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The hot spots of biodiversity conservation are characterized by:
1. High endemicity and high threat of extinction
2. Low endemicity and high threat of extinction
3. High endemicity and low threat of extinction
4. Low endemicity and low threat of extinction


In general, which of the following is not an adaptation seen in parasites in accordance with their life style?
1. Loss of unnecessary sense organs
2. Presence of adhesive organs
3. Low reproductive capacity
4. Loss of digestive system


Which of the following is not one of prime health risks associated with greater UV
radiation through the atmosphere due to depletion of stratospheric zone?
1. Increased skin cancer
2. Reduced immune system
3. Damage to eyes
4. Increased liver cancer


Buoyancy in a bony fish is maintained with the help of
(1) streamlined body
(2) paired fins
(3) swim bladder
(4) all the above


Which of the following does not come under the Class Mammals?
(1) Flying fox
(2) Hedgehog
(3) Manatee
(4) Lamprey


Which one of the following is an incorrect combination?
(1) Adenine, thymine, cytidine
(2) Adenine, cytosine, thymine
(3) Guanine, thymine, uracil
(4) Cytosine, uracil, guanine


Which of the following is not a feature of the phylum chordata?
1. Dorsal heart
2. Central nervous system is dorsal
3. Paired pharyngeal gill slits
4. Post anal tail


Which of the following epithelium is capable of forming ciliated epithelium by possessing cilia on its free surface?
(1) Compound
(2) Cuboidal
(3) Columnar and compound
(4) Cuboidal and columnar


Complete the following statement by choosing the appropriate option:
The type of development in Periplaneta americana is ___________.
(1) Paurometabolous
(2) Holometabolous
(3) Hemimetabolous
(4) Incomplete


Tissue is

(1) a group of cells performing similar function
(2) a group of cells performing specific function
(3) a group of similar cells along with extracellular substances performing specific function
(4) a group of similar cells along with intercellular substances performing specific function


Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to co*ckroach?

(1) Tropical regions have witnessed bright yellow, red and green colored co*ckroaches
(2) Their size ranges from ¾ inches to 3 inches
(3) Nocturnal omnivores
(4) Serious pest and vector of several diseases


Exponential growth occurs when there is:
(1) Asexual reproduction only
(2) Sexual reproduction only
(3) No inhibition from crowding
(4) A fixed carrying capacity


Primary production is expressed in terms of-
1. Grams
2. Grams/year
3. Gram/m2
4. Gram/m2/year


How do Lichens play a vital role in succession?
1. They grow in pollution free area
2. They secrete acids to dissolve rock, helping in weathering and soil formation.
3. They are symbiotic association between fungi and algae.
4. More than one options are correct.


Which of the following reservoir regulates the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
1. Ocean
2. Earth’s crust
3. Land
4. Fossil


Aquatic organisms face problems when water quality gets disturbed. Here water quality includes
1. Chemical composition, temperature, pH
2. Chemical composition and pH
3. Only pH
4. pH and temperature


In aquatic habitats, the type of benthic animals is determined by
1. The grain size of soil at the bottom
2. Sediment characteristics
3. Percolating property of soil
4. topography of soil


Which of the following cannot be the reason for the stability of biological community?

(1) More species
(2) Not much variations in productivity
(3) Resistant to occasional disturbances made by nature only
(4) Resilient to occasional disturbances made by nature and man


The last twenty years or so have witnessed the disappearance of at least

(1) 27 species
(2) 40 species
(3) 12 species
(4) 7 species


Ex situ means except

(1) Off site conservation
(2) Endangered plant or animal is protected
(3) They are kept in more protected space than natural area
(4) Saving the entire forest to save the tiger


Glycogen is a polymer of:

1. Galactose
2. Glucose
3. Fructose
4. Sucrose


Biochemical oxygen demand is

(1) Directly proportional to Biodegradable organic matter
(2) Inversely proportional to Biodegradable organic matter
(3) Depends on direction of flow
(4) Directly proportional to dissolved oxygen


Higher the biodegradable organic matter in sewage

(1) Higher the dissolved oxygen
(2) Higher the BOD
(3) Lower the number of Bacteria
(4) All of these


In which device the exhaust is passed through a spray of water or lime for removal of gases as well as particles ?
1. ESP
2. Scrubber
3. Catalytic converter
4. Both (1) and (2)


Which of the following protocols did aim for reducing the emission of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere?
1. Geneva protocol
2. Montreal protocol
3. Kyoto protocol
4. Gothenburg protocol


Which of the following class of enzyme catalyse the joining of C-O and hydrolysis of C-N bonds respectively?
1. Lyases and Ligases
2. Ligases and Lyases
3. Ligases and Hydrolases
4. Lyases and Hydrolases


Mark the incorrect statement regarding the Malpighian tubule in co*ckroach:
1. It is present at the junction of the midgut and hindgut.
2. It is lined by glandular and ciliated cells.
3. It absorbs uric acid from the hemolymph.
4. It is about 100-150 in number and is a thin yellow filamentous tubule.


Which of the following is not present in ATP?
(1) Pentose sugar
(2) Deoxyribose sugar
(3) Purine base
(4) Phospho-ester linkage
(5) Phospho-diester linkage
(6) Hydrogen bond
1. (2),(4), (5),(6)
2. (1), (6), (2), (5)
3. (2), (5), (6)
4. (2), (6) only


Choose the correct sequence of greenhouse gases with respect to their relative contribution to global warming in increasing order



The elements X, Y, Z and J have the indicated electron configurations starting with the innermost shell. The most metallic element is :
1.X = 2, 8, 3
2.Y = 2, 8, 8
3.Z = 2, 8, 8, 1
4.j = 2, 8, 8, 7


The order of basic character of given oxides is:
1. Na2O > MgO > Al2O3 > CuO
2. MgO > Al2O3 > CuO > Na2O
3. Al2O3 > MgO > CuO > Na2O
4. CuO > Na2O > MgO > Al2O3


A neutral hydride among the following is -
1. H2S
2. H2O
3. H2Se
4. H2Te


When zeolites (hydrated sodium aluminum silicate) is treated with hard water, the sodium ions are exchanged with:
1. H+ ion
2. Ca2+ ion
4. OH- ion


The correct statement among the following regarding perhydrol is -
1. It is 30% H2O2 or 100 vol. H2O2
2. Its molarity is 8.8 M
3. It is used as an antiseptic and a germicide
4. All of the above


Which of the following metal is highest electropositive (metallic) in nature ?
(1) Be
(2) Rb
(3) Mn
(4) Tl


In alkaline earth metals, the properties, from the following, that will increase from Be to Ba are-
(i) Atomic radius
(ii) Ionisation energy
(iii) Nuclear charge

1.(i) and (ii)2.(i) and (iii)
3.(ii) and (iii)4.(i), (ii), and (iii)


The incorrect statement is:
(1) The second ionisation energy of Se is greater than that of second ionisation energy of As
(2) The first ionisation energy ofC2+ion is greater than that of first ionisation energy ofN2+ion
(3) The third ionisation energy of F is greater than that of third ionisation energy of O
(4) Helogens have highest I.E. in respective period


Which of the following orders are correct for the ionization energies?
(A)Ba<Sr<Ca (B)S2-<S<S2+
(C)C<O<N (D)Mg<Al<Si
1. A, B and D
2. A, C and D
3. A, B and C
4. A, B, C and D


The first ionization energy valuekJmol-1forH,Li,F,andNa
is given below but not in a correct order
The ionization energy value of H would be -
1. 1681
2. 1312
3. 520
4. 485


When substance A reacts with water, it produces a combustible gas B and a solution of substances 'C' in water. When another substance 'D' reacts with this solution of C, it produces the same gas 'B' on warming but 'D' can produce gas 'B' on reaction with dilute sulphuric acid at room temperature. 'A' imparts a deep golden yellow colour to a smokeless flame of a bunsen burner. A, B, C and D respectively are -


The correct order of ionic radii is:


The method used to remove the temporary hardness of water is-
1. Synthetic resins method
2. Calgon's method
3. Clark's method
4. Ion-exchange method


H2O2is stored in:
1. Iron container after the addition of stabilizer
2. Glass container after the addition of stabilizer
3. Plastic container after the addition of stabilizer
4. None of the above


Isoelectronic pair, among the following, is :



Two uniform, thin, identical rods, each of mass M and length l are joined together to form a cross. What will be the moment of inertia of the cross about an axis passing through the point at which the two rods are joined and are perpendicular to the plane of the cross?


If the radius of the earth is suddenly contracted to half of its present value, then the duration of the day will be of:

1.6 hours2.12 hours
3.18 hours4.24 hours


A body falling vertically downward under gravity breaks into two parts of unequal masses. The center of mass of the parts taken together shifts horizontally towards
1. heavier piece
2. lighter piece
3. does not shift horizontally
4. depends on the vertical velocity at the time of breaking


A wheel comprises of a ring of radius R and mass M and three spokes of mass m each. The moment of inertia of the wheel about its axis is
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A loop rolls down on the inclined plane. The fraction of its total kinetic energy that is associated with rotational motion is
1.\(1\over 2\)
2. \(1\over 3\)
3.\(3\over 2\)
4.\(2\over 3\)


A position dependent force\(F=7-2x+3x^2\)N acts on a small body of mass \(2\) kg and displaces it from \(x = 0\) to \(x = 5\) m. The work done in joule is:



A force acts on a 30 gm particle in such a way that the position of the particle as a function of time is given by x=3t4t2+t3, where x is in metres and t is in seconds. The work done during the first 4 seconds is
(1) 5.28 J
(2) 450 mJ
(3) 490 mJ
(4) 530 mJ


A force F=6i^+2j^3k^ acts on a particle and produces a displacement of s=2i^3j^+xk^. If the work done is zero, the value of x is
(1) – 2
(2) 1/2
(3) 6
(4) 2


A uniform chain of length 2m is kept on a table such that a length of 60cm hangs freely from the edge of the table. The total mass of the chain is 4kg. What is the work done in pulling the entire chain on the table?
(1) 7.2 J
(2) 3.6 J
(3) 120 J
(4) 1200 J


The potential energy of a body is given by, U = ABx2 (Where x is the displacement). The magnitude of force acting on the particle is
(1) Constant
(2) Proportional to x
(3) Proportional to x2
(4) Inversely proportional to x


A running man has half the kinetic energy of that of a boy of half of his mass. The man speeds up by 1m/s so as to have same K.E. as that of the boy. The original speed of the man will be
(1) 2m/s
(2) (21)m/s
(3) 1(21)m/s
(4) 12m/s


A toy car of mass 5 kg moves up a ramp under the influence of force F plotted against displacement x. The maximum height attained is given by
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(1) ymax = 20 m
(2) ymax = 15 m
(3) ymax = 11 m
(4) ymax = 5 m


A block of mass \(10\) kg, moving in the x-direction with a constant speed of \(10\) ms-1, is subjected to a retarding force\(F=0.1x\)J/m during its travel from \(x =20\) m to \(30\) m. Its final kinetic energy will be:

1.475 J2.450 J
3.275 J4.250 J


The moment of inertia of a thin uniform circular disc about one of its diameter is I. Its moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the circular surface and passing through its center will be:
2. 2 l


A circle of radius 'a' is cut out from a square of uniform density and side '4a'. If initial mass of the square is M, then the centre of mass of the remaining part is- (where O is center of square)
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1. a16-πto the left of O.
2.a16-πto the right of O.
3.πa16-πto the right of O.
4.πa16-πto the left of O.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.