Watching the Cipher-Verse - Chapter 6 - Mandalore_the_Atreides (2024)

Chapter Text

Hop Luck

Anne shows Sprig and Polly a video of her pet cat Domino on her phone.

“Aw, your cat is so cute, Anne,” Mabel praised.

“She really is,” Anne sighed with a smile.

Sprig: Hmm. I will... (pulls out a hammer) set her free!

Anne reclaims her phone.

Anne: Please stop doing that.

The kids chuckle while the teens look horrified.

Anne: (sniffs) Ugh! What is that? Did something crawl under the house and die?

Sprig: (sniffing) Worse, Anne. Much worse. Hop Pop is cooking!

Hop Pop sighed while the others laughed.

“How bad is his cooking?” Stan asked.

“You’ll see,” Sprig answered.

Sprig tells Anne to brace herself before going inside to see Hop Pop cooking.

Sprig: What's the plan this year, Hop Pop? Poison the competition?

Hop Pop bonks him with his spoon.

Hop Pop: The plan is to win.

“Oo, is there gonna be a cooking competition?” Soos guessed.

“Got it in one go, young man,” Hop Pop chuckled.

Hop Pop: The annual village potluck. Every year we frogs gather for a great contest. The family who brings the best-tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins. The family with the worst-tasting dish spends the night in… (thunder is heard) the shame cage!

“Ouch. That sounds rough,” Stacy sympathized.

“It really is,” Sprig bowed his head.

Anne: Brutal.

Sprig: And guess which family ends up there every year.

All three Plantars sigh.

“Really? Every year?” Luz asked.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Hopediah sighed.

Anne bangs her fist on the table.

Anne: If you think I'm gonna let my favorite froggy family end up in a cage, you've got another thing coming. I know I'm not technically a Plantar, but maybe I can help.

The others smiled at Anne’s devotion and loyalty.

They accept her help, and Hop Pop explains that they’ve been using recipes in the family cookbook since he was a pollywog.

“You have?” Candace asked.

Hop Pop nodded.

“And those are the same years that you lost?”


“Haven't you ever made the connection?!”

“What connection?”

“I give up,” Candace said, throwing her hands in the air.

Anne: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think I found your problem, guys. (They gasp) Old things are dumb!

Polly: Oh, that makes sense.

Sprig: It's all so clear now.

There were a few chuckles.

Hop Pop: But we Plantars have always cooked these recipes. What would my great-gam-gam say?

Anne: She'd say "Move on."

The portrait of her indicates that she would not say that at all.

“Yeah no, Anne,” Wendy shook her head with a snort.

Anne: Look, if we're gonna win this thing, we need something new, something revolutionary, something no one in the swamp has ever seen before. Something like…Pizza!

“Oh, that’ll do it,” Isabella nodded.

“Can’t go wrong with pizza,” Dipper nodded.

“Agreed,” Mabel added.

“What’s pizza?” King asked.

The others gasped

“King, I swear you’ll try pizza by the end of the day if it’s the last thing I do!” Luz vowed.

The kids are interested.

Anne: Pizza is the ultimate dish. You haven't lived until you've shared one with your friends at the mall.

“Words have never been more true,” Soos stated.

Hop Pop: Now, now, hold on. Before we get carried away, what about this tried-and-true recipe? Swamp mold pot pie!

Many of them gagged at the sight of it.

“Ugh! It’s like Drustlesteinian food! ‘All you can eat’? More like all you can stand!”

He’s immediately outvoted.

Everyone hastily nodded while hop Pop lost count of how many times he’d sighed today.

Anne says that they need dough, tomatoes, basil and cheese.

Sprig: Oh! Oh! Maybe we should put pineapple on it. Seems like a natural fit. [groans as Anne pins him to the wall]

Anne: [whispers] Don't you dare talk about pineapple on my pizza. Ever.

They all happily leave to go get the ingredients.

The others blinked.

“So… not a pineapple person I take it?” Luz rhetorically asked.

“Nope. Never,” Anne answered.

“I don’t know. I think pineapple on pizza is actually pretty under… rated…” Baljeet faltered upon seeing intense glares from not only Anne, but Candace, Dipper and Stan as well. “When it’s–when it’s done right!”

“I like pineapple on pizza,” Mabel chirped.

“Of course you do,” Dipper said flatly.

The first stop is dough from Mr. Flour. His only condition is that Sprig marry his daughter Maddie.

“I did not see that coming,” Stacy blinked.

“Isn’t that a bit extreme?” Dipper questioned.

“Deals like this are commonplace in Amphibia. And in small towns like Wartwood, they’re even encouraged for population growth,” Hop Pop explained.

“Interesting,” the Pines boy said as he wrote that information down.

Maddie Flour holds a voodoo doll of Sprig.

Maddie: Hiiiii, Spriiiiiiig…

“That girl scares me,” Stan admitted.

Sprig opened his mouth to defend her, but the silencing glyph stopped him.

Anne: Done.

“What?!” the audience exclaimed.

“Hey! Wait a second!” Stan began with a glare at Anne. “You had the gall to be mad at me for making that deal with Gleeful when you did this?! I didn’t even force a marriage, but you did!”

“Uh…” Anne blanched.

“Are you sure you’re not evil?” Heinz questioned.

Boonchuy just crossed her arms and grumbled.

Hop Pop: You know, if we used a traditional recipe, we wouldn't have to sell Sprig.

Anne: No! That old book is old. Sprig's eternal happiness is a small price to pay for pizza.

Polly: Agreed.

There were both gaps at Anne’s statement as well as chuckles at Polly’s.

“Hey, who knows? Maybe it’ll work out,” Mabel said.

Sprig: Aw, it's not so bad. Maybe we'll learn to love each other. Aah!

Maddie: I've seen your death in my mind.

Sprig: (Chuckles nervously) I was kinda hoping it'd be a surprise.

Maddie: (whispers) It will be.

Sprig is terrified.


“…Well, that’s disturbing,” Heinz said.

Eda then laughed loudly. She liked this girl.

They get the dough and leave. Polly wants to be the maid of honor

Sprig couldn’t help but smile at his sister. It was nice to be reminded that even though she pretended not to, she really did care.

The family struggles to get a bull worm named Brutus into its pen until Anne uses a red cloth to lewer it in like a bull fighter.

The others clapped and cheered for her.

Mrs. Croaker: Here you go, deary. A hunk of cheese made fresh from the milk of those ca–

Anne: Please don't tell me where it comes from.

“Meh,” Mabel shrugged. “I’m not too bothered by this. I’ve had dog’s milk before.”

“You have?” King questioned, a bit disgusted.

Later they are walking through the forest.

Anne: Hey, careful with that basil, dude. We had to fight off like ten giant aphids to get it.

Sprig sums it up to the price of progress.

“You sure this quest is a good idea?” Jeremy asked. “I know it’s pizza and all, but it’s still just food.”

“Yeah, I may have gone overboard here,” Anne rubbed her neck sheepishly.

The last ingredient is tomatoes.

Sprig: You know, I've never actually tasted a tomato. No one in town really sells them.

Hop Pop: There's a reason for that. They're in the "dangerous vegetables" section.

“What, are they like poisonous or something?” Candace asked.

“Not exactly,” Sprig said.

Hop Pop: It suggests we go for prunes instead. Can't go wrong with prunes!

Anne: Whoa-whoa. "Dangerous vegetables"? Come on!

“Prunes? On pizza? Yeah, no,” Wendy shook her head.

“Besides, it can’t really be that bad-” Luz began.

It’s a monster.


“Why am I not surprised?” Dipper sighed.

Doof eyed the three headed tomato beast curiously.

Hop Pop: You know, this baby's got some great substitutes, all of which are delightfully harmless.

“That sounds like a good option right about now,” King said, the others nodding in agreement.

Anne says they need to be bold, groundbreaking and brave.

Hop Pop: Anne, there's a big difference between courage and (screaming) stupidity!

The tomato plant gets him before grabbing them all and swallowing them.

The audience screamed.

Sprig: My fiancée was right!

They couldn’t help but laugh despite the tense situation.

They manage to stop themselves from falling into the stomach acid, but the ingredients aren’t so lucky.

“Oh no!” Isabella bemoaned.

“All your hard work!” Mabel cried.

Sprig: At least it'll be a quick, painless death.

Polly: Why would this be painless?

Sprig: Just let me have this lie!

Everyone couldn’t stop the chuckles that came out.

Anne: [sighs] My revolutionary ideas were supposed to save you guys, not get you killed. I shouldn't have been so stubborn. I just really wanted to share a pizza with you guys.

Hop Pop: Ah, I didn't care about that pizza stuff anyway. But you were really trying to help this family out, and that's worth something in my book.

Everyone smiled at that. It was good to see those two bonding.

That gives Anne the idea to check the book. They discover that the throats of tomato plants are delicious when eaten raw. They all grin.

“Ohohoho! This is gonna be good!” Eda grinned.

They eat their way out, killing the monstrosity.

Polly: [spits] Know your place, plant!

“Yeah! You tell ‘em, Polly! Little guys rule!” King cheered with Perry nodding with a smile.

They head home to cook an old recipe, but not before grabbing something… dangerous.

“Well, at least it’s not a total loss,” Ginger said.

“Yeah, maybe the tomato will make the recipe better?” Luz wondered.

The potluck is about to begin and all the families have their recipes out. The Mayor tries them one by one.

Mayor Toadstool: And last, but not least-- [sighs] the Plantars. What filth have you cooked up this ti-- Hmm? Tomato? That's awfully dangerous.

“He’s interested. That’s good,” Mabel offered.

“Come on, come on,” Luz said nervously.

“You guys can do it!” Phineas cheered.

After a drumroll, he declares that this is the best dish that the Plantars have ever brought to the potluck.

The audience erupted into cheers.

“Way to go!” Luz beamed.

“Congratulations!” Phineas smiled.

“You did it!” Mabel screamed.

Hop Pop: What?

Sprig: What? Did we do it? Did we actually win?

Mayor Toadstool: Win? No! No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, it's better than usual, but it's still terrible. Last place, as usual.

“Oh,” Mabel went.

“That’s unfortunate,” Eda said.

They march over to the shame cage.

Sprig: Cheer up, guys. Sure we came in last. Again. But thanks to Anne's new ideas and Hop Pop's old ones, we've done the best we've ever done.

“Hey, he’s right,” Soos realized. “Just think of the foods you could make with a few more tries.”

Anne: We did, didn't we? Uh, this is weird, but... any chance I could squeeze in there?

She’s allowed in.

“Aw, that’s sweet of you,” Stacy praised.

Anne: Well, if we can't share a pizza, at least we can share this. And you know, honestly, this isn't so bad... (a shame nugget hits her) Hey, what the heck? What was that?

Sprig: Ooh, I forgot to mention the shame nuggets.

The crowd jeers at them.

“Ouch! You frogs really know how to twist the knife,” Eda said.

“It’s not so bad once you get used to it,” the tadpole shrugged.

Hop Pop: (sighs) Tradition is such a beautiful–(gets hit by a shame nugget) Son of a slug!

The audience laughed at the irony.

“Just wondering, did you guys ever manage to make pizza?” Luz asked.

“We did! And Anne was right, it really is amazing!” Sprig beamed.

“I know, right? Too bad it takes so long for when I have it,” the young witch responded.

“What do you mean?” Candace asked.

“I have a dairy allergy. So they have to use dairy free cheese for my pizzas.”

“You too?!” Candace gasped.

“You have a dairy allergy?”

“Yes! Oh my gosh, it’s so nice to finally talk to someone about this!” Candace exclaimed. “Nobody else I know has this problem, so I’m always singled out!”

“I know, right?! There are just so many foods that you can’t have while everyone else is enjoying themselves!”

While the two teens talked about their shared problem, Dipper turned to the Plantars.

“So, is everything in Amphibia a dangerous monster?”

“I wouldn’t say everything,” Anne responded. “The butterflies are pretty normal.”

“But yeah, everything else will eat you alive,” Polly stated bluntly.

“Time for the next one, people.”

Stake out

At the Plantar house, Sprig and Polly are doing dishes while Anne and Hop Pop are arguing. Anne complains about the couches, and how they’d be better on earth.

Hop Pop: Back in my day we didn't have furniture. We sat on rocks. Sharp ones.

“Oh, it’s this,” Anne frowned. Hop Pop did as well.

“How long is this gonna go on?” Eda asked.

“Probably the whole episode?” Anne offered.

Outside of the Plantar house, Anne carries a crate of vegetables outside. Anne complains about it being heavy and Hop Pop warns her about the flagstone. It causes her to trip.

The others winced in sympathy.

Hop Pop: Back in my day, kids spent less time complainin' and more time watching their step.

Anne: Yeah? Well, where I'm from people fixed their crummy houses.

Hop Pop demands that she apologizes to the house.

“This is just painful to watch,” Stan muttered.

Polly plays solitaire in the living room while Sprig lies on the couch. A loud thud is heard.

Anne: (offscreen) Where I'm from, we didn't rush people in the bathroom! (Another thud is heard.)

Hop Pop: (offscreen) Well, back in my day we didn't have a bathroom! (Another thud.)

A few of them raised an eyebrow.

Anne: (offscreen) Stop hitting the door with a battering ram!

Hop Pop: (offscreen) It's been two hours!

“Okay, that one was probably on me,” Anne admitted.

Sprig can’t take anymore. Polly says they’re just getting used to each other and it’s not a big deal.

“The girl’s right,” Stan said. “Sometimes the best thing to do is just endure until it’s over.”

“It is pretty annoying though,” King admitted.

Sprig: Not a big deal? Do you remember the Henderson's next door? They used to argue all the time, and look what happened to them.

The Henderson’s home is abandoned as Wally loots the place.

Wally: Nothing like scavenging the remains of a broken frog family.

Everyone gapped at the screen.

“Wally, what the heck, man?!” Anne exclaimed.

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Stan shrugged. “Not like they’re gonna use it.”

“Always take free goods when you have the chance,” Eda agreed.

“Sprig, did you just compare us to the Hendersons?” Hop Pop asked with a glare.


Sprig fears the bickering will tear the family apart.

Polly: I still think we should just give them time. Not like we have a lot of options. You can't force people to get along.

“You’re gonna do exactly that, aren’t you?” Dipper deadpanned.

“Oh, yeah,” the frog boy answered.

Sprig: (having an idea) Of course not, Polly. Of course not... Of course-

Polly: Just go already!

The audience laughed.

At the back of the Plantar farm, Hop Pop is taking in the sights when…

Sprig: We've been robbed!

Hop Pop: Say whaaaaat?

“Oh, so that’s what you decided to do. I was thinking you’d lock them in a room together or something,” Mabel commented.

Anne: (laughs) Sorry. Sorry. It's just that Hop Pop delivered the perfect sitcom catchphrase.

Hop Pop: Must be painful to make so little sense all the time.

There were a few chuckles.

“We could say the same about you,” Dipper argued.

The prize-winning corn is gone. Sprig demands justice. Hop Pop is proud while Polly is suspicious.

“Oh, you’re not buying it for a moment, are you?” Eda questioned with a smirk.

“Nope,” Polly chirped.

“She’s pretty clever,” Milly whispered to Isabella, who nodded in response.

Sprig suggests a stakeout for when the thief comes back. The others agree.

Sprig: And the only ones who can do it are... Anne and Hop Pop!

“Oh, so this is your version of locking them in a closet,” Mabel laughed. “Good idea.”

Dipper just looked at his sister flatly.

The two are confused.

Sprig: Well, I obviously can't... because I have the attention span of a... (he sees a butterfly) Oh, look at that.

There were a few laughs at this.

“You didn’t even need to pretend,” Heinz laughed.

Luz however tilted her head.

Does he have ADHD like me?

The pair eventually agree but think the other will fall asleep. She even thinks he’s 100 years old.

Hop Pop: I'm a crisp 68!

“Yeah, no. There’s nothing crips about being this age. I’m 58 and already feeling the effects,” Stan complained. “Bodies change, Plantar. Bodies change.”

“Really? I’m 47,” Heinz chimed in.

“Wow, me too,” Eda added.

“You are?” everyone questioned.

“Yeah, why?” the witch asked. But she already knew the answer.

“It’s just…” Dipper began.

“Your hair’s gray,” Polly finished with her trademark bluntness.

Eda sighed.

“Hey, she is still very foxy for her age and looks,” Luz defended.

“Yeah, you are!” Mabel cheered.

Wendy, Candace, Stacy and Anne shrugged. They couldn't deny their admiration for the older woman based on her looks alone.

Sprig and Polly are alone.

Polly: You stole the corn, didn't you?

Sprig: Oh, absolutely. But now those two have to spend the whole night together and bond!

The audience laughed again. He didn’t even deny it.

Polly: Sprig, you can't manipulate people like this!

Sprig: I can, and I did. And it's going to save this family.

“Alright,” Eda said, gaining everyone’s attention. “Who outside of the frog group thinks this won’t go smoothly?”

Candace, Stacy and Jeremy shared a look before raising their hands. Dipper, Stan and Wendy followed suit, with Eda and King finishing them off.

“Come on guys,” Luz began. “They’re just gonna stare at a field and talk. What’s the worst that can happen?”

Sprig gulped. He knew the answer to that question.

Night falls. Sprig observes Anne and Hop Pop from his telescope.

Hop Pop has her put the lamp out and she yawns.

Hop Pop: [chuckles] Had a feeling you wouldn't last.

Anne: Worry about yourself. I'll be fine. I just need a little boost is all.

She pulls out a bottle of Berry Blam Blitz.

"Blam Berry Blitz. The drink that punches you in the face and doesn't stop?” Baljeet questioned, reading the label on the screen.

“I thought they banned that stuff a few months ago,” Luz said.

“What?! They will?!” Anne exclaimed.

“Yeah. It was a big deal. Something about its parent company being banned in America,” Luz remembered.

“What was the parent company?” Wendy asked.

“Smile something?”

“Uh oh,” Mabel paled.

Hop Pop: Hah! That silly drink won't keep you up! Now, this will keep you up.

He pulls out his own drink. Anne thinks it’s poison.

“Uh, that doesn’t look safe for human consumption,” Phineas warned.

It’s his Mama's old gourd tea recipe.

Hop Pop: I'm not surprised you don't like the smell. It's way too strong for you.

Anne: Ha! No way it's stronger than my Berry Blitz.

Everyone sighed, knowing what was going to happen.

They trade beverages and drink them. They don’t go down easily.

“Oh. Not good. Not good,” Stan winced.

“That looks painful,” Isabella frowned.

The two share a laugh at their reactions.

“Huh. Not what I expected,” Eda admitted.

“See? Luz was right,” Mabel said.

“Good thing all those drinks did was make them cough,” Soos mentioned.

Anne: [sighs] You know, sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get home.

Hop Pop: I know what it's like to miss something, Anne. I find myself pining after the good old days way too much.

Anne realizes they’re similar in that way. Hop Pop agrees that they’re both softies deep down.

“I hear ya there, Plantar. I miss the days when it was just me and-” Stan was cut off by the silencing spell. “…a friend against the world.”

“Me too,” Eda added.

Heinz looked at the three.

“Am I the only adult here who hated their childhood?” That earned him a pat on the back from Perry.

“Hey,” Luz bumped her shoulder against Anne’s. “I know what it’s like to be far from home and miss it.”


“I can’t say because of spoilers, but yes.”

Sprig is happy to see them connecting.

The audience smiled. Maybe it will be smooth sailing from here.

Anne: Of course, my situation is way worse than yours.

Or apparently not.

Everyone collectively groaned.

“You just had to say that,” King deadpanned.

Hop Pop: Always gotta make it about you, don't you? "I'm Anne, and my life is worse than everyone else's."

“Actually, now that I think about it, your situation was worse than mine,” Hop Pop admitted.

“Seriously?” Boonchuy asked.

“Yes. You were completely out of your element, far away from home and your parents. And here I was complaining about you not adjusting,” he bowed his head shamefully.

“Hey,” she placed her hand on his shoulder. “I should have been more appreciative too. Honestly, there are way worse places I could have ended up in.”

The two smiled at each other and hugged, causing the others to smile.

Anne: Oh, yeah? Well, at least my head isn't a teakettle. Wait. What?

She sees Hop Pop’s head as a teakettle.

“What the heck?!” many exclaimed.

He sees her hair as rainbow stardust. It shines blue.

Everyone gasped, but the Amphibia group did so for a completely different reason. How many clues had there been about Anne’s powers the whole time?

“What the heck is going on here?!” Doof exclaimed.

“It was the drinks!” Mabel realized. Never trust something made by Smile Dip. Candace and Luz frowned in sympathy as well.

The two of them are confused. Anne sees the drinks floating.

Anne: Oh. The drinks! Our body chemistry must be so different that we're having crazy reactions to each other's extreme beverage. (she pauses) That was the smartest-sounding thing I've ever said.

Doofenshmirtz eyed the drinks curiously.

“Of course!” Dipper exclaimed, slapping his forehead. “The effects of the different beverages are causing you both to hallucinate.”

“Does that mean there will be any long term consequences?” Baljeet wondered.

The Amphibia group froze.

“Well, I hope not,” Anne answered.

The two begin to blame each other for their hallucinations and Sprig sees it.

Sprig: No, no! This can't be! They're fighting again.

Polly: (sarcastically) Oh, no. What a surprise.

Eda didn’t even try to hold in her laughter.

Sprig: Okay, okay. No problem. We'll just have to take matters into our own hands.

Polly: Wait. You don't mean…

Sprig: Oh, that's right, Polly. I'm going to steal more corn right under their noses. They'll have to do this again tomorrow, and the next night, and the next night, until they're the bestest friends who were ever friends, and then the family will be saved!

He chuckles sinisterly.

Polly: You're mad!

“I’m gonna have to agree with her on this one,” Candace said. The others nodded in agreement.

Sprig: Try and stop me! Ha-ha!

Polly: Oh, boy.

“This is not gonna end well,” Stacy stressed.

Anne and Hop Pop continue to argue until they hear rustling in the bushes and see the corn thief.

“Well, this just got interesting,” Heinz said, grinning alongside Stan, anticipating a fight.

Polly tackles Sprig and tries to reason with him.

Polly: You’ve lost your mind!

“Yeah! Take him down!” King cheered.

Anne and Hopediah arrive but see them as a two headed corn monster.

“That’s what you saw?!” Sprig and Polly exclaimed. Anne and Hop Pop nodded. “Wow. No wonder you acted the way you did,” Polly said.

The two agree to take the thing down. They then proceed to use anime style powers to attack it. They have no effect but the pair keep firing.

“Aw sweet, dudes! We get to watch a cool anime fight!” Soos beamed.

“I love it! This is amazing!” Luz agreed.

Back in reality, all the frog kids see are the two of them raising their hands and making noises.

Polly: Well, they're broken.

The audience couldn’t help but laugh. Except for Candace, Luz and Mabel. Honestly, this is better than what I went through, they each coincidentally thought.

Hop Pop: It must be immune to magic.

Anne: Quick! Grab those power-ups!

Sprig: Power-ups?

They pick up farm tools that can be used as weapons.

Everyone paled at the sight.

“Okay, this isn’t fun anymore,” Stan said, Heinz nodding in agreement.

“Run!” the others screamed.

They corner them at the house and nearly kill Sprig with the scythe and pitchfork.

“Sprig! I’m so sorry!” Anne and Hop Pop shouted. The frog boy just nodded, not able to say or do anything else.

“Did we hurt you,” his grandfather asked.

“Nah,” Sprig shook his head, finally coming out of his terrified daze. “I’m only scarred emotionally,” he played off cheerfully.

Everyone gaped at him.

Sprig: (screams) No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Anne, Hop Pop, it's me! I've learned my lesson. I promise.

Monster: (distorted voice) I'll never manipulate people–

Anne: Uh, does the corn thief kinda sound like Sprig to you?

Hop Pop: Now that you mention it.

Sprig sobs as he continues to beg for them to not kill him and the hallucinations finally end.

The groups sighed in relief.

“Glad that’s over,” Anne said.

Hop Pop: I thought we were goners.

Anne: Me too. And you... defended me.

Hop Pop: And you stood by my side.

The two declare their friendship and pass out.

“Well, how about that,” Jeremy began with a smile. “You guys managed to get along.”

“We often find our true friends on the battlefield,” King nodded.

“Woah. That’s a great saying. Did you make that up yourself?” Polly asked.

“Nah, I heard it from this show that Eda was watching.”

Polly: Wow, Sprig, I owe you an apology. Your dumb ol' plan actually kinda worked.

Sprig: Thanks, Polly, but maybe next time we do it your way.

He passes out as well.

“Good call,” Eda nodded.

Polly: (sighs) Guess I should drag them inside. But first, I'm parched.

She drinks Anne's Berry Blitz, exhales, then spikes the bottle.

“Polly!” everyone exclaimed in worry.

Polly: ll right, Boulder-tron, you ready to roll?

Her hallucination of Boulder-tron appears behind her.

Boulder-tron: Always, my queen.

Polly: Good man, Boulder-tron. Good man.

“Huh. Compared to the others, that looks fine,” Dipper said.

“Wow. That one was a lot,” Isabella said, for lack of better words.

“Well, looks like all of you, minus Polly, learned a valuable lesson,” Eda observed.

The three nodded.

“Who knew that the smartest person in your group would be the youngest? It’s pretty ironic,” Hein stated.

“That’s pretty much everyday of my life,” Candace shrugged.

They were about to go on longer when the audience heard an aggravated yell and another loud noise that caused the whole room to shake.

“Uh… was that an explosion?” Heinz asked.

They could hear the host huffing and puffing before their breathing steadied.

“Sorry about that, everyone. I just learned a piece of information that you can tell I was not happy with.” They took a deep breath and sighed. “Now that that’s out of the way, two more adventures with this group.”

The Domino Effect

Anne and Sprig are outside, playing baseball with a watermelon gourd. She uses a makeshift scythe like a bat.

“Um, is that really a good idea?” Luz asked worriedly.

Sprig throws the gourd. Anne swings and misses the gourd, while the scythe flies out of her hands.

“Sprig!” they all exclaimed.

Anne: Sprig!

Sprig: Huh? (Gasps and ducks, the scythe flying over him into the woods. His hat falls apart, showing his orange hair.) Wanna go again?

Most gaped while others couldn’t help but laugh at the kid’s lack of fear.

Anne: Yeah-uh! (surprised) Wait, you have hair?

The others blinked and stared at the frog boy. Sprig took off his hat to show off his hair. Dipper immediately took notes.

Anne suddenly hears a distressed meowing and they run off to see a caterpillar stuck in a puddle of mud and wasps trying to sting it.

There were many gasps.

“Oh my gosh! Help her!” Mabel pleaded.

“Yeah!” Luz agreed.

“Oh, it’s this adventure,” Anne realized. This’ll be bittersweet.

Sprig distracts the wasps while Anne rescues the caterpillar and they all escape.

“Thank you!” Mabel and Luz exclaimed.

Anne: You're safe now, little fella.

She then screams in adoration.

“Aw~,” a few of them (Mabel, Luz and Anne especially) cooed at the sight.

“Meh,” Isabella shrugged.

“Meh?!” those three girls exclaimed indignantly.

“I’m not a cat person,” Isabella said simply. “I prefer dogs.”

Mabel and Luz shrugged, but Anne narrowed her eyes. Seeing this, Eda grinned and rubbed her hands together.

Sprig: What's wrong? Are you stung? We'll have to amputate.

He raises the scythe.

The audience yelped.

“Put that thing away!” Hop Pop chided.

Anne: No. This caterpillar looks exactly like my cat Domino from back home. I love my cat more than anything in the world. She was irreplaceable. But now I found a replacement. Let's take her home with us!

“What?! Anne, how could you?!” a new voice exclaimed from the Amphibia room.

“Uh, who was that?” Phineas asked.

Anne paled upon realizing who it was.

Sprig is hesitant since it’s a wild animal. Anne dismisses his worries.

Anne: My cat back home was a stray before I adopted her. All it takes is love and patience and... love.

“Fair point. Counterpoint, it’s from a world of giant bloodthirsty monsters,” Dipper argued.

“He makes a valid argument,” Baljeet added.

Anne just buried her head in her hands.

Sprig: You said "love" twice.

Anne holds the caterpillar near him and it licks him.

Sprig: Sold!

They all guffawed.

Anne names her “Domino 2” and they lewer her to the house with a cat toy.

Sprig: (in a trance) I want it. Give it to me.

There were even more laughs while Sprig himself had no idea what the big deal was.

Anne enters the kitchen and finds Hop Pop cooking. He immediately knows she wants something.

Anne: Oh, nothin'. I was just thinking. Doesn't this house feel empty to you?

He turns to a mountain of dishes.

Hop Pop: Not especially.

There were some snorts.

Anne: Wouldn't it be nice to have a sweet, fuzzy, loving critter around?

Hop Pop: A pet?

“You don't sound too thrilled by the idea,” Ferb noted.

“You’ll see why in just a second,” Hop Pop explained.

Hop Pop starts ranting about their old pet spider “Charlie Bigbottom” and how he always had to deal with him instead of the kids.

“Ah, that explains it.”

Anne: Plan B. We're gonna have to sneak Domino 2 inside.

“You don’t take no for an answer, do you?” Wendy asked with a smirk.

“Well, I should have,” Anne said forlornly, confusing the group.

Sprig: Should we be concerned about this?

He lifts his leg, which Domino 2 is nibbling on.

“Yes. Yes, you should,” Isabella answered, eyes widening.

“Yeah, this doesn’t look like a good idea,” Dipper shook his head.

Perry nodded his head frantically. He was a pet. His coworkers were pets. And he knew for a fact that that was not play biting!

Anne waves it off as play-biting and not tasting. Sprig destracts Hop Pop by getting him to rant more about Charlie Bigbottom.

“Using his frustration against him. I admire your cunning,” Eda praised.

The next day, Sprig arrives in the basem*nt to wake her up, but is worried about the scratches on her face and webs everywhere.

“You need to get that thing out of the house,” Stan warned.

Sprig: What happened? Are you okay?

Anne: Hmm? Yeah, totally. Domino 2 just had a bit of a rough first night indoors.

Sprig think Hop Pop will notice the webs and is wary of Domino 2. She attacks them but Anne says it’s normal cat behavior.

“Actually, she's not wrong there,” Isabella shrugged.

Eda’s eyes lit up in excitement.

“Is that a complement or a jab at cats?”

“Both,” the young girl answered honestly.

Anne’s eyes narrowed in response, causing their respective friends to trade nervous glances. All while Eda ate her popcorn.

Meanwhile in the Amphibia Room…

Sasha turned to face Marcy.

“She remembers that I’m a dog person, right?”

“I think you’re the exception to her scorn,” Marcy shrugged.

Montage of Domino 2 wreaking havoc across the house, including eating Hop Pop’s sandwich and trying to eat Polly.

“Polly!” everyone exclaimed.

“Anne! Why didn’t you realize how dangerous that creature was after that?!” Hop Pop screamed.

“I was missing my cat, okay?!” she answered, burning her head in her hands. “I just wanted her back, so I clung to one that looked like her,” she finished quietly.

The others sent her pitiful looks.

“I think we all can relate to that,” Mabel sighed. The others nodded with her, thinking of or holding their own pets or companions that were currently with them.

“Our pets are our pets. Regardless of what they are,” Isabella smiled.

“Yeah,” Anne smiled back. “Cat, dog, it doesn’t matter.”

“But dogs are still better.”

“You little…”

Sprig and Anne lay Domino 2 in her bed.

Sprig: Whew! Hope there isn't a Domino 3.

“Don’t tempt fate,” Stacy pleaded.

Anne: It's all worth it when you get to watch your adorable little boo take a nap.

Domino 2 wraps herself in a blanket of webs.

Sprig: I gotta admit, she's pretty darn cute.

Anne: Welcome, brother, to the church of cute.

Sprig: This a cult thing?

“Church of cute?” Dipper parroted.

“It’s just a thing that Marcy and I have. Just the two of us fawning over Domino, or any other cute animal we see,” Anne smiled.

“Room for one or two more? Because I think I qualify with how I am to this little guy here,” Luz smiled, holding out King in her arms.

“No! Don’t make me a part of this!” the little guy begged his sister.

After they leave for dinner, Domino 2 wraps her full body in webbing. It’s a cocoon!

“She’s gonna turn into a beautiful butterfly, right?” Mabel asked with a forced smile.

The Amphibia group shook their heads.

The two wolf down their meal, to Hop Pop’s confusion. They hear a crash.

Anne: What the heck is that? Domino 2, where are you? Baby precious!

She runs down the stairs.

Hop Pop: Wait. "Baby precious"? That's a pet name, for a pet! You sneak a pet in here?

Sprig caves and confesses everything.

“You gotta learn how to lie, kid,” Eda shook her head.

“You want lessons,” Stan offered, seeing an opportunity. “I’d be willing to do it for a small fee-”

“You will do no such thing!” Hop Pop cut him off with a glare.

Sprig: Uh, I'm sorry. It's just that the caterpillar looked just like Anne's pet from back home. It was small, cute. It was black with white spots and it–

Hop Pop: Wait. A black caterpillar with white spots?

Sprig: Yes. Sensing something is wrong.

“Okay, if even the pets are dangerous, how is anyone still alive in your world?” Heinz questioned.

The frog just shrugged, not having an answer.

They arrive in the basem*nt.

Hop Pop: That's a Coastal Kill-a-pillar!

“Kill-a-pillar?!” everyone shrieked.

“Yep, that settles it! That thing is dangerous!” Stan yelled.

Hop Pop: They're dangerous amphibivores, and they only get white spots right before they're about to–

Domino 2 shrieks menacingly, and reveals herself to have changed into her monstrous adult form.

The audience gulped at the sight, each of them terrified or at least on edge.

“This is incredible!” Except for Dipper, who was sketching and writing down anything he could about the Kill-a-pillar.

“You just can’t help but record everything you learn, can you?” Candace asked. Though her tone was stern, there was a small smile on her face.

“What can I say? It’s one of my quirks,” he answered, still writing.

Hop Pop: Shh. These monsters respond to sound. Let's back away slowly and quietly.

Polly: (bangs the door open and yells) Hey, family! What's happening in here?

Everyone collectively groaned. That groaning was soon drowned out by Eda and King’s laughter.

Domino 2 attacks them, ignoring Anne’s pleas. She then starts playing with her “food.”

“Oh my gosh, that is so terrifying,” Wendy said.

“Phsycological torture. That’s brutal,” King commented

“I was evil and I never went that far. Although I did consider it a few times for traps,” Heinz added.

Perry suddenly found himself grateful that that never happened.

Anne uses the cat toy to lewer her away from the house and saves the Plantars.

The audience sighed in relief.

“Thank whoever that that thing is still a cat,” King sighed.

“Clever move,” Adyson praised.

They arrive at a cliff.

Anne: (sighs) Oh, Domino 2, I thought I could change you. But I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry I couldn't make it work. (sighs) It's time to go.

The others sent Anne sympathetic looks. However, the girl herself hid a small smile.

Turns out I did. And boy, did it come in handy.

She throws the toy over the edge and Domino 2 goes after it.

“Well, glad that’s over,” Luz said.

“And I think you learned your lesson, right?” Jeremy asked.

Anne nodded.

Anne arrives home and the others are glad she’s okay and ask if Domino 2 is gone.

Anne: Yeah, it's gone. [sighs] I'm so sorry, you guys. I had no right to put you all in danger, no matter how much I miss my cat. I hope you understand.

Hop Pop: Understand? Understand! I miss Charlie Bigbottom with all my heart and soul!

He starts bawling his eyes out.

The others blinked while Hopediah did the exact same thing as his past self.

“I loved that spider!” he wailed.

“We know you did, Hop Pop,” Sprig comforted, patting his grandfather on the back.

Polly: Uh, can we please fix the giant hole in the house?!

There were once again a few laughs at Polly’s words.

Anne is in the basem*nt and Sprig visits her.

Anne: (sighs) Well, just goes to show ya. You can't take some wild animal you found in the woods, have it live in your basem*nt, and think everything's gonna be okay.

Sprig: I don't know. Sometimes it works out.

Everyone smiled at his words while Anne hugged her brother.

Sprig gives her a cat plushie he made from Domino 2’s hair balls. She loves it.

“I’m not sure if I should be grossed out or impressed that you successfully managed to do that,” Luz admitted.

“Best not to think about it,” Candace said.

“Well, I for one am impressed by your craftsmanship,” Mabel praised.

“Thank you,” Srig beamed.

“Last one before we get to the adventures of The Owl House. I think you’ll find it most shocking,” the host chuckled.

The Plantars just sent their voice flat looks.

“Dad jokes. Really?” Anne asked.

“Well, I know one of you will enjoy it later.”

Taking Charge

Anne runs in and shows the Plantars their phone.

Anne: "Suspicion Island". It's, like, my favorite show. I've got the new season and didn't even know it. It must have auto-downloaded before I got here.

“Is that a new show that exists in the future?” Mabel asked.

“Yep! And it’s the best!” Anne praised.

“Well, let’s see it then,” Heinz said.

A previously on plays.

Narrator: Suspicion Island. If you don't stay suspicious, you won't stay alive.

“Oh, I like this,” Candace and Dipper said at the same time.

“Those men were so handsome,” Mabel beamed.

“Eh, that show has never really been my thing,” Luz shrugged.

“Yeah, I don’t think I’d like it either,” Phineas said, Isabell nodding in agreement.

“It looks absolutely vulgar,” Baljeet piped up.

Hop Pop: What is this demonic nonsense?

Anne: Hop Pop, this show's got beautiful people doing dumb things while stuff explodes! It's literally perfect.

“That’s all it takes?” Stan asked. He and Heinz adopted thinking postures before sharing wide grins.

The kids want to watch it. Hopediah offers to perform a scene from “The Shallow Pond.” He’s outvoted.

“I would have liked to see that,” Luz said.

“As would I,” Ferb added.

Hop Pop gasped loudly and looked like he was about to cry tears of joy

Hop Pop: But just one.

They watch the show into the night. Anne, Sprig and Polly are engrossed, eyes bloodshot and veiny, while Hop Pop isn't interested.

Some laughed while others were put off by the sight.

“Wow,” Wendy said, for lack of better words.

Anne says that’s enough for the night and that they have to pace themselves with this stuff. The kids reluctantly go to bed when Hop Pop tells them to.

Anne: So? What do you think, Hop Pop? Better than that boring stuff you read to us, right?

Hop Pop: That "boring stuff" is called literature, Anne. And maybe, if you had an ounce of culture, you wouldn't reject it in favor of your substandard, puerile garbage show!

“You really hate that show,” Baljeet noted.

“How long do you think it’ll take for him to love it?” Doofenshmirtz whispered to Stan with a smirk.

“Ha! For all we know, he probably already does.”

After they go to bed, someone sneaks in the night and watches more Suspicious Island.

The audience perked up at that.

The next morning, Anne tries to play the next episode when her phone displays a low battery alert and beeps.

Anne: Wait, WHAT?

The teens collectively sucked in a terrified breath.

“Oh no! Your phone!” Stacy exclaimed. “It’s gonna die!”

“And you don’t have a way to charge it,” Luz realized, getting pale.

The Plantars ask what’s wrong as they enter.

Anne: My battery is low. But it was fine last night when I turned it off.

She accesses the season. All the episodes are marked "WATCHED".

“One of you watched them, didn’t you?” Dipper asked the frog group. They nodded.

Anne’s phone dies.

Anne: (devastated) It's gone.

Sprig: What’s gone?

Anne: Everything! My pictures! My texts! Videos of my cat! Now all my memories from home are gone!!

She begins hyperventilating.

Luz immediately hugged her new friend.

“I’m sorry. I can’t explain right now, but I understand on some level what you're going through. This was a fear of mine at least.”

“I was so scared that I’d never see my parents’ faces again,” she whispered, returning the hug. “I had no idea if I’d come home, those pictures were all I had of them.”

Everyone frowned in sympathy.

Everyone immediately begins blaming each other with suspicion.

“Perhaps maybe this is not the best time, considering her emotional state,” Ferb chided, causing Sprig and Polly to wince.

“Who do you think it was?” Stan asked Heinz and Eda.

“Well, the girl’s not one to take ‘no’ for an answer,” Eda said.

“It’s true,” Polly admitted. “I don’t like what you’re implying, but it’s true.”

“I’m gonna say, Sprig,” Luz added.

“Agreed,” King and Mabel said.

“Why not Polly or Hop Pop?” Dipper asked his sister.

“Don’t you remember how angry she was when she got woken up by Sprig and Anne in the roommates episode? Pretty sure that girl likes her beauty sleep,” Mabel answered.

“What do you think, Perry?” Isabella asked the secret agent. The platypus just shrugged.

“I can’t figure this out,” Candace groaned, holding her head in frustration. “The kids seem too obvious and their grandfather doesn’t look like he can use modern technology-”

“Hey!” Hop Pop cried out, insulted.

“Alright, how much does everyone wanna bet?” Stan grinned, writing their assumptions down. “I’ll be the bookie.”

“You’re not gonna gamble this time?” Susan questioned.

“Nah, I’ll take a break. So, what are the wagers?” Everyone looked at each other back and forth for close to a minute.

“Five dollars says it’s Sprig,” Baljeet said, holding up a five dollar bill. And just like that the bets piled up. Luz, King, Mabel, Soos and Baljeet bet on Sprig. Eda, the Fireside Girls and Isabella put their money on Polly. The others decided to opt out. Except for Doof, who bet on Hop Pop.

Anne: (groans) Enough! If none of you are going to admit to it, the least you could do is help me fix my phone.

Hop Pop: Fair enough, Anne. How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town–

Everyone sent the frog a disturbed look.

“Okay, I think it’s best we go ahead and ignore that,” Dipper suggested. He got nods and sounds of affirmation in response.

Anne explains that they need electricity, or “Zap Zap.” They go to Hop Pop’s study to read one of his books.

Hop Pop: I've heard talk of a creature called the zapapede that lives deep in the Misty Peaks. It zaps its prey with a small spark of lightnin'. Yeah, it's pretty cool, actually.

“So, they’re like electric eels? Cool,” Phineas praised. Dipper started writing the information down.

Anne: Sounds like it's worth a shot. So, how far away is this bug, HP?

Hop Pop: Don't call me HP.

There were a few chuckles.

“Whatever you say, HP,” Luz teased, causing Hop Pop to sigh.

Sprig: Oh, yeah? Well, that's just what Chad Vanderblad said. Right before he was stabbed in the back by a backstabber on Suspicion Island!

He and Polly begin to argue, clearly suspicious of each other.

“Come on, Sprig. Slip up and expose yourself,” King cheered.

“Come all, Polly,” Eda encouraged as well.

“Ugh, you guys are never gonna charge the phone if you keep blaming each other,” Stacy complained, causing the frogs to wince once again.

Anne: Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! You're all suspicious. Just look at you. Now, come on. Let's get going. The sooner we move, the sooner I get my memories back.

“Say, who wants to put up a side bet on whether or not there’ll be a fight?” Eda asked the audience. She got silence in response. “What, no takers?”

“I think we all know that that’s going to happen. Especially with the pollywog involved,” Jeremy said.

They travel through the mountains.

Sprig: ♪ A family Distrusts each other ♪ ♪ On a dangerous mission ♪ ♪ Like the nearly naked humans On the island of Suspicion ♪ ♪ Peruvia, Felicia And Randy, so hot ♪ ♪ Beguiling, hostile-ing ♪ ♪ We're all Suspicious isle-ing ♪

Sprig stood up and took a bow as everyone clapped and cheered.

“Thank you, thank you! I’m here all week.”

“You’re pretty good with the fiddle, kid,” Eda praised. “I think someone I know would love to play with you.”

“You should totally join our music numbers,” Isabella offered.

“A fiddle would be a great addition,” Baljeet agreed.

“Yeah! You in?” Phineas asked. Ferb looked in his direction, and if he had to guess, the green haired boy had the same question.

“Do I get to ride your amazing inventions?”

“Yes. Yes you do.”

“I’m in!”

“We’re gonna have to keep an eye on him,” Polly stated.

“Oh, absolutely,” Hopediah agreed.

Anne just groaned in frustration. She was really hoping that Sprig would just once not try and do anything death defying.

They spot a zapapede on the other side of a bridge.

“There it is!” Luz cheered.

“You guys just gotta get across that rickety bridge…” Stacy began before trailing off.

“When you all distrust each other…” Wendy added.

“And a fight could break out any minute…” King said, his eyes widening.

“You’re all gonna fight and fall off the bridge, aren’t you?” Dipper deadpanned.

Their silence was confirmation.

Hop Pop: Step lightly, everyone. This thing doesn't look like it can take much weight.

Sprig yawns as they cross.

Hop Pop: Sprig sure looks tired, doesn't he? Awfully suspicious.

Polly: The old man's a lying snake, but he does have a point.

“Say, that's a good point,” Soos nodded.

“I still think it’s Polly though,” Gretchen said.

“Something’s missing here,” Candace noted, still trying to figure it out. Dipper nodded in agreement. “And why is hop Pop suddenly interested in this?”

Sprig gets Anne’s attention.

Sprig: I want to find out who's guilty just as much as you do. Let me help you.

Polly: Oh, no, you don't! You were trying to Chad her into trusting you!

“Okay, this was fun before, but now it’s just annoying,” Wendy frowned.

Sprig: And you're trying to Vivica her into not trusting me!

The audience just sighed, accepting what was gonna happen.

Anne: Guys, cut it out. You're gonna–

The bridge breaks and they all fall.

“I wish I were surprised. But I’m not,” Dipper said flatly.

They land next to pit full of zapapedes.

“Oh wow. That’s convenient,” Heinz noted.

“Tie it to a vine or something and lower it down,” Candace said.

Anne: Hmm. Oh! Let's just link arms and lower someone down, just like the teens did in episode eight.

Sprig: Ha! So that Polly can drop us to cover her tracks, just like Vivica did in the very same episode?

Polly: You callin' me a Vivica?

Sprig: Maybe…

The two start fighting.

“Get him, Polly!” King and Eda cheered.

“Oo, frog children fighting! Something I had no idea I wanted,” Stan grinned. “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Everyone else just groaned.

They accidentally hit Anne, so she joins the fight.

They cheered and groaned louder than before.

Hop Pop: Eh, no. Oh. No. I-- It was me!

Everyone’s mouths fell open at the news.

“You?!” many exclaimed in disbelief.

“But–but how?” Candace questioned. “I mean, it clears everything up, but I still don’t understand.”

“Me neither,” Dipper added.

“Guess we’ll find out in a second,” Stan shrugged. “In the meantime, Heinz here was the only one to bet on Hopediah. He wins the money by default.”

“By default! My favorite way to win!” Doofenshmirtz cheered, his fists raised high in the air. He then pulled in all his new winnings with a wide grin.

Hop Pop: That's right, Anne. I watched all the episodes. Every single one!

Anne: But you hated Suspicion Island!

“Exactly!” Candace and Dipper exclaimed.

“Unless…” Luz began.

Hop Pop: Hated it? Hated it?! I LOVED it!

“Wow. What a plot twist,” Soos commented.

Hop Pop: Ever since the end of that last episode, I-I couldn't sleep. I fell in love with those crazy kids on their crazy island. I couldn't get enough! I did the only thing I could. I snuck out to the livin' room to watch another episode. I vowed only to watch one, but Suspicion Island had its hooks in me! And before I realized what had happened, I'd finished the season! With dawn approaching, I covered my tracks and made my escape.

“Why did you lie about hating it?” Luz asked.

“It was a matter of pride, I guess. Or maybe I was a bit embarrassed. I can’t even remember,” Hop Pop answered.

“If this show is that good, then I can’t wait ‘til it comes out!” Mabel beamed.

Anne: Unbelievable.

Sprig: What a twist!

“It really was,” King nodded.

“I still don’t understand,” Candace complained.

“Well, I think I made it very clear that–” Plantar began.

“No. I mean how did you know how to use a phone?!” the redhead exclaimed.

“Oh, yeah,” Dipper and Stacy realize.

“Say what?” the grandfather questioned.

“You’re a frog who's never seen modern technology like that,” Dipper explained their confusion.

“Also you’re old,” she finished.

“Hey!” Hop Pop cried out indignantly, much to everyone’s amusem*nt.

Hop Pop: But now, I'm gonna make things right. I will redeem myself!

He jumps off the edge and into the zapapede pile.

“Dude! Are you crazy?!” Wendy exclaimed.

“You just jumped into a pile of electric bugs!” Luz added.

“Do you have any idea how unsafe that is?!” Isabela finished.

“Well, I was more focused on bringing Anne’s phone back to life and redeeming myself,” Hopediah responded.

“Ha! And you wonder where I get my adventurous spirit?” Sprig laughed.

Hop Pop: You know, it's actually kinda relaxing!

They shock him and he screams in pain.

The audience winced and yelped respectively.

“That looks painful,” King said.

“Oof! Been there, buddy,” Heinz sympathized. Then he looked at the zapapedes curiously. Just how effective were they gonna be?

The kids link arms and lower down to reach Hop Pop.

Anne: Almost. Nearly there. Got him! Oh, wait a second.

“Uh oh,” Mabel let out, realizing what was about to happen.

They all get shocked by the connection.

Everyone collectively winced at the image.

“With every new creature I see, I keep wondering how Amphibia is even habitable,” Dipper sighed and shook his head.

They manage to pull up in time and Hop Pop sees that the phone has been charged to 10,000%.

“What?!” Stan exclaimed.

“Ferb! Those guys could power all our inventions!” Phineas told his brother.

“And my inators!” Heinz beamed.

Perry looked at his friend and family worriedly. He didn’t like where this could go.

Anne: So, you love Suspicion Island, huh?

Hop Pop: Yeah... (sighs) And I'm sorry I lied and drained your memory box. Can you ever forgive this old, silly frog?

Anne: Dude, you just risked your life to recharge my phone. I think we're square.

“Yep. Can’t get anymore square than that,” Stacy said.

Polly: Aw. Really glad I didn't push you off a cliff like I was planning.

Sprig: (laughs) Me too, Polly. Me too.

There were a few chuckles while others blanched at the pair.

“You two really gotta pace yourselves with that show,” Anne deadpanned at her brother and sister.

Hop Pop wants them to see more of the show so that he can talk about it before he explodes. He nearly says a spoiler on the way home.

“Well, that one’s over,” Wendy sighed.

“Hey, that was the last of our episodes,” Anne realized. “Does that mean we can go on break?”

“Indeed it does,” their host answered. “Spend some time in your rooms before watching The Owl House.” Everyone got up and headed for their respective doorways. “Oh, and just so you know, I realized that I may have not added enough people from each of your adventures. So my colleague and I brought in a few more. And they’ve already been caught up, so no need to fill them in on what you’ve seen.”

They all left the theater at a faster pace with that news, wondering just who else from their lives were now here.

Phineas and Ferb Room

The Danville group returned to the backyard to see two things. One: the whole area had grown tremendously. There were more buildings beyond their house. It looked like they were in a smaller version of Danville. They could even see Doof’s building in the not as far as usual distance.

“Hey, my building!” Doof beamed. “I was wondering where we were gonna sleep.”

“Sir, would you like a muffin?” Norm asked, holding a tray of the baked goods with his sister standing beside him.

“Oh, absolutely!”

“I don’t know how I feel about your new business partner,” Vanessa frowned as her father ate away at the muffins.

“Don’t stress yourself out, pumpkin,” he waved off. “If he were worse than me, then he wouldn’t be here.”

“He told you how to commit tax fraud,” she deadpanned.

“And that’s gonna help pay for your college tuition.”

“Hm… I don’t see this new person. Do you?” Phineas asked.

“No,” Isabella answered, looking around.

“Oh, she’s up there,” Monogram stated, pointing to the tree.

“Hey, there!” they heard the voice from up above. They all looked up at the branches of the tree to see a young woman in a black outfit, a brown jacket, and long brunette hair. She then jumped down and landed on the grass with a dramatic pose.

“Woah~,” the watchers said for lack of better words. Perry just rolled his eyes and smiled at his friend.

“Hey, P. How’ve you been?”

“You know Perry,” Phineas asked.

“Yep. The name’s Lila Loliberry. I’m from OWCA’s Canadian division,” she introduced herself.

“A Canadian? You from Quebec or the rest of it?” Buford asked.

“You know about Quebec?” Baljeet questioned.

“It’s the part that speaks French,” the bully whispered to the nerd.


Gravity Falls Room

“Great Uncle Ford!” Dipper shouted in excitement as he ran to the Author. “I have the…” he trailed off upon seeing Ford holding Journals 1 and 2 in his right hand. One was partially on top of the other like playing cards. The Pines boy squealed in joy. “Looks like we get to use the Journals one more time.”

“Yes we do, Dipper. Yes we do,” Ford beamed.

“I don’t ever wanna go to that frog world,” Thompson said as Wendy returned to her friend group.

“Normally I’d say that this is the ultimate dare, but yeah. I don’t think I wanna go there either,” Lee agreed. Dipper and Mabel joined the group once he finished.

“Definitely,” Dipper said flatly.

“I don’t know. I think I could take it,” Mable shrugged.

“Hey um… that Eda woman is totally Stan’s ex-wife, right?” Tambry asked.

The teens were silent as the awkwardness settled in. Except for Mabel, who looked over the moon.

“I hope so! She’s just perfect, and I’d love to have her as my Grauntie!”

“She was very sweet with you earlier,” Dipper smiled, grateful for what the older woman did for his sister. “But I don’t think she and Stan would make a good couple,” he said with a shiver.

“Well, I don’t need them to be together for her to be my Grauntie,” the Pines girl beamed.

Dipper shrugged and looked around. There weren’t any new people, but the area had changed to include the whole valley now. Though it was scaled down a bit. Probably for travel convenience. Then he turned to see Pacifica talking to Candy and Grenda.

And she was crying.

“Oh boy. Mabel, we gotta go.” His sister turned to see what he was talking about and hastily nodded before the pair ran off.

“I know what I did to you both was wrong,” Pacifica told the two as genuine tears rolled down her face. “And I know nothing that I can say or do will make it better. But I’ll never treat you like that again. I promise.”

Candy and Grenda glared at the heiress. Then the beefier one punched her in the arm, causing Pacifica to wince in pain.

“That’s for years of bullying!” Grenda shouted. Pacifica just looked down in shame. Then she was suddenly hefted into the air in a bone crushing hug. “That’s for apologizing!”

“You may have been bad before, but after everything Dipper and Mabel told us, we’re willing to give you a second chance. Don’t waste it,” Candy said.

Pacifica nodded gratefully once she was back on the ground. Then she was tackled to the ground in another bone crushing hug.

“Welcome to the friend group!” Mabel cheered.

“Mabel… can’t… breathe,” the Northwest weezed.

Dipper helped her up after his twin let go.

“I told you it would work out,” he smiled.

“Oh, please. As if I couldn’t pull that off. I’m a Northwest,” she scoffed with pretense superiority, causing Dipper to shake his head fondly.

“The more things change, the more they stay the same,” he said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“No matter how much of a better person you become, you’ll still pretend to care about status.”

“Yes I do!” she argued.

“Nope. Deep down you are a total sweetheart,” he smirked.

“Take that back!”


“Take it back!”

“Any idea what that was earlier?” Stan asked Ford and McGucket.

“No, but whatever it was had a lot of power,” his brother answered.

“The readings I’m getting from this place are still too high to learn anything in particular. I’m gonna try to put together a thingamajig to learn more about where we’re at,” the hillbilly said and left for the junkyard.

“Stanley,” Ford began with a sullen look, placing a six fingered hand on his twin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry about what happened between you and… Marilyn. I had no idea you went through that.”

“Eh, it was a long time ago,” Stan sighed. “She was incredible, and I do think about her every now and then, but I think I’ve moved on. I do wish I could remember what her face looked like. Or her voice.”

So that’s why he didn’t recognize her, Ford thought.

“That’s probably because of when we erased your memory.”

“Well, then I’m sure it’ll come back to me,” he smiled. “Besides, even though Marilyn was the only girl who ever managed to tie me down, it wasn’t my best relationship.”

“That much is clear.”

“I’m not talking about how she robbed me, Sixer,” he rolled his eyes. “I mean as a kind of girl who can make you feel alive. Honestly, no woman had ever made me feel that way since… Carla…” Stan trailed off. His mood visibly darkened. More so than when they were talking about Marilyn.

Ford immediately pulled his brother into a hug.

Amphibia Room

“Hey guys, I–” Anne halted in what she was saying upon seeing something she didn’t expect. Resting in Marcy’s arms was her pet cat. “Domino! Come here, little baby!” she beamed, reaching for the feline…

Only for Marcy to suddenly hold her out of arm's reach.

“Oh no you don’t. She is mine now,” Macy huffed.


“You made your choice earlier. We all saw it. And you replaced our baby! How could you, Anne!”

“Domino 2 looked so much like her! Can you really blame me?”


Sash chuckled at her friends’ actions.

“It always amuses me to see you fighting over that cat,” she smiled.

“Well, this time it’s final. You are staying with me from now on. The mommy that loves you.”

“But I love her too! Come on. Mar-Mar~,” Anne practically begged.

“Oh, alright. But if you ever betray our little baby like this again…”

“I won’t,” Anne promised, rubbing Domino’s belly.

“Anne! Plantars!” They looked over to see Dr. Jan running over to them. With her were Terri, Jess and Ally.

“Dr. Jan! Great to see you!” Anne greeted.

“Incredible! Danville, Gravity Falls, Amphibia! So much history to learn! And your blue friend has been such a big help answering my questions,” Jan spoke rapidly.

“Blue friend?”

“Well, hello love,” she heard from behind her. Anne turned to see Wally himself. “Good to see ya again.” he played a note with his accordion.

“Wally! Bring it in, buddy!” she said before hugging him.

As this went on, Polly was having her own conversation with her fellow robot enthusiasts.

“We have got to build some stuff with Phineas and Ferb later,” Ally beamed.

“I know, right?!” Jess responded enthusiastically. “Those two are incredible! Hearing about them growing up is actually what inspired us to get into robotics.”

“Wow, I had no idea they were that big,” Polly said. “If all that was stuff they did as kids, then what have they done as adults?”

“Hm… pretty sure they solved climate change. It’s still being determined,” Ally answered.

“There’s something off about that Eda woman,” Maddie told Sprig and Ivy. “I don’t know what it is, but I can literally feel it.”

“It’s probably nothing too bad,” Sprig responded. “The way she comforted Mabel earlier, I think we can trust her.”
“If you say so, Sprig,” the curse user shrugged.

“So, Anne owns your first born child, huh?” Ivy asked.

“We settled for Godmother,” he immediately defended.

“Well, I don’t think there’s anyone better for whatever kid we have,” she smirked.

Ivy’s statement had the desired effect, and her boyfriend began to blush more than he ever had in his entire life.

“Isn’t it… isn’t it a bit early to be thinking about that?” he chuckled nervously.

“I don’t know? Is it?” she teased and kissed his cheek. Sprig suddenly fainted, causing both girls to laugh.

“Gee, I hope I didn’t go too far,” Ivy said.

“He’ll be fine,” Maddie waved off. “Hey um, we’re cool, right?”

“What? About you used to having feelings for Sprig? It’s fine,” Sundew waved off. “It is ‘used to’, right?”

“Well, after seeing how he acts, it’s safe to say he’s not my type. You can have him,” Maddie shrugged. “Sure, he’s a lovable goofball, but I need someone more serious.”

“Well, everyone has their own type. And he’s mine,” Ivy stated proudly, hugging Sprig as he finally woke up.

“Hehehe, you’re gonna give him a heart attack if you keep that up, deary,” an old woman said.

“Mrs. Croaker?” Sprig asked.

“That’s right, I’m here too. Now can someone please tell me where Archie is?”

“Ah! Giant spider, bird and snails!” Anne’s dad screamed as Archie, Bessie, Joe Sparrow and Microangelo stood around him.

“Never mind. That settles it.”

The Owl House Room

Luz rushed into their section and immediately pulled her girlfriend into a twirl hug, not even noticing how much the landscape had grown.

“Are you gonna greet me like that every time you see me?” Amity laughed.

“Yes,” Luz nodded with complete seriousness. There was a hiss as Stringbean slithered through the air and nuzzled Luz’s cheek. “Aw, nice to see you too, buddy.”

“Hey, where did the others go?” Amity asked upon noticing that the couple were alone.

“They left,” King said, from below them. “They left as soon as your mushiness started, knowing it would take forever.”

The pair just took it in stride and closed their eyes with their foreheads leaning against one another.

“You know what I wanna do with you tonight?” Luz asked. “I wanna lie down and cuddle with you forever, hermosa.”

“We do have all the time in the world now,” her girlfriend smiled sweetly. Because in that moment, everything was right.

“Hey, Luz!”

Until it wasn’t.

“Oh hey, Hooty. What’s going on?”

“We have two more friends,” the bird tube thing announced and moved aside to reveal said familiar faces.

“Ms. Blight, Ms. Noceda. Good to find you well,” Principal Bump greeted with a smile.

“Hello, young witch,” the Bat Queen smiled. “I see you finally realized what you what,” she smiled as she noticed the snakeshifter palismen. The magical creature in her curiosity flew up to the elder one’s face.

“Yep! Her name is Stringbean. And she’s perfect!”

“Quite a unique form, Ms. Noceda. What pray tell was your desire?” Bump asked.

“My mom helped me realized that all I really wanted was to be understood,” the afro-latina poured out. “I don’t know why it took so long.”

“Ah, such a beautiful wish,” Bat Queen praised. “A very powerful one too.” Stringbean then shifted into resembling the other palismen, much to her amusem*nt.

♪ “Fdq’w zdlw d zkroh bhdu wr vodxjkwhu wkrvh olwwoh f###v! L nqrz lw’v mxvw ehhq d zhhn, exw zh’oo eh edfn lq vla prqwkv!” ♪

“ZKDW?!” wkh Jxdugldq, Surihvvru Wlph dqg Hdqnl doo hafodlphg dv wkhb khdug wkh hqg ri Dgdp’v vrqj.

“Ex-exw zkb?!” Khlqc txhvwlrqhg.

Wkh wlwdq dprqj wkhp bhoohg lqfrkhuhqwob ehiruh fdvwlqj d iluh jobsk dqg kxuolqj wkh qhz edoo ri iodphv dw wkh qhduhvw zdoo. Wkh uhvxow zdv dq hasorvlrq wkdw vkrrn wkh zkroh duhd. Hdqnl wkhq ehjdq wr kxii dqg sxii.

“Brx xk… brx jrrg pdq?” wkh vflhqwlvw dvnhg.

Klv euhdwklqj vorzhg dqg kh vkrrn klv khdg.

“Qr. Wklv klwv wrr forvh wr krph iru ph. Dgdp lv vr pxfk olnh Ehorv wkdw lw ixhov ph zlwk dqjhu.”

“Li lw lv dqb frqvrodwlrq,” wkh Darorwo vdlg vriwob. “Iru doo wkdw wkhb zrxog djuhh rq, Ehorv glg qrw jr wr Khdyhq.”

Wkhuh zdv d sdxvh.

“Zkdw ehfdph ri klp?” wkh wlwdq dvnhg, douhdgb sxwwlqj wrjhwkhu wkh lpsolfdwlrqv.

“Kh glhg lq wkh Hawhuplqdwlrq wzr prqwkv diwhu klv ghdwk. Kh wulhg wr sohdg wr wkh Haruflvwv wr wdnh klp wr Khdyhq, vdblqj wkdw lw pxvw kdyh ehhq vrph plvwdnh. Wkdw kh zdv rqob grlqj Jrg’v zrun. Wkhb guryh d vshdu lqwr klv khduw dv d uhvsrqvh. Vr, L hqghg xs sxwwlqj klv vrxo wkurxjk wkh fbfoh. D gliihuhqw irup, d gliihuhqw wlph,” wkh dpskleldq hasodlqhg.

“Zhoo, jrrg ulggdqfh, L vdb,” wkh Jxdugldq vdlg, dgglqj klv rzq wzr fhqwv.

“L vxssrvh vr, bhv,” Hdqnl vljkhg. Kh wxuqhg wr wkh rwkhu vfuhhq lq wkh urrp wr vhh klv jxhvwv vkdulqj frqixvhg orrnv. “Li brx’oo hafxvh ph. L qhhg wr jr hasodlq pbvhoi wr wkh rqhv zh eurxjkw khuh.”

Khlqc orrnhg wr wkh rwkhuv dv wkh wlwdq zdonhg wr wkh rwkhu vlgh ri wkh urrp.

“Vr, wkdw Ydjjlh jluo zdvq’w nlgglqj zkhq vkh vdlg wkdw dqjohv duh eorrgwkluvwb dqg ghudqjhg.”

“Qr,” wkh Jxdugldq vkrrn klv khdg.

“Krz hadfwob glg wkdw jxb jhw lqwr Khdyhq? L zdv douhdgb frqixvhg wr khdu wkdw Dgdp jrw lq, iru vrph uhdvrq, exw L’p hyhq pruh vnhswlfdo qrz,” Grri iurzqhg.

“L gr qrw nqrz,” wkh Darorwo dqvzhuhg. “Shukdsv kh zdv d ehwwhu shuvrq lq klv iluvw olih, dqg ehlqj wkh iluvw kxpdq lq Khdyhq lqiodwhg klv hjr wr wkh srlqw zkhuh kh orvw klv uhghhplqj txdolwlhv. Ru pdbeh lw zdv wr hyhqwxdoob ghprqvwudwh wr wkh dqjhov krz wkhb duh wkh rqh zkr kdyh idoohq. Uhjdugohvv wkrxjk, lw lv d wuxwk zh kdyh wr dffhsw.”

“Zh fdq frqwlqxh qrz,” Hdqnl vdlg, uhwxuqlqj wr wkhp.

Fkduolh uhwxuqv wr wkh Kdcelq Krwho wr ohduq wkdw wkhb pdgh d qhz frpphufldo. Wkhb’uh derxw wr zdwfk lw zkhq wkh ihhg lv lqwhuuxswhg eb d 999 eurdgfdvw dqqrxqflqj wkh Hawhuplqdwlrq vfkhgxoh fkdqjh.

“Rk, wkdw lv mxvw rxwuljkw dqqrblqj! L uhdoob zdqwhg wr vhh wkdw!” Grrihqvkpluwc frpsodlqhg.

“Vr glg L,” Hdqnl juxpeohg.

“Krog lw, brx wzr. Orrn,” Wkh Jxdugldq vdlg.

Wkh uhdvrq iru wkh fkdqjh lv uhyhdohg dv d gurqh iurp Khdyhq ilqgv d khdgohvv ergb ri dq Haruflvw.

Wkh wkuhh zkr zhuh mxvw ohduqlqj wklv wxuqhg wr wkh Darorwo.

“Whoo ph wklv lv uhdo,” Wkh fdw ehjjhg.

Wkhlu iuloob frpsdqlrq qrgghg. Wkh rwkhuv wrrn d prphqw wr gljhvw wklv qhzv ehiruh wkhb julqqhg.

“Wkhb kdyh d iljkwlqj fkdqfh!” wkhb fkhhuhg.

“Dkkdkd! L kdyh ehhq zdlwlqj whq-wkrxvdqg bhduv wr vhh wkhvh kbsrfulwhv jhw wkhlu gxhv,” Hdqnl ehdphg.

“Zhoo, li wklqjv jr wkh zdb L’p krslqj, wkhq wkhq qhaw vhyhqwb-hljkw bhduv ri pb mre vkrxog eh pxfk hdvlhu wr ghdo zlwk,” wkh Jxdugldq vljkhg.

“Zdlw, kxpdqlwb lv rqob whq-wkrxvdqg bhduv rog? Exw wkdw frqwudglfwv vflhqfh!” Khlqc txhvwlrqhg.

“Rk, qr. Doo wkh sdqwkhrqv duh uhdo, uhphpehu? Vr, doo wkh fuhdwlrq vwrulhv duh uhdo dv zhoo. Wkhb mxvw kdsshqhg iru wkh sduwv ri wkh zruog zkhuh wkhb ruljlqdwhg iurp,” wkh Darorwo hasodlqhg.

“Rk, zhoo wkdw sxwv pb plqg dw hdvh. Dw wkh hqg ri wkh gdb, L’p d pdq ri vflhqfh. Uhphpehu wkdw.”

“Lw doo pdnhv vhqvh qrz,” wkh wlwdq ehjdq. “Wkhb’uh dfwlqj rxw ri ihdu ehfdxvh wkhb qrz nqrz wkhb’uh qrw dv lqylqfleoh dv wkhb wkrxjkw.”

“Bhdk, wkdw zdv d orw ri qhz lqir wr gljhvw. Olnh Oxflihu ehlqj qrw vr edg d jxb. Zkdw’v kh olnh, eb wkh zdb?” Khlqc dvnhg.

Klv frpsdqlrqv vkduhg d srqghulqj orrn, zrqghulqj krz ehvw wr dqvzhu klv txhvwlrq.

“Ohw'v mxvw vdb, brx’oo eh deoh wr uhodwh wr klp. Pruh wkdq wkh uhvw ri xv, dfwxdoob,” wkh Jxdugldq vplunhg.

Watching the Cipher-Verse - Chapter 6 - Mandalore_the_Atreides (2024)
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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.