one of the most important credit scoring factors and can have the biggest impact on your scores. Having a long history of on-time payments is best for your credit scores, while missing a payment could hurt them.

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credit score. -A numerical rating of your credit-worthiness (how likely you are to pay off your debts).

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5 Factors That Affect Your Credit Score
  • Payment history. Do you pay your bills on time? ...
  • Amount owed. This includes totals you owe to all creditors, how much you owe on particular types of accounts, and how much available credit you have used.
  • Types of credit. ...
  • New loans. ...
  • Length of credit history.

What is the most important factor in a credit score? ›

1. Payment History: 35% Your payment history carries the most weight in factors that affect your credit score, because it reveals whether you have a history of repaying funds that are loaned to you.

What is the most important FICO Score? ›

For other types of credit, such as personal loans, student loans and retail credit, you'll likely want to know your FICO® Score 8, which is the score most widely used by lenders.

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One of the most critical drivers of your credit score is your payment history. This includes any payments you have made on credit cards, loans, and other debts. Late payments, missed payments, and loan defaults can negatively impact your credit score.

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5 Things That May Hurt Your Credit Scores
  • Making a late payment.
  • Having a high debt to credit utilization ratio.
  • Applying for a lot of credit at once.
  • Closing a credit card account.
  • Stopping your credit-related activities for an extended period.

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Higher credit scores mean you have demonstrated responsible credit behavior in the past, which may make potential lenders and creditors more confident when evaluating a request for credit. Lenders generally see those with credit scores 670 and up as acceptable or lower-risk borrowers.

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Key takeaways

There are five factors that make up your credit score: payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, types of accounts, and recent activity. Each of these credit score factors carries a different weight, with payment history and usage having the largest impact on your credit score.

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