NEWSLETTER - · Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape


NEWSLETTER Economic Geology Research Centre College of Science and Engineering James Cook University Townsville, Queensland Australia Issue: December 2019 In this issue: Controls on Cassiterite Crystallisation Sn-W-Critical Metals Conference Abstracts Professional Geologist Short Courses in 2020 Mineral Deposits of the Mount Isa Inlier Workshop

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NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (3)

NEWSLETTEREconomic Geology Research CentreCollege of Science and EngineeringJames Cook UniversityTownsville, QueenslandAustralia

Issue: December 2019

In this issue:Controls on Cassiterite Crystallisation

Sn-W-Critical Metals Conference Abstracts

Professional Geologist Short Courses in 2020

Mineral Deposits of the Mount Isa Inlier Workshop

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (4)

EGRU 2019

2 EGRU News December 2019

EGRU CHAIRMANTrevor ShawMount Isa Mines

DEPUTY CHAIR Kaylene CamutiLantana Exploration

DIRECTORSProf. Paul DirksA/Prof. Carl SpandlerCollege of Science and Engineering

Dan HuissmanSouth32

Jim MorrisonConsultant

Simon BeamsTerra Search Pty Ltd

Mark LindsayResolute Mining

Stewart ParkerConsultant

John NetheryNedex Pty Ltd

Ron FurnellRocsol Pty Ltd

Prof. Noel WhiteConsultantAdjunct JCU

Dr Vladimir LisitsinGeological Survey Qld

A/Prof. Eric RobertsHead of Earth and Environmental ScienceCollege of Science and Engineering

EGRU Board

Cover photo: Conference field trip at Mount Carbine Tungsten Mine. Photo courtesy of Judy Botting.

EGRU ContactsEGRU DIRECTORSProfessor Paul DirksTel: 61 7 4781 3630Email: [emailprotected]

Associate Professor Carl SpandlerTel: 61 7 4781 6911Email: [emailprotected]

EGRU ADMINISTRATIONJudy BottingTel: 61 7 4781 4726Email: [emailprotected]

EGRU MANAGERNewsletter EditorKaylene CamutiTel: 61 7 4781 5865Email: [emailprotected]

WEB: Geology Research Centre (EGRU)

College of Science and Engineering

James Cook UniversityTownsville, QLD, 4811, Australia

Major Research ProjectsNW QLD Magma Fertility ProjectProfessor Paul DirksEmail: [emailprotected]

Geita Gold Project, TanzaniaProfessor Paul DirksEmail: [emailprotected]

Adamantine Energy & Heritage Oil ProjectsAssociate Professor Eric Roberts Email: [emailprotected]

Rare Earths ProjectAssociate Professor Carl SpandlerEmail: [emailprotected]

Cu-Zn Isotopes in ExplorationProfessor Paul DirksAssociate Professor Carl SpandlerEmail: [emailprotected]: [emailprotected]


Mount Isa Mines



Anglo American

Geological Survey Qld


Resolute Mining

Chinova Resources

Evolution MiningMap to MineTerra Search

LEVEL 4CSA GlobalDover Castle MetalsGerard TrippGnomic Exploration ServicesInca Minerals LimitedLaneway ResourcesLantana ExplorationSandfire Resources

EGRU Members

Information about EGRU Membership Levels and Member Benefits is available

from the EGRU web site, or contact Judy Botting, EGRU Administration Officer.


NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (5)

EGRU News December 2019 3

EGRU 2019

Director's Report 4

ResearchResearch Staff & Projects

Controls on cassiterite crystallisation, Gejui Tin District, SW China

New Sn & W ore exploration toolkit

The magmatic evolution and rare metal potential of the Peak Range volcanics, central Qld

Geology and ore genesis ot the Yangibana LREE district, WA

The Jiaoxi tungsten deposit, Tibet, China

Scapolite as a vector at the Elaine Dorothy IOCG Deposit








Conferences, Short Courses & WorkshopsSn-W-Critical Metals Conference Report

EGRU at GESSS-Q 2019

Professional Geologist Short Courses in 2020




PeopleJCU Geoscience welcomes two new staff members

Postgraduate Students



EGRU Events & ServicesMineral Deposits of the Mount Isa Inlier Workshop

ACROFI Conference: Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions

EGRU Facilities & Analytical Capabilities




In This Issue





NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (6)

EGRU 2019

4 EGRU News December 2019

Director's ReportAssoc. Prof. Carl Spandler

With the December wind-down comes reflection on the year almost past, and for Geology at JCU we have again seen some major changes, with more to come in the year ahead. Undoubtedly the most important development for EGRU this year was the appointment of two new academic positions in Geology. I am very pleased to report that Ioan Sanislav has now taken the rains as our Economic Geology lecturer. Many of you will already know Ioan as he has been key member of the EGRU team for a number of years. Ioan’s multi-talents across a range of Earth Science disciplines, and experience working on a range of deposit types across the globe, make him exceptionally well qualified to direct economic geology research and training at JCU into the future. We have also appointed Dr Brandon Mahan as a new lecturer in geochemistry after a very competitive position search. Brandon will make the move up from Macquarie University to Townsville in February next year. Brandon is an accomplished isotope geochemist who is leading the charge in applying novel new isotope techniques to economic geology, environmental science, and even medicine and veterinary science. Brandons appointment also represents a major boost to the university's capabilities in analytical geochemistry. You can read more about Ioan and Brandon via their professional profiles within this newsletter. Other staff changes in 2019 include the resignations of Dr Christa Placzek and Dr Yanbo Cheng. Yanbo had worked as a postdoc with EGRU for many years, and was involved with the NE QLD metallogenesis project, the magma fertility of the Mary Kathleen Fold Belt project (both QLD government funded), as well as the Dover Castle project of this year. Yanbo left JCU in October to take up a permanent position with the Geological Survey of Norway and we wish him all the best in his new position. On the positive side, we are in the process

of appointing a new postdoctoral researcher to work on the geology and mineralisation of the Mary Kathleen domain, Mount Isa Inlier. The formal processes for this appointment are nearly complete, and we expect the successful candidate to begin at JCU in February. This new appointment, together with a growing team of PhD students and staff, will see EGRU's research focus on the Mount Isa region maintained for many years to come. Certainly one the highlights for EGRU this year was the “Sn-W-Critical Metals and Associated Magmatic Systems” conference, held on the shores of Lake Tinaroo in June. The conference was attended by earth scientists for industry, government and academia from across the globe and, by all reports, was very well received overall. The conference also gave us the chance to pay tribute to former EGRU Director, Roger Taylor, via a special session in his honour. A special thank you to Judy Botting and Kaylene Camuti for all their hard work putting this event together and ensuring everything ran like clockwork, and to Darcy Milburn and Ian Morrison for their time and expertise in organising the field trips.

Things are going well on the Research front too. Research projects around Mount Isa (e.g., Dugald River, Tick Hill, Mary Kathleen Domain, Snake Creek, Tommy Creek Domain) are progressing, as are our critical metals research projects, some of which are featured in this newsletter. A new initiative to examine Cu and Zn isotope signatures of the Mount Isa Cu-Pb-Zn deposit is now underway with the assistance of Prof. Ryan Mathur from Juniata College, Pennsylvania. Anticipation around this project has been growing rapidly since receiving the first batch of analytical results some weeks back. And keep an eye out next year for some exciting new results coming from our ARC-funded Jurassic Arc project on the Mesozoic evolution of eastern Australia.

Sn-W-Critical Metals Conference - on the shores of Lake Tinaroo, Atherton Tablelands, north-east Queensland.

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (7)

EGRU News December 2019 5

EGRU 2019

JCU Geoscience welcomes two new staff Dri Ioan SanislavLecturer in Economic GeologyDr Brandon Mahan Lecturer in Geochemistry(Page 42)

EGRU Engagement Day21 February 2020JCU Campus, TownsvilleAn opportunity to hear presentations by industry professionals and JCU academics, about future geoscience research, education and training.All are welcome!Contact EGRU for further information.

Mineral Systems of the Mount Isa Inlier12 - 15 May 2020Cloncurry, NW QldTwo days of technical sessionsDrill core viewingTwo x one-day field trips(Page 45)

News & EventsProfessional Geologist Short Courses2020JCU Campus, Townsville

ӹ Breccia Textures ӹ Core Logging ӹ Geology Core Skills ӹ QGIS ӹ Leapfrog ӹ Geochemical Data: Acquisition, Analysis, Quality, Management

ӹ Spatial Data Analysis ӹ Management in Mineral Exploration

(Page 40)

8th Biennial ACROFI Conference:Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions16 - 18 June 2020Rydges, Townsville

ӹ An International Conference ӹ World renowned speakers

(Page 46)

2020 will again be a busy year for EGRU with a multitude of workshops and short courses for professional geologists and students (details enclosed), as well as two more conferences; the “Mineral Systems of the Mount Isa Inlier” conference in May, and the “ACROFI” (Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions) conference in June. The Mineral Systems of the Mount Isa Inlier meeting will be a joint EGRU-GSQ function and again will bring academia and industry together to discuss exploration techniques and ore deposits of the region. The ACROFI conference will be run in Townsville and will examine a range of hydrothermal, magmatic and ore formation processes, primarily (but not exclusively) through fluid- and melt-inclusion studies. World-renowned keynote speakers are lined up for both

meetings, so stay tuned for more information early in the new year.

Next year will also be my last at JCU and with EGRU, as I have recently accepted a position in Earth Sciences at the University of Adelaide, starting in May. A new appointment in my position will see a rejuvenated JCU Geology department fresh with new ideas and enthusiasm. This, together with growing optimism in industry, will make for a bright future for EGRU.

In closing, I wish everyone a safe and merry Christmas-New Year break, and I hope that 2020 brings you success and satisfaction in whatever range of endeavours you choose to take on.

cont'd...Director's Report

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (8)

EGRU 2019

6 EGRU News December 2019

Prof. Paul DirksStructural geology, geodynamics and the tectonic history of cratonic terrains and adjacent mobile belts, and associated mineralisation patterns.

A/Prof. Carl Spandler

Using petrology and geochemistry, including microanalysis of minerals for trace elements and isotopes, to understand the evolution of the Earth’s crust and mantle, and the formation of metalliferous ore deposits.

A/Prof. Eric RobertsClastic sedimentology, sedimentary provenance, core logging, stratigraphy, U-Pb zircon geochronology, petroleum geology palaeontology, regional correlation.

Dr James Daniell Oceanography, geomorphology, sedimentology, geophysics, remote sensing and GIS

Dr Jan Marten HuizengaFluid-rock interaction processes in the lower crust and in hydrothermal mineralised systems, and thermodynamic model-ling of carbon-oxygen-hydrogen systems.

Dr Ioan SanislavStructural geology and tectonics with a focus on field geology, structural controls on mineralised systems and the tectonic evolution of Proterozoic and Archean terranes.

Dr Brandon Mahan Isotope geochemistry, biogeochemistry, structural geology, isotope metallonics.

Dr Espen Knutsen Verterbrate palaeontology; diversity, evolution and ecology of Mesozoic vertebrates.

Dr Huiqing (Jeff) HuangGeochemistry and igneous petrology, supervision of geochemical/mineralogical processing laboratories and provision of specialised technical support for research projects.

Research Staff

Photos: Robbie Coleman, EGRU JCU

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (9)

EGRU News December 2019 7

EGRU 2019

NE Qld Magma Fertility: Cu-Au, Sn-W NE Qld

NW Qld Magma Fertility NW Qld Minerals Province

Rare Earths Project WA, NSW, NT, NE Qld

Geita Gold Project Tanzania

Adamantine Energy & Heritage Oil Project Africa

Conglomerate Hosted Gold WA

Tick Hill Gold Deposit Mt Isa, NW Qld

Jurassic Arc? Reconstructing the Lost World of Eastern Australia Eastern Australia

Porphyry Cu-Au Systems Philippines

Formation of Graphite Deposits in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Identifying Hydrothermal Fluids in the Cloncurry District NW Qld Minerals Province

Thermodynamic Modelling of Fluids in Hydrothermal Systems Various

The Role of Fluids in the Lower Crust Various

Seismic Stratigraphy and Petroleum Systems of the Mentelle Basin, Southwest WA WA

Establishing a Tectonic Framework for the Cretaceous Break-up of Eastern Gondwana SW Pacific

Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland

Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape Evolution, Central Africa Africa

Dating hominin fossils in the East African Rift, Malawi Africa

Seismic Stratigraphy of the Great Barrier Reef Queensland

Earthquake Hazard Mapping and Modelling to Support Qld Rail's Infrastructure Queensland

Structural Paragenesis of the Dugald River Zn-Pb-Ag Mine, Mount Isa Inlier Queensland

Groundwater – Ocean Interconnection Queensland

Sedimentary and Magmatic History of the Rukwa Rift Basin Tanzania

Geochronology of Mineralisation Processes Various

Geology of the Tommy Creek Block, Mount Isa Inlier NW Queensland

Research Projects

Photos: L - Robbie Coleman, EGRU JCU; R - Hans Dirks, EGRU JCU

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (10)


8 EGRU News December 2019

Controls on cassiterite crystallisation: A study of cathodoluminescence, trace-element chemistry, and geochronology of cassiterite from the Gejui Tin District, SW ChinaYanbo Cheng1,2, Carl Spandler1, Anthony Kemp1,3, Jingwen Mao2, Brian Rusk1,4, Yi Hu5, Kevin Blake4

1EGRU, JCU, Townsville 2MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing3Centre for Exploration Targeting, School of Earth Sciences, UWA, Perth; 4Advanced Analytical Centre, JCU, Townsville

The following is a summary of research carried out by EGRU staff and colleagues from other organisations that was published earlier this year. For the complete paper with details, data and a comprehensive discussion of results see: Cheng, Y., Spandler, C., Kemp, A., Mao, J., Rusk, B., Hu, Yi., Blake, K., 2019. Controls on cassiterite (SnO2) crystallization: Evidence from cathodoluminescence, trace-element chemistry, and geochronology at the Gejui Tin District. American Mineralogist, Vol 104: pp118-129.


Most tin mineralisation is thought to be related to hydrothermal processes associated with highly fractionated and relatively reduced granite bodies (Lehmann, 1990; Heinrich, 1990, 1995). Cassiterite (ideal composition SnO2) is the most important economic tin mineral. It has a tetragonal lattice structure similar to that of rutile, with Sn cations in sixfold coordination with oxygen. Like rutile, cassiterite can accommodate a wide range of trace elements, including Fe, Ti, W, Ta, Nb, Mn, and Sc (Schneider et al., 1978; Moore and Howie, 1979). This trace-element affinity may be used to infer aspects of fluid compositions and mineralisation processes, however, the way in which the trace elements are incorporated into cassiterite is poorly understood (Giuliani, 1987). In addition, like other quadrivalent element-loving minerals (e.g., zircon, rutile, titanite), cassiterite may incorporate U4+ much more strongly than Pb2+, which means that U-Pb dating of cassiterite may be a robust and reliable geochronometer for Sn mineralising systems. However, despite the potential for cassiterite to provide valuable information about the nature and timing of mineralising processes, there has been relatively little comprehensive work on cassiterite geochemistry and geochronology (Gulson and Jones, 1992; Yuan et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2015).

In recent years cathodoluminescence (CL), in combination with laser ablation (LA) inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis, has been successfully applied to the correlation of micro-textures and compositions in a variety of minerals (e.g., Rusk et al., 2008; Chen and Simonetti, 2012; Hammerli et al., 2013). Cathodoluminescence is a powerful micro-imaging tool for revealing internal

textures, zoning, and the distribution of trace elements within minerals (e.g., Rusk and Reed, 2002; Götze and Kempe, 2008). Titanium, W, Al, and V impurities are considered to be the chief activators responsible for CL in hydrothermal cassiterite, whereas Fe is considered to be a “CL blocker,” causing a lowering of CL intensity (Farmer et al., 1991). There is great potential to apply CL with LA-ICP-MS to correlating micro-textures and chemistry in cassiterite, given the mineral’s demonstrated cathodoluminescent properties (Farmer et al., 1991) and its affinity for trace elements (Murciego et al., 1997; Pieczka et al., 2007).

In this study we examine cassiterite grains from six different mineralisation styles from the Gejiu tin ore district of southwest China. These mineralisation styles provide an excellent sample suite to compare and contrast the chemical and physical characteristics of cassiterite formed in different ore environments. Based on CL imaging, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and LA-ICP-MS analysis (for trace elements and U-Pb isotopes), we report:

(1) concentration data for an extensive set of trace elements in cassiterite;

(2) elemental zoning in cassiterite formed during primary crystallisation and subsequent dissolution-reprecipitation processes;

(3) the correlation between micro-textures and trace elements in cassiterite; and

(4) robust cassiterite U-Pb age data determined by LA-ICP-MS.

These results provide further insights into ore genesis in the world-class Gejiu tin district and also highlight the potential of using cassiterite as a monitor of hydrothermal processes and for understanding the timing and evolution of Sn mineralisation events.


The Gejiu tin polymetallic ore district represents the largest known primary tin accumulation in the world, with an endowment estimated at ~10 million metric tonnes (Mt) of Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn ore (308 Geological Party,

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (11)

EGRU News December 2019 9


cont'd...Cassiterite crystallisation

1984; Zhuang et al., 1996). The Gejiu District is located on the western margin of the South China Block, adjacent to the Yangtze Craton in the north and the Three Rivers Fold Belt in the west. The geology of the Gejiu area consists largely of the Middle Triassic Gejiu Formation carbonate sequences and Middle Triassic Falang Formation, which comprise fine-grained clastic and carbonate sediments with intercalated mafic lavas (Fig. 1). The Gejiu Batholith is composed of gabbro, porphyritic and equigranular biotite granites, syenites,

and mafic dikes (Fig. 1; see also Cheng et al., 2012). Mineralisation in the Gejiu mining district comprises five Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposits which, from north to south, are the Malage, Songshujiao, Gaosong, Laochang, and Kafang deposits (Fig. 1B). The multiple mineralisation styles are characterised by extensive hydrothermal alteration and clear metal zoning around granitic cupolas (308 Geological Party, 1984). Recent studies have revealed that the Gejiu granite batholith was emplaced between 85 and 77 Ma (Fig. 1; Cheng

Figure 1. Geological map of the Gejiu ore districit and cross section of the Gejiu mining district (modified from Mao et al., 2008).

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (12)


10 EGRU News December 2019

Cassiterite crystallisation...cont'd

and Mao, 2010), which is consistent with the Re-Os and 40Ar-39Ar ages (between 86 and 77 Ma) of various ores in the district (Fig. 1; Cheng, 2012).

Tin mineralisation in the Gejiu area occurs as six ore styles:

1. tin granite ores;

2. greisen ores;

3. skarn ores (the most economically significant);

4. carbonate-hosted vein-type ores;

5. oxidized stratiform ores; and

6. semi-oxidized stratiform ores.

Cassiterite-bearing granite is not common in the ore district and is only well developed in the interior of certain granite cupolas. Cassiterite in tin granite is always intergrown with fluorite and accompanied by tourmaline.

Greisen ores are not common in the region. They consist mainly of muscovite and quartz, with fluorite and tourmaline locally observed. Cassiterite, scheelite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite are the major greisen ore minerals.

Skarn-related ores are widely distributed across the ore district and are the most economically important mineralisation style. The skarns are pyroxene- and garnet-rich with associated tremolite, actinolite, epidote, chlorite, fluorite, and tourmaline. The major ore minerals are cassiterite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite.

Vein-type ores have only been discovered in the Dadoushan area of the Laochang deposit. These ores contain skarn minerals (garnet, pyroxene, epidote, and fluorite) and tourmaline. Ore minerals observed in vein-type mineralisation include cassiterite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, scheelite, and beryl (Cheng, 2012).

The oxidized stratiform style ores are products of the oxidation of primary sulfide ores. These ores are mainly developed between carbonate layers distal to granite and are dominated by hematite and limonite.

Some partly oxidized ores in the oxidized stratiform orebodies contain hematite, limonite, pyrrhotite, and minor pyrite and are referred to as semi-oxidized ores. Most of these are close to the surface and associated with small-scale faults.

Sampling and Analysis

Cassiterite samples were collected from the six different ore types listed above. Sample descriptions are included in Table 1 and sample images are shown in Figure 2. The samples were collected along a vertical traverse from

close to the granitic pluton, providing an opportunity to investigate how cassiterite micro-textures, trace element compositions, and crystallisation ages vary in a spatially evolving hydrothermal system. All analytical work was carried out within the Advanced Analytical Centre at James Cook University in Townsville. The data collected comprised: - Cathodoluminescence (CL) and backscattered

electron (BSE) images of cassiterite. - X-ray element maps of cassiterite acquired by electron

microprobe - Element mapping of Sn, W, Fe, Ti, and Nb using

wavelength-dispersive spectrometry (WDS). - U-Pb geochronology data using LA-ICP-MS.

(Details of the analytical methodology are included in the published paper, including a discussion of issues associated with obtaining accurate U-Pb isotope results by LA-ICP-MS.).


Micro-texture and crystal size variations

Cassiterite crystals from all mineralisation styles can be categorized into two groups based on size, shape, and CL zoning features. In general, cassiterite grains from tin granite, greisen, and skarn ores are relatively large, about 400 × 600 μm in size, and are characterized by euhedral, micrometer-scale oscillatory zoning (Fig. 3).

In contrast, cassiterite grains from semi-oxidized ores, stratiform oxidized ores, and veins, tend to be smaller (ca. 50 × 200 μm in size), anhedral, and have irregular and relatively complex zoning patterns (Fig. 3).

Some cassiterite grains from these ore types are highly luminescent while others appear dark in CL (weak or no CL response), and other crystals display irregular variations between bright and dark CL (Fig. 3). Grains from the oxidized and semi-oxidized ore samples often have domains with fine oscillatory zoning truncated or overgrown by zones with dark or diffuse CL signature.

In most cases, the internal zoning in cassiterite grains seen in BSE images correlates with zoning patterns evident in the CL images, indicating that the variations in CL signals are due to intra-grain scale compositional variations. The cassiterite grains are largely free of inclusions with the exception of occasional micrometre-sized inclusions of scheelite, Fe-oxide, and native bismuth.

Trace-element mapping

Results from trace-element mapping show a direct relationship between element distribution and CL-defined zoning in all samples. For example, trace

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld's Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (13)

EGRU News December 2019 11


Ore Type Sample Description Associated Minerals

Tin Granite Ore

Euhedral cassiterite occurring on the upper interior margin of ore-related granite cupolas. These rocks represent the last intrusive stage of highly evolved granite.

Major: K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz,Accessory: muscovite, fluorite, tourmaline

Greisen Ore Euhedral cassiterite in greisen on the margins of the pluton

Major: quartz, muscoviteMinor: tourmaline, fluorite

Skarn OreEuhedral cassiterite in skarn formed by the interaction of granite-derived fluids with carbonate rocks

garnet, pyroxene, tremolite, chlorite, epidote, tourmaline, calcite

Vein-Type OreAnhedral cassiterite from ven ores in the shallow surface of the Dadoushan open pit (Cheng, 2012)

Major: tourmaline, garnet, diopside, epidote, phlogopite, berylMinor: chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, scheelite

Stratiform Oxidized Ore

Anhedral cassiterite associated with secondary minerals

Major: hematite, hydrohematiteMinor: limonite, hydrogoethite, plumbojarosite, minetisite, malachite, cerussite

Stratiform Semi-Oxidized Ore

Anhedral casiterite associated with secondary iron minerals and sulphides

limonite, goethite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, marmatite, chalcopyrite

Table 1. Descriptions of the six ore samples investigated in this study.

Figure 2. Samples of the six types of ore styles in the Gejui ore district: a) tin granite; b) greisen ore; c) skarn ore; d) semi-oxidised ore; e) oxidised ore; f) vein ore.

cont'd...Cassiterite crystallisation

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12 EGRU News December 2019

Cassiterite crystallisation...cont'd

element maps of a cassiterite grain from greisen ore show that the distribution of Nb, Ta, and Ti correlates with the regular and continuous oscillatory zoning pattern displayed by CL and BSE images.

The distribution of Fe, W, and U show complex and partly cryptic zonation patterns. Although aspects of the oscillatory zoning evident in CL are present in the Fe, W, and U distribution maps, the more prominent feature of these maps are irregular zones of contrasted element concentration that are highly discordant to the oscillatory zoning (Fig. 4). This second zoning style appears to have no geometric relationship with either the oscillatory growth zoning or the crystal surface, but there is an inverse relationship between the concentration of Fe (and to some extent Sc) and the concentrations of W and U (and Sb – not shown in Fig. 4). In other words, the Fe-rich zones are W- and U-depleted, and vice versa.

Trace-element compositions

The most abundant trace elements in the analysed cassiterites are Ti (3 to >5000 ppm), Fe (35 to >6500 ppm), and W (<1 to >8000 ppm). Niobium and Ta concentrations also vary significantly, from <0.01 to ~1800 ppm Nb (vein sample), and up to ~500 ppm Ta (greisen sample). Concentrations of other elements also vary over several orders of magnitude, even within a single sample of an ore type (e.g., W and U). Aluminum, Sc, V, Ga, Cr, Zr, and Sb concentrations are mostly below 50 ppm. Elements that were consistently determined to be close to or below detection limits include Ca, Cu, Zn, Mo, Rb, Sr, Th, and REE. Uranium contents are below 40 ppm, and Hf concentration is generally below 5 ppm. There are clear positive correlations between Nb and Ta, between Zr and Hf, and between V and Sc, W, and U, and most trivalent elements (Ga, Fe, Sc, Al) in the cassiterite samples.

Overall, trace element results show:

- Cassiterites from tin granite, greisen, and skarn ores contain higher Al, V, and Ti contents, but lower Mn, than cassiterite from the semi-oxidized and oxidized samples.

- Skarn ore cassiterite has the highest Sc and V contents.

- Cassiterites from greisen samples tend to have the highest Hf and Ta contents, and hence relatively low Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta.

- Zr/Hf ratios vary from ~12.5 for the greisen ore, to ~67 for the vein ore.

- There is considerable intra-grain variability in Ti/Zr, but overall there is a decrease in Ti/Zr of cassiterite from the tin granite sample (most proximal to the

causative intrusion) out to the vein ore sample (most distal ore from the intrusion).

- The vein and oxidized ore samples show the largest concentration ranges for most elements, but overall have the lowest Ti, Al, V, Sc, and (for the oxidized ore) Nb and Ta contents.

- The oxidized ore cassiterite has distinctly elevated Ga and Fe contents.

- Results from the spot analyses confirm the general elemental associations revealed by the element distribution maps.

- The two distinct compositional domains of W, U and Fe distribution, identified in trace element mapping (see above), are evident for cassiterite from the tin granite, greisen, and skarn ore cassiterite. Antimony is the only other element that correlates with W and U.

- Ore samples that are distal to the granite intrusion (oxidized, semi-oxidized, and vein) show similar broad correlations between W, U, and Fe, although for these ores there is considerably more scatter in the concentration data, and no distinct compositional domains are recognised.

LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating

The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotope analyses for dating were collected from six samples of cassiterite and included analyses of both compositional domains where present (tin granite, greisen, and skarn ore). Cassiterite analyses gave the following results.

Tin granite cassiterite: analyses gave ages of ~81.1 Ma from the high-W+U - low-Fe domain, and ~81.5 Ma from the low-W+U - high-Fe domain.

Greisen ore cassiterite: analyses yielded ages of ~80.8 Ma for the high-W+U - low-Fe domain, ~81.5 Ma for the low-W+U - high-Fe domain.

Skarn ore cassiterite: analyses gave ages of ~76.4 Ma for the high-W+U - low-Fe domain, and ~77.9 Ma for the low-W+U - high-Fe domain.

Distal ore cassiterites: distinct compositional domains were not recognized in the three distal ore samples, so only a single age was determined from twenty analyses of cassiterite in each of these samples, as follows: semi-oxidized ore ~78.8 Ma; oxidized ore ~81.9 Ma; vein ore ~83.6 Ma.


Controls on trace-element variations in cassiterite

Based on charge, radius, and coordination of ions relative to Sn4+ in cassiterite, we consider the following

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cont'd...Cassiterite crystallisation

Figure 3. Selected cathodoluminescence (CL) images of the six types of cassitierite samples. Note that the grain size and zoning features are different between the proximal cassiterite samples (tin granite, greisen ore, and skarn ore) and the distal samples (semi-oxidized, oxidized, and vein ore cassiterite).

Figure 4. Coupled BSE and CL images with EPMA and LA-ICP-MS multiple element mapping results of cassiterite from a greisen sample. Images: (a and b) BSE and CL images of the targeted cassiterite grain; (c–f) EPMA mapping results of W, Fe, Nb, and Ti in the cassiterite grain; (g) analytical spots in the cassiterite grain under optical microscope; (h–n) LA-ICP-MS mapping results of W, U, Fe, Sc, Ti, Nb, and Ta in the cassiterite grain. The white rectangle in b represents the whole area of the c–f.

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elements likely to be compatible in cassiterite: Fe3+, Ga3+, V3+, Cr3+, Sc3+, Sb3+, W4+, U4+, Zr4+, Hf4+, Ti4+, Nb5+, and Ta5+. This is consistent with previous studies that have found high concentrations of many of these elements in cassiterite (Möller and Dulski, 1983; Möller et al., 1988; Plimer et al., 1991; Murciego et al., 1997). While most of these elements are also present in appreciable quantities in the six Gejiu cassiterite samples examined here, there are some significant compositional differences between each of these cassiterite samples which may provide information on the composition of the source fluids and on cassiterite precipitation processes.

Quadrivalent elements such as Zr, Hf, Ti, U4+, and W4+ can substitute directly for Sn4+ in cassiterite without any additional charge balance considerations. Zr and Hf maintain a relatively constant near-chondritic Zr/Hf ratio of 35 to 40 in most geological systems (Hoskin and Schaltegger, 2003). Rare cases of significant deviation of this ratio occur in some hydrothermal and highly differentiated igneous rocks and the processes that have been proposed to fractionate Zr and Hf include metasomatism (e.g., Dupuy et al., 1992; Rudnick et al., 1993; Bau, 1996), crystal fractionation (e.g., Linnen, 1998; Claiborne et al., 2006), or hydrothermal alteration (e.g., Rubin et al., 1993; Jiang et al., 2005). The Zr/Hf ratios of Gejiu cassiterites exhibit significant variation, ranging from ~12.5 in greisen-hosted cassiterite, to ~16.7 in tin granite cassiterite, to ~25 in skarn/semi-oxidized/oxidized ore cassiterite, to 67 in vein ore cassiterite. Tourmaline and fluorite are abundant in vein ores (Cheng, 2012), indicating that the mineralizing fluids were rich in B and F. Such fluid compositions have been proposed to preferentially mobilize Zr relative to Hf (Rubin et al., 1993; Jiang et al., 2005), which may explain the higher Zr/Hf in vein cassiterite compared to that of other samples. The relatively low Zr/Hf ratio in the tin granite and greisen ores may be complementary to the high Zr/Hf fluid that precipitated the vein ore cassiterite.

Although cassiterite Ti/Zr ratios vary by over an order of magnitude in all of the samples, reflecting intra-grain elemental variations, there is also an overall decrease in Ti/Zr ratio with distance from the host intrusion. The fractionation of Ti/Zr by co-crystallizing hydrothermal mineral phases is discounted as there are no Ti- or Zr- rich minerals observed with any of the ore mineral assemblages examined here. As the crystallizing granite is regarded as the source of mineralising fluids for all ore styles (Cheng, 2012), the decrease in Ti/Zr ratios can be considered to reflect progressive depletion of Ti relative to Zr in the fluid as it migrated away from the intrusion. This observed trend is consistent with results from studies that show higher solubility of Zr

in fluids compared to Ti (e.g., Kessel et al., 2005), and may have the potential to be used to vector toward the causative intrusion in Sn mineralied systems, provided that the large intra-grain and intra-sample variations are accounted for.

Niobium and Ta have similar ionic charge and ionic radii and display very similar geochemical behavior, leading to relativity uniform Nb/Ta values in terrestrial reservoirs of between 10 and 20 (Münker et al., 2003). The Nb/Ta ratios of cassiterite samples examined here range from <1 up to ~400, and variations of Nb/Ta in tin granite, greisen ore, and skarn ore cassiterites are approximately three times greater than those of cassiterite from the other three ore environments. Processes such as elemental fractionation during mineral growth due to localized fluid disequilibria and/or sluggish element diffusion (e.g., Foley et al., 2000; Pieczka, 2010; Cherniak, 2015) could be the cause of the large range of Nb/Ta values. Such mechanisms would also be consistent with the >4 orders of magnitude concentration range of these elements. A thorough examination of these variations is beyond the scope of this paper but is worthy of further investigation.

The behaviour of V, Ga, and Sc in hydrothermal fluids is poorly understood, particularly in relation to partitioning between fluid and cassiterite. In the Gejiu cassiterite samples, we recognize a clear positive correlation between V and Sc, and between Ga and Fe (Figs. 5E and 5F). Under geological conditions Sc only has one valence state (3+), so the positive V-Sc correlation in cassiterite leads to speculation that V substitutes in the 5+ valence state, allowing a charge-balanced coupled substitution of Sc3+ + V5+ = 2Sn4+. Both Fe and Ga are likely present in cassiterite as trivalent cations (see discussion below regarding trivalent Fe), so their close correlation may be due to their very similar ionic radii.

Perhaps the simplest form of charge balance for many elements in cassiterite is the coupled substitution of a trivalent cation and a pentavalent cation for two Sn4+ cations, as we propose for Sc and V above. If such a mechanism dominates for cassiterite, we should see a 1:1 balance between total trivalent (Al, Sc, Fe, Ga, Sb) and total pentavalent (V, Nb, Ta) cations (note, W and U are regarded to be quadrivalent). However, we observe a significant excess in trivalent cations in almost all cases (Fig. 5D), which means there needs to be an additional mechanism to incorporate these trivalent cations (mostly Fe3+). We favour a coupled Fe3+ plus H+ substitution of Sn4+, as previously proposed (Möller et al., 1988; Tindle and Breaks, 1998; Pieczka et al., 2007).

Cassiterite crystallisation...cont'd

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Monitors of fluid redox conditions

Both the element maps and trace-element spot data reveal distinct compositional zones that are either W+U (+Sb) rich, and Fe poor, or vice versa. These compositional domains cut across the primary oscillatory zoning (Fig. 4) and so are considered to postdate primary cassiterite growth, however, aspects of the primary oscillatory zoning are preserved throughout these domains. As far as we are aware, these compositional features have not previously been reported for cassiterite. These

features, together with the sharp boundary between domains and preservation of the original external crystal morphology, are all characteristics of coupled dissolution-reprecipitation textures documented in natural and experimentally re-equilibrated minerals (Putnis, 2002; Parsons and Lee, 2005; Harlov et al., 2011; Ague and Axler, 2016). Therefore, we interpret these features to represent domains of cassiterite that underwent partial dissolution - reprecipitation via hydrothermal fluids after primary cassiterite growth.

cont'd...Cassiterite crystallisation

Figure 5. Selected scatterplots of trace element in the cassiterite samples. Samples proximal to the intrusion (tin granite, skarn, and greisen) are displayed with colored symbols, and distal samples (oxidized, semi-oxidized, and vein) are displayed with gray and black symbols.

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Coupled dissolution-reprecipitation involves microscale mineral replacement via a fluid phase (Putnis 2002), which can only progress if fluid connectivity is maintained. Evidence of fluid connectivity is usually preserved as pores or fluid inclusions in the replaced mineral domains (Putnis, 2002). Our cassiterite grains show no evidence of remnant porosity (i.e., no fluid inclusions or pores; Fig. 4), indicating either that the fluid pores/channels are too fine (nano-scale) to observe with our methods, or that the porosity was transient, with pore space being erased by local annealing after recrystallization had started. Harlov et al. (2011) and Ague and Axler (2016) appealed to similar processes to explain the lack of preserved porosity in dissolution-reprecipitation zones of monazite and garnet, respectively.

Dissolution-reprecipitation processes are thought to be driven by changing the physical conditions or chemical environment (fluid composition) of a mineral, so our trace-element compositional data and U-Pb dating for these domains may be able to inform us about the physical and/or chemical conditions of the altering fluids and timing of the alteration. We argue that the compositional differences between the cassiterite domains do not directly reflect the varying trace-element composition of the fluid phase, as: (1) there is no observable variation in most compatible elements (e.g., Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta) between domains, and (2) fluids of highly contrasting elemental composition would be required to explain the orders of magnitude variation in concentrations of W, U, and Fe between domains. We see no other evidence for such extreme fluid compositions from our samples or from previous studies.

A key observation is that all of the elements that define the dissolution-reprecipitation domains can occur in more than one redox state under geological conditions. W and U are expected to occur as either 4+ or 6+ (and possibly 5+) ions, Fe can be divalent or trivalent, and Sb may be either trivalent or pentavalent. As valence state directly impacts the compatibility of an element in cassiterite, we interpret the distinct concentration differences of these elements between domains to reflect redox-driven chemical modification of cassiterite by reaction with hydrothermal fluid. We interpret the high-W+U (+Sb), low-Fe oscillatory-zoned cassiterite (Fig. 4) to represent the primary (original) cassiterite formed under relatively reduced conditions where Sn2+ can be transported in acidic fluids (see Heinrich, 1990). Under these conditions W and U are primarily quadrivalent and, hence, are compatible in cassiterite, whereas divalent Fe is incompatible. The dissolution-reprecipitation domains have high Fe and low W and U, which we interpret to result from mineral reaction with

relatively oxidizing fluid in which most Fe becomes trivalent and compatible, and U and W are (at least partly) in the 5+ or 6+ state, and hence incompatible in cassiterite. The reaction is interpreted to proceed via cation exchange whereby every 4 atoms of Fe3+ (from the fluid) substitute into cassiterite for 3 atoms of W4+ or U4+, plus a site vacancy. In their oxidized states, W and U are fluid mobile and are transported out of the cassiterite. Notwithstanding the appreciable range of Fe, W, and U contents of these zones, this proposed substitution mechanism is broadly consistent with the concentrations observed for U and W, and Fe in the respective primary and secondary zones (Fig. 4). Support for such a process can be seen in the continuation of oscillatory zoning across the two domains; for example, micrometer-sized zones of high W and U in the primary cassiterite directly extend across the domain boundary to zones with high Fe contents in the dissolution-reprecipitation zone. We are unaware of any other report where the trace of primary oscillatory zoning is preserved through the process of dissolution-reprecipitation. Elements that are not redox sensitive and are not typically fluid mobile (Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta) remain unaffected by this process, and so have concentration zoning patterns that are continuous across the domain boundaries.

In the present case, we can only speculate that the origin of the secondary oxidized fluid may be due to the influx of meteoric fluid or other external fluids. Nonetheless, these results do indicate that combining textural studies of cassiterite zoning with the distribution and concentration of redox sensitive elements, such as W, U, Fe, and Sb, can be a powerful tool for evaluating the redox conditions of mineralizing fluids and mineral precipitation processes. This approach may be especially useful for understanding Sn mineralization systems, as changes in redox and fluid mixing or reaction are considered to be among the most important drivers of Sn ore formation (Heinrich, 1990). We expect this approach would be applicable to Sn ore fields worldwide, and it may also be applicable to other metal oxide minerals, such as rutile and wolframite.

In situ cassiterite U-Pb geochronology

Precise and accurate age determination of mineral deposits is essential for proper understanding of ore genesis. Researchers have shown the potential for U-Pb dating of cassiterite using various analytical techniques (Gulson and Jones ,1992; Yuan et al., 2008; Blevin and Norman, 2010; Zhang et al., 2015; Guo et al., 2018). Here we acquired 206Pb-238U ages of between 77.2 ± 0.5 to 83.6 ± 1.3 Ma for the 6 cassiterite samples from Gejiu district by LA-ICP-MS. These ages are consistent with ages determined by other dating methods in this

Cassiterite crystallisation...cont'd

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References (complete list for published paper)308 Geological Party (1984) Geology of tin deposit in Ge-jiu area. Beijing, Metallurgical Industry Publishing House, p. 236. Ague, J.J. and Axler, J.A. (2016) Interface coupled dissolu-tion-reprecipitation in garnet from subducted granulites and ultrahigh-pressure rocks revealed by phosphorous, sodium, and titanium zonation. American Mineralogist, 101, 1696-1699.Bau, M. (1996) Controls on the fractionation of isovalent trace elements in magmatic and aqueous systems: evidence from Y/Ho, Zr/Hf, and lanthanide tetrad effect. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 123, 323–333.

area, including 13 40Ar-39Ar ages of hydrothermal mica that range from 77.4 ± 0.6 to 95.3 ± 0.7 Ma, 2 Re-Os molybdenite ages of 83.4 ± 2.1 and 84.2 ± 7.3 Ma, and 15 U-Pb zircon ages or igneous rocks that range from 77.4 ± 2.5 to 85.8 ± 0.6 Ma (Cheng, 2012). The consistency of these dating results demonstrates the utility of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of cassiterite for directly determining the age of Sn deposits. Of note, the ages obtained on the dissolution-reprecipitation domains in the tin granite, skarn, and greisen samples are within error of the primary cassiterite ages, indicating hydrothermal alteration occurred soon after (i.e., within 3 m.y.) primary Sn mineralization.

Tin polymetallic ores in the Gejiu district have long been considered to be of hydrothermal origin with a genetic relationship to Cretaceous granites (e.g., 308 Geological Party 1984). However, based on different dating results, including mica 40Ar-39Ar ages ranging from 83.2 ± 2.1 to 205.1 ± 4.4 Ma (Qin et al., 2006) and cassiterite K-Ar ages from 43.5 ± 0.9 to 186.0 ± 3.7 Ma (Li et al., 2009), it has been argued that Sn polymetallic ores in Gejiu district may be of syngenetic origin (e.g., Qin et al., 2006). Our new U–Pb ages for cassiterite all fall between 78–84 Ma in age, which is in excellent agreement with the Late Cretaceous magmatic emplacement ages. This temporal link between the granite and mineralization supplements evidence obtained from geologic characteristics, fluid inclusions, isotopes, and mineral chemistry (Cheng, 2012) supporting an intrusion-related origin for hydrothermal alteration and sulfide and tin mineralization in the Gejiu district.


A combination of microtextural imaging by cathodoluminescence, laser ablation (LA) ICP-MS trace-element analysis, and U-Pb dating provide new insights into ore genesis and Sn mineralization in the world-class Gejiu tin district, as follows.

(1) Cassiterite grains from tin granite, greisen, and skarn ores are generally large and characterized by euhedral oscillatory growth zones, but do feature domains rich in W and U, and depleted in Fe, that irregularly cross-cut the primary growth zones. Cassiterite from semi-oxidized ores, stratiform oxidized ores, and distal veins are typically smaller, anhedral crystals with less regular zoning patterns.

(2) A range of trivalent, quadrivalent, and pentavalent trace elements are present in appreciable, but variable, amounts. The most abundant elements are Fe, Ti, and W, and the concentrations of Nb and Ta exhibit the largest variations among all the elements. Zr/Hf ratios of the six samples vary from greisen-

hosted cassiterite to vein-hosted cassiterite, which is attributed to different F and B activities in the different environments. Ti/Zr ratio also decreases with distance from the host granite intrusion.

(3) The irregular W+U-depleted, Fe-rich domains in the tin granite, greisen, and skarn cassiterites represent zones of dissolution-reprecipitation due to interaction of relatively oxidized hydrothermal fluids. Examination of redox-sensitive elements in cassiterite and other hydrothermal metal oxides from other ore fields may provide important insights into oxygen fugacity controls on ore mineral formation and alteration.

(4) U-Pb geochronology by LA-ICP-MS reveals cassiterite ages in the range ~77 to ~83 Ma, which is consistent with previous findings that the Gejiu tin deposits are hydrothermal in origin and temporally, spatially, and genetically associated with the emplacement of the Gejiu granitic complex. These results suggest that U-Pb analysis of cassiterite by LA-ICP-MS may be a reliable tool for directly constraining the timing of tin ore formation, with the caveat that well-characterized cassiterite age standards are required for the accuracy of the method to be rigorously assessed.


We appreciate the assistance of Guopei Mo, Xiang Tong, Junde Wu and other colleagues from Yunnan Tin Group, and Xiaolong Li and Juan Zhang from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) during our fieldwork. This study was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (40930419), Special Research Funding for the Public Benefits Sponsored by MLR (200911007-12), Research Program of Yunnan Tin Group (2010-04A), and Geological Investigation Program by CGS (1212011120994). Kemp and Spandler acknowledge support from Australian Research Council fellowships (FT100100059 and FT120100198).

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Rudnick, R.L., McDonough, W.F. and Chappell, B.W. (1993) Carbonatite metasomatism in the northern Tanza-nian mantle: petrographic and geochemical characteristics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 114, 463–475.Rusk, B., and Reed, M. (2002) Scanning electron micro-scope-cathodoluminescence of quartz reveals complex growth histories in veins from the Butte porphyry copper deposit, Montana. Geology, 30, 727–730.Rusk, B., Lowers, H. and Reed, M. (2008) Trace elements in hydrothermal quartz: relationships to cathodoluminescent textures and insights into hydrothermal processes. Geology, 36, 547–550.Schneider, H.J., Dulski, P., Luck, J., Moeller, P. and Vil-lalpando, A. (1978) Correlation of trace element distribu-tion in cassiterites and geotectonic position of their depos-its in Bolivia. Mineralium Deposita, 13, 119-22.Shannon, R.D. (1976) Revised effective ionic radii and sys-tematic studies of interatomic distances in halides and chal-cogenides. Acta Crystallographica Section A, 32, 751-767.Spandler, C., Pettke, T. and Rubatto, D. (2011) Internal and external fluid sources for eclogite-facies veins in the Monvi-so meta-ophiolite, Western Alps: implications for fluid flow in subduction zones. Journal of Petrology, 52, 1207-1236.Stacey, J.S. and Kramers, J.D. (1975) Approximation of ter-restrial lead isotope evolution by a two-stage model. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, 26, 207–221.Tindle, A.G. and Breaks, F.W. (1998) Oxide minerals of the Separation Rapids rare-element granitic pegmatite group, northwestern Ontario. Canadian Mineralogist, 36, 609–635.Tucker, R.T., Roberts, E.M., Hu, Y., Kemp, A.I.S., and Salis-bury S.W. (2013) Detrital zircon age constraints for the Winton Formation, Queensland: contextualizing Austral-ia's Late Cretaceous dinosaur faunas. Gondwana Research, 24, 767–779.Van Achterbergh, E., Ryan, C., Jackson, S.E. and Griffin, W.L. (2001) Appendix 3 data reduction software for LA-ICP-MS. In Laser-Ablation-ICPMS in the Earth Sciences. Mineralogical Association of Canada, Short Course (ed. Sylvester, P.), p. 239-243.Yuan, S.D., Peng, J.T., Hu, R.Z., Li, H.M., Shen, N.P. and Zhang, D.L. (2008) A precise U–Pb age on cassiterite from the Xianghualing tin–polymetallic deposit (Hunan, South China). Mineralium Deposita, 43, 375–382.Zhang, R.Q., Lu, J.J., Wang, R.C., Yang, P., Zhu, J.C., Yao, Y., Gao, J.F., Li, C., Lei, Z.H., Zhang, W.L., and Guo, W.M. (2015) Constraints of in-situ zircon and cassiterite U–Pb, molybdenite Re–Os, and muscovite 40Ar–39Ar ages on multiple generations of granitic magmatism and related W–Sn mineralization in the Wangxianling area, Nanling Range, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 65, 1021-1042.Zhuang, Y.Q., Wang, R.Z. and Yang, S.P. (1996) Tin-copper polymetallic deposits in Gejiu district. Earthquake Publish-ing House, Beijing (in Chinese).

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20 EGRU News December 2019

New Sn & W ore exploration toolkit: chemistry of zircon, cassiterite and volcanic rocksYanbo Cheng1, Carl Spandler1, Zhaoshan Chang1,2

1Economic Geology Research Centre (EGRU), James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia 2Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA

Magmatic source, redox state, and the degree of magma fractionation are petrogenetic factors that control the development of metal-fertile magmas leading to magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits. Over the past decade there has been increased interest in using accessory minerals to evaluate the prospectivity of magma-related hydrothermal mineralization, largely porphyry Cu-Au (-Mo) deposits. One of the examples is using zircon rare earth elements as oxy-barometers. Similar to porphyry Cu±Au systems, Sn±W mineralization is also primarily associated with magmatic rocks, but these mineralization systems have not been the subject of significant study in recent years. Almost all previous studies on Sn and W genesis and exploration have focused on the ore associated granitic rocks, whereas there has been little attention paid to explore the potential of other rocks and minerals. To address this deficiency, we examine the in-situ trace element composition of zircon and cassiterite, and bulk rock geochemical and zircon Hf isotopic features of volcanic-intrusive rocks from several of the world’s best known Sn-W-Mo districts. Thereby, their potentials as new Sn and W exploration tools has been revealed.This study investigates the redox characteristics of the granites related to W and Sn mineralization, and further discusses the magmatic controls leading to Sn, W, porphyry Cu-Au, porphyry Mo and granite-related W-Mo deposits. To distinguish these deposits we analysed and compiled the trace element characteristics of zircons from porphyry Cu-Au deposits (1015 zircon analyses), Sn-dominant deposits (196 zircons), porphyry Mo deposits (158 zircons), W-dominant deposits (75 zircons) and W-Mo deposits (61 zircons). Strict criteria have been applied to avoid contamination by small mineral inclusions. Our new results suggest that zircon chemistry is effective in highlighting a decreasing trend in redox state from porphyry Cu-Au±Mo, via porphyry Mo, Mo-W, W-dominant, to Sn-dominant systems. The CeN/CeN* and EuN/EuN* ratios of zircons are useful magma fertility discriminators for the above hydrothermal mineral deposits. When combined with Mo/W tonnage ratios, the CeN/CeN* ratio of zircon is also a good indicator of the oxygen fugacity

of W-Mo deposits, which can be further employed to determine the style of Mo-W mineralization (Figure 1). This is consistent with the observation that the positive correlation of oxidation state of granite and the Mo/W ratio for the W-Mo deposits in Lachlan Fold Belt, Australia (Blevin and Chappell, 1992).Cassiterite is the most important tin mineral in nature. Therefore, the chemistry of cassiterite may return insightful understandings on cassiterite crystallization under hydrothermal conditions, which will be helpful for developing tin ore exploration. A set of cassiterite samples from six different mineralization environments from the world class Gejiu tin district, SW China, were examined. Cassiterite Zr/Hf ratios tend to increase, and Ti/Zr ratios tend to decrease, with distance away from the causative granite intrusion (Figure 2). Zr/Hf ratios of the six samples vary from greisen-hosted cassiterite to vein-hosted cassiterite, which is attributed to different F and B activities in the different environments. Cassiterite Ti/Zr ratios vary by over an order of magnitude in all of the samples, which may reflect a progressive depletion of Ti relative to Zr from the fluid as it migrated and evolved away from the intrusion. This is consistent with results of some studies that show higher solubility of Zr in fluids compared to Ti (e.g., Kessel et al., 2005). In these cases, Zr/Hf and Ti/Zr ratios of cassiterite have potential to be used as a broad tool for vectoring toward a tin mineralized intrusive system.To discern differences between “fertile” and “non-fertile” igneous rocks associated with Sn-W-Mo mineralisation and reveal the genetic links between coeval intrusive and extrusive rocks, we integrate whole rock geochemistry, geochronology and Hf isotope signatures of igneous zircons from contemporaneous plutonic and volcanic rocks from the world-class Herberton Mineral Field of Queensland, Australia, where Sn and W (±Mo) deposits are abundant (e.g., Chang et al., 2017). The intrusive rocks and associated intra-plutonic W-Mo mineralisation formed from relatively oxidised magmas after moderate degrees of crystal fractionation. The geochemical and isotopic features of the coeval volcanic succession are best reconciled utilising the widely-accepted volcanic-plutonic connection model

The following four articles are abstracts presented at EGRU's Sn-W-Critical Metals conference held in June this year. An article about the conference and associated field trips is included in this issue of EGRU News - see page 34.

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Figure 2. Zr vs. Hf, and Ti/Zr against sample location for the cassiterite samples from world-class Gejiu tin district, Yunnan province, China (Cheng et al., 2019).

Figure 3. Binary plots of whole rock geochemical composition and zircon Hf isotope composition of granite and rhyolite in the Herberton Sn-W-Mo mineral field, Queensland, Australia (Cheng et al., 2018; WR geochemistry data of granites is courtesy of David Champion; M13 is from Murgulov et al., 2013).

Figure 1. (A) Ce anomaly vs Eu anomaly of zircons from intrusions associated with Sn-dominant, W-dominant, W-Mo, porphyry Mo and porphyry Cu-Au±Mo deposits. (B) Mo/W tonnage ratio versus Ce anomaly of zircon from intrusions associated with porphyry type Mo-W deposits and granite-related Mo-W deposits (Cheng et al., in prep.).

cont'd...Sn & W exploration toolkit

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(Bachmann and Bergantz, 2008), whereby the volcanic rocks represent fractionated derivatives of the intrusive rocks. Intrusions associated Sn mineralisation formed from relatively low fO2 magmas that fractionated extensively to produce highly evolved granites that host Sn mineralisation. Coeval volcanic rocks of this suite are compositionally less evolved than the intrusive rocks, thereby requiring a different model to link these plutonic-volcanic sequences. In this case, we propose that the most fractionated magmas were not lost to volcanism, but instead were effectively retained at the plutonic level, which allowed further localized build-up of volatiles and lithophile metals in the plutonic environment. This disconnection to the volcanism and degassing may be a crucial step for forming granite-hosted Sn mineralization. Therefore, magmatic provinces that contain Sn-rich fractionated rhyolites may be less prospective for granite-hosted Sn mineralisation, whereas the less evolved rhyolite with reduced redox state and poor fluxing component content may be more prospective for Sn exploration.

AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank Australian Research Council, Geological Survey of Queensland, National Science Foundation of China, China Geological Survey, Yunnan Tin Group, Carbine Tungsten Limited, Consolidated Tin Mines Limited, and Wolfram Camp Mining Pty Ltd for providing financial and in-kind supports for this research. We also benefited from discussions with many colleagues during field trips, conferences / seminars, paper reviews, personal communications, etc.

ReferencesBachmann O., Bergantz G.W. (2008). The magma reservoirs that feed supereruptions. Element 4: 14–21.Blevin, P.L., Chappell, B.W. (1992). The role of magma sources, oxidation states and fractionation in determining the granite metallogeny of eastern Australia. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 83, 305-316.Chang, Z., Clarke, G., Cheng, Y., Poblete, J., Liu, K. (2017). Sn-W-Mo mineralisation in north-east Queensland. In: Phillips, N. (ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, AusIMM Monograph 32, 681-688.Cheng, Y., Spandler, C., Chang, Z., Clarke, G. (2018) Volcanic-plutonic connections and metal fertility of highly evolved magma systems: a case study from the Herberton Sn-W-Mo Mineral Field, Queensland, Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 486, 84-93.Cheng, Y.B., Spandler, C., Kemp, A., Rusk, B., Mao, J.W., Hu, Y., Blake, K. (2019). Correlated cathodoluminescence features, trace element chemistry and geochronology of cassiterite (SnO2) from the world-class Gejiu tin district, SW China. American Mineralogist 104, 118–129.Cheng, YB., Chang, Z.S., Spandler, C. (in prep). Zircon trace element as a magma fertility discriminator. Economic Geology.Kessel, R., Ulmer, P., Pettke, T., Schmidt, M.W., Thompson, A.B. (2005). The water-basalt system at 4 to 6 GPa: Phase relations and second critical endpoint in a K-free eclogite at 700 to 1400 °C. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, 237, 873–892.Murgulov, V., Griffin, W. L., O’Reilly, S. Y. (2013). Carboniferous and Permian granites of the northern Tasman orogenic belt, Queensland, Australia: insights into petrogenesis and crustal evolution from an in situ zircon study. International Journal of Earth Sciences 102, 647–669.

Yanbo & Yue head north...Yanbo Cheng (an author of the papers included in previous pages), along with his wife Yue Wang (a geochemist) and his daughter, are heading to Norway. Yanbo will take up a position as a Scientist in Economic Geology with the Geological Survey of Norway, which is based in Trondheim.

Yanbo carried out PhD studies at JCU from 2010 to 2013, and returned to take up a post-doctoral position in 2014. During his time as a post-doctoral researcher Yanbo worked on the NE Queensland Prospectivity project and, more recently, on the GSQ funded Magma Fertility project in the Mary Kathleen Domain.

Yue was also involved in geological research during her time in Townsville, and was responsible for setting up the copper isotope line at JCU.

Sn & W exploration toolkit...cont'd

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EGRU News December 2019 23


The magmatic evolution and rare metal potential of the Peak Range Volcanics, central Qld

Ross Chandler1, Carl Spandler2

1Geoscience, Australian National University, Canberra ACT, Australia; 2Geoscience, James Cook University, Townsville Qld, Australia

The Oligocene Peak Range Volcanics (PRV) crop out as a series of prominent domes, peaks and pinnacles to the east of Clermont in central Queensland (Wellman and McDougall, 1974). The volcanic rocks have intruded through, and erupted onto, sedimentary rocks of the Bowen Basin above what is likely to be a deep suture zone between the Thompson and New England Orogen. The PRV belong to the Cosgrove hotspot track (Fig 1), which represents the world’s longest continental volcanic chain (Davies et al., 2015). The PRV can be divided into a northern group of peraluminous rhyolites and a southern group of metaluminous trachytes and peralkaline rhyolites. The focus of this study is on the rocks of the southern group, which can be further divided by their dominant mafic mineral speciation into (in order of increasing peralkalinity): (i) augite trachytes, (ii) hornblende trachytes, (iii) hornblende rhyolites, (iv) Na-amphibole rhyolites and (v) aegirine rhyolites. The three aegirine

rhyolite bodies (Christmas, Clarrys and Pitts Domes) consist of a glomeroporphyritic arrangement of microcline-rimmed albite-quartz-sanidine-aegirine (Fig. 2) in a fine-grained, allotriomorphic sanidine-quartz-aegirine groundmass. Existing interstitially to the groundmass minerals is a late stage magmatic agpaitic assemblage of dalyite (K2ZrSi6O15), a eudialyte-like mineral and aegirine (Fig. 2C, D). Secondary minerals include kaolin clays, Fe-rich chlorite, hematite, secondary quartz, Ca-bastnäsite, Zr-gel, allanite (Ce), monazite and columbite, which occur in overprinting, replacement, interstitial and vug-filling textures. The aegirine rhyolite bodies display peralkaline index values of >1.3 (Fig. 3) and extreme enrichment in trace elements, such as Zr contents up to 5700 ppm, Nb up to 900 ppm, and Hf up to 130 ppm (Fig. 3). REE are enriched by between 200 and 1000 times chondritic values, with LREE enrichment, and distinct negative Eu anomalies.

Figure 1. Cenozoic intraplate volcanic provinces of Eastern Australia (adapted from Chandler, 2018).

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Figure 2. (A) Cross polarized and (B) plane polarised light and (C,D) backscatter electron images of aegirine rhyolite samples. Mineral abbreviation; Qtz = quartz, Alb = albite, Aeg = aegirine, San = sanidine, Afsp = alkali-feldspar, EM = eudialyte mineral, Dal = dalyite.

Major and trace element geochemistry are used to show that the separate PRV rock types of each represent a distinct step in a fractionation sequence from least evolved augite trachytes to most evolved aegirine rhyolites (Fig. 3). This range of rock types can be modelled by alkali-feldspar-dominated fractional crystallisation of an alkali basalt melt at a shallow crustal position. Neodymium isotope compositions of a range of rock types returned initial εNd within a tight range from +3 to +4, which is consistent with a mantle source for these volcanics, as has also been found for other rare metal enriched peralkaline volcanics of eastern Australia (Spandler and Morris, 2016). Thus, the extreme trace element enrichment and high peralkalinity of the aegirine rhyolites is the product of the extended fractionation of a melt formed by low-degree partial melting of an enriched mantle source. Minor trace elements redistribution occurred upon fluid exsolution at a late magmatic stage, and post-magmatic alteration features noted in some bodies are suggested to be from subjacent devolatilising bodies of magma. The extreme enrichment of rare metals, the large

tonnages (>500 Mt), the outcropping nature and the geographical location of the aegirine rhyolite bodies in the southern PRV all indicate their potential to be significant economic resources of rare metals (Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta and REE). The economic potential may well be boosted in the future with further research work, particularly examining the role of local upgrading of metal contents by the action of hydrothermal fluids.

ReferencesChandler, R. (2018). The magmatic evolution and rare metal potential of the Peak Range Volcanics, central QLD. Unpublished honours thesis. Davies, D. R., Rawlinson, N., Iaffaldano, G. and Campbell, I. H. (2015). Lithospheric controls on magma composition along Earth’s longest continental hotspot track. Nature, 525, 511-511. Spandler, C. and Morris, C. (2016). Geology and genesis of the Toongi rare metal (Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y and REE) deposit, NSW, Australia, and implications for rare metal mineralization in peralkaline igneous rocks. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 171, 104.Wellman, P. and McDougall, I. (1974). Cainozoic igneous activity in eastern Australia. Tectonophysics, 23, 49-65.

Rare metal potential of the Peak Range volcanics...cont'd

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Figure 3. Bulk rock geochemical data for samples of the Peak Range Volcanics. Both SiO2 and Zr/TiO2 are proxies for progressive fractionation. Note the increase in peralkalinity with increasing SiO2 content, and increase in rare metal content with increasing Zr/TiO2 content.

cont'd...Rare metal potential of the Peak Range volcanics.

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26 EGRU News December 2019

Geology and ore genesis of the Yangibana LREE district, Western AustraliaPaul Slezak1, Carl Spandler1, Andy Border2, Kieren Whittock2,3

1Geoscience, JCU ; 2Hastings Technology Metals Limited, Perth, Australia; 3Whittock Geological Pty Ltd., Marrickville, NSW, Australia

IntroductionCarbonatites are the most important primary sources for critical metals such as rare earth elements (REE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) (Chakhmouradian and Zaitsev, 2012). In many cases the economic viability of mining carbonatite deposits relies on post-magmatic enrichment processes, such as lateritisation, to concentrate Nb and REE to ore grades (Moreteani and Preinfalk, 1996).Australia hosts a variety of different REE deposits, including several carbonatite deposits such as Mt. Weld, Cummins Range, and the Yangibana LREE district (Fig. 1). The Yangibana LREE district is hosted by the Gifford Creek Carbonatite Complex (GCCC) of Western Australia. It is owned by Hastings Technology Metals Ltd. and contains 21 million tonnes of ore grading 1.17% TREO (Hastings Technology Metals Ltd., 2019). The district comprises multiple deposits/prospects rich in Pr and Nd hosted mainly in monazite within ironstone dykes that we show are genetically related to the ankerite-siderite carbonatites of the GCCC.

Regional GeologyThe Yangibana LREE deposit is hosted by the GCCC in the Gascoyne Province of Western Australia. The Gascoyne Province comprises granitic rocks, gneisses, and metasedimentary rocks that have undergone a 1 b.y. history of terrane assembly and re-working related to several major orogenic events, creating multiple large-scale faults that delineate different crustal blocks (Johnson et al. 2013). The GCCC primarily intrudes the Durlacher Supersuite and Pooranoo Metamorphics in the region between the Lyons River Fault and the Bald Hill Lineament (Fig. 2). However, some small dykes are present south of the Lyons River Fault in the Edmund Group, and several different alkaline dykes and sills have been found immediately to the north of the Bald Hill Lineament (Fig. 2). Seismic reflection shows that the Lyons River Fault extends down to – and offsets – the Mohorovičić Discontinuity (Johnson et al. 2013). The Lyons River Fault is a major shear zone, which sutured the

Neoarchean Glenburgh Terrane with the Archean Pilbara Craton during the 2215 to 2145 Ma Ophthalmian Orogeny (Johnson et al. 2011). The GCCC was emplaced at 1370 Ma (Zi et al., 2017; Slezak and Spandler, 2019). The region was subsequently subjected to multiple tectonomagmatic events, which are recorded in the GCCC by U–Pb dates from monazite and Sm–Nd isochron dates from monazite and apatite pairs (Zi et al., 2017; Slezak and Spandler, 2019). The events include the 1320 to 1170 Ma Mutherbukin Tectonic Event, the 1090 to 1040 Ma Giles Event, the 1030 to 950 Ma Edmundian Orogeny, and the 955 to 830 Ma Kuparr Tectonic Event .

Rock types of the GCCCThe GCCC is made up of several different rock types: 1) the Lyons River Sills – fine-grained, calcite and dolomite carbonatite dykes; 2) magnetite-biotite dykes; 3) silica-rich alkaline veins; 4) ankerite-siderite carbonatites; and 5) alkaline amphibole-dolomite veins. In addition, there are three rock types related to the primary units: 1) the Yangibana Ironstones, which host LREE mineralisation as monazite and are the weathered products of the ankerite-siderite carbonatites; 2) fenites – the altered wall rocks (mainly granite and metasediments) created through alteration by alkaline, carbonatite-related fluids; and 3) glimmerites – the alteration selvages related to ferrocarbonatite reactions with granitic wall rocks.

Ore deposit genesisMonazite is the main ore mineral and is found in highest concentrations in the ironstones, but also occurs in significant amounts in the ankerite-siderite carbonatites. In the ironstones, it can comprise between ~1% and ~10% of the rock by volume. Monazite grains are often cream to peach colour in hand specimen and form large (~2 mm) clusters of subhedral to euhedral tabular crystals. Less commonly, monazite forms small, anhedral inclusions (~10 µm) in apatite, possibly produced by exsolution (Slezak et al., 2018). Some monazite grains are mantled by amorphous to acicular crystals identified as rhabdophane.

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Figure 1. Map of major REE deposit types in Australia

CarbonatitePeralkaline silicatesHREE UnconformityVein-type Other

Deposit Types

Rock Ages

Cummin’s Range

Mt. Gee

Mary Kathleen


Mt. WeldOlympic Dam

Nolan’s Bore




Narraburra500 1,000250


Archaean (±Proterozoic)ProterozoicPhanerozoic

The ironstones are enveloped by fenite and glimmerite alteration styles analogous to those observed in the ankerite-siderite carbonatites. In addition, the ironstones have bulk-rock Nd isotope compositions (εNd(t1.37Ga) = -2.24) that are similar to other units of the GCCC (εNd(t1.37Ga) = -2.80), indicating they have a common (enriched mantle) source. At several ironstone outcrops, carbonate mineral dissolution cavities and Fe-oxides/hydroxides pseudomorphing carbonate minerals were observed. In drillcore, the ankerite siderite carbonatite is partially altered and oxidised to a porous, hematite-rich rock similar to the ironstones observed at surface. These field observations suggest the ironstones are likely the product of carbonate mineral dissolution through low temperature (i.e., meteoric) fluids. Other processes such as rødberg-style alteration have been suggested by Pirajno and González-Álvarez (2013), who noted hematite development along carbonate lamellae and hematite veins cross-cutting other textures, both of which were interpreted as higher temperature reactions. However, these distinct, euhedral crystalline features were rarely observed in this study. It is speculated these higher temperature features have been overprinted by later, botryoidal hematite, which along

with the observed boxwork textures and vuggy nature of the ironstones, indicates additional low temperature alteration. Weathering and laterite formation are important processes for improving the ore tenor of carbonatite deposits. The largest Nb deposits in the world include the pyrochlore-rich carbonatite deposits Araxá, Catalão, and Morro do Seis Lagos (Brazil), all of which have undergone extensive lateritisation (e.g., Mitchell, 2015) and weathering, which has increased the ore tenor through eluvial enrichment. At the Mount Weld REE deposit, primary REE-bearing minerals (e.g., monazite and apatite) were broken down, liberating REE to form REE-bearing oxyhydroxides, secondary monazite, churchite, cerianite, and a suite of REE-rich hydrated aluminophosphate (plumbogummite group) minerals. This lateritisation has enriched LREE concentrations by ~5 to 200 times compared to the average carbonatite LREE contents (Lottermoser, 1990). Comparison of the Yangibana ironstones with likely precursor rocks indicates an average upgrade in ore tenor of ~3 to ~17 times during supergene alteration (Fig. 3). Overall the ankerite-siderite carbonatites and the ironstones have comparable normalised

cont'd...Yangibana LREE district

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Lyons River Fault

Bald Hill Lineament










Bald Hill

Auer North

Hook South

Lion's Ear

Kane's Gossan

Yangibana West

Yangibana South

Yangibana North

Simon’s Find

Terry’s Find















0 3 61.5km

LegendYangibana LREE prospectsMajor faultsMagnetite-biotite dykesIronstonesSilica-rich alkaline veinsLyons River SillsMundine Well DoleriteAlluvium and calcreteEdmund Group Undifferentiated schlieric graniteYangibana GraniteDingo Creek GranitePimbyana GranitePooranoo Metamorphics

-Figure 2. Geologic map of the Gifford Creek Carbonatite Complex (GCCC) with deposit/prospect locations, comprising the Yangibana LREE district (modified from Slezak et al. 2018)

REY patterns, which is consistent with their genetic relationship and indicative of an environment involving little fractionation between REE. The ironstones of the Yangibana LREE district demonstrate that some monazite has been altered and remobilised to form rhabdophane and likely REE-bearing Fe-oxides/hydroxides, similar to the processes at Mount Weld. However, this REE-remobilisation has occurred on a much smaller scale since primary monazite and apatite remain the predominant REE-bearing minerals in the district. The significant amount of remnant primary REE-bearing phosphate minerals suggest the ironstones were upgraded through supergene processes similar to those involving pyrochlore concentration at the carbonatite deposits in Brazil, as opposed to the complete breakdown and remobilisation of primary REE-bearing phases.The West Australia Craton has episodically undergone subaerial exposure since the late Proterozoic, though much of it underwent extensive regolith development from the Paleogene until the mid-Miocene (Pillans,

La Ce Pr Nd SmEuGd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Tm Yb Lu





Figure 3. Chondrite normalised REY patterns for the average ankerite-siderite carbonatites (at Yangibana North) and the average Yangibana North ironstones.

2007). The extended length of subaerial exposure of the GCCC has provided ample time for meteoric waters to infiltrate and alter the dykes, forming the present day ironstones (Fig. 4). This is supported by ankerite-siderite

Yangibana LREE district...cont'd

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EGRU News December 2019 29


ReferencesChakhmouradian AR, Zaitsev AN (2012) Rare earth mineralization in igneous rocks: sources and processes. Elements 8:347-353 Technology Metals, (2019) Yangibana JORC Ore Reserves. Retrieved from on February 22, 2019Johnson SP, Sheppard S, Rasmussen B, Wingate MTD, Kirkland CL, Muhling JR, Fletcher IR, Belousova EA (2011) Two collisions, two sutures: punctuated pre-1950 Ma assembly of the West Australian Craton during the Ophthalmian and Glenburgh Orogenies. Precambrian Research 189(3–4):239-262. . SP, Thorne AM, Tyler IM, Korsch RJ, Kennett BLN, Cutten HN, Goodwin J, Blay O, Blewett RS, Joly A, Dentith MC, Aitken ARA, Holzschuh J, Salmon M, Reading A, Heinson G, Boren G, Ross J, Costelloe RD, Fomin T (2013) Crustal architecture of the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia and associated metallogeny. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 60(6-7):681-705. BG (1990) Rare-earth element mineralisation within the Mt. Weld carbonatite laterite, Western Australia. Lithos 24:151-167. RH (2015) Primary and secondary niobium mineral deposits associated with carbonatites. Ore Geology Reviews 64:626-641.

Morteani G, Preinfalk C (1996) REE distribution and REE carriers in laterites formed on the alkaline complexes of Araxá and Catalão (Brazil). In: Jones AP, Wall F, Williams CT (eds) Rare Earth Minerals: Chemistry, Origin and Ore Deposits, Chapman and Hall, LondonPillans B (2007) Pre-Quaternary landscape inheritance in Australia. Journal of Quaternary Science 22(5):439-447. F, González-Álvarez I (2013) The ironstone veins of the Gifford Creek ferrocarbonatite complex, Gascoyne Province: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2013/12, p 19Slezak P, Spandler C (2019) Carbonatites as recorders of mantle-derived magmatism and subsequent tectonic events: an example of the Gifford Creek Carbonatite Complex, Western Australia. Lithos 328-329:212-227. P, Spandler C, Blake K (2018) Ghosts of apatite past: using hyperspectral cathodoluminescence and micro-geochemical data to reveal multi-generational apatite in the Gifford Creek Carbonatite Complex, Australia. The Canadian Mineralogist 56:773-797. JW, Gregory C, Rasmussen B, Sheppard S, Muhling JR (2017) Using monazite geochronology to test the plume model for carbonatites: The example of Gifford Creek Carbonatite Complex, Australia. Chemical Geology 463:50-60.





Meteoric water

Fenitising fluids

R�dberg fluids

vuggy ironstone

Figure 4. Schematic of the creation of vuggy ironstone through alteration of the ankerite-siderite dykes by rødberg and meteoric fluids.

carbonatite altering to ironstone in core samples, and ankerite-siderite carbonatite only occurring in drillcore from depths of 40 metres below the immediate region where ironstone crops out at the surface. The depth of

meteoric fluid infiltration was likely controlled and/or enhanced by internal structures (e.g., joints, faults) in the carbonatite and porosity generation by carbonate dissolution.

cont'd...Yangibana LREE district

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30 EGRU News December 2019

Geological features of the Jiaoxi tungsten deposit in the western Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic belt, Tibet, ChinaYong Wang1, Juxing Tang2, Liqiang Wang2, Jan Marten Huizenga3

1School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China2Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China, Beijing3Economic Geology Research Centre, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia

IntroductionThe Tibetan Plateau includes two important metallogenic belts, the Gangdese metallogenic zone in southern Tibet and the newly delimited Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic belt in central Tibet (Geng et al., 2016). The Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic belt is considered to be a Fe-Cu-Au metallogenic belt since the discovery of the Tiegelongnan giant porphyry-epithermal Cu-Au deposit (Tang et al., 2014), the Duobuza large porphyry deposit (Li et al., 2012) and the Ga’erqiong-Galale large skarn Cu-Au deposit (Zhang et al., 2015). The Jiaoxi quartz vein-type tungsten deposit (WO3: 39,000 t, Wang et al., 2018) is the first quartz-vein type tungsten deposit found in this belt.

Geological featuresThe Jiaoxi deposit is located in the Shiquanhe-Nam Tso Mélange Zone. The strata exposed in the district includes the Early Cretaceous Shiquanhe ophiolite mélange of sandstone, shale and sheet of ophiolite. Sandstones and shales in the deposit area have been locally metamorphosed, due to the emplacement of the granites in this area. Intrusions in the deposit includes biotite monzogranite porphyry, granite porphyry and muscovite monzogranite. Muscovite monzogranite has only been found in drill core at a depth of 402 to 415 m. Tungsten-bearing quartz vein is the main mineralization type in this deposit. The extensional veins are subvertical and strike approximately north-south. Wolframite and scheelite coexist with chalcopyrite, pyrite, molybdenite, galena, sphalerite, quartz, beryl, lepidomelane, fluorite, ankerite and topaz (Fig. 1a). So far, around 70 tungsten orebodies have been discovered at surface. The orebodies are mainly hosted in the sandstone and shales (Fig. 1b, c, d). However, drill core inspection revealed that the biotite monzogranite porphyry and the muscovite monzogranite also host some orebodies (Fig.1g, h). Three stages of mineralization have been identified. The first, prominent, oxide stage is characterized by the development of the following vein types:

- rare quartz + molybdenite ± feldspar (in the biotite monzogranite only) veins (Fig. 2f),

- quartz + wolframite + lepidomelane veins (Fig. 2h);- quartz + wolframite veins (Fig. 2c);- quartz + wolframite + fluorite veins (Fig. 1b);- quartz + pyrite +wolframite + lepidomelane veins

(Fig. 1d), and - quartz + lepidomelane + beryl + topaz veins. The second sulfide stage is characterized by different types of sulfide-bearing veins, including ;- quartz + pyrite + chalcopyrite + galena + sphalerite

veins (Fig. 2i), and - quartz + pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite veins and the quartz

+ lepidomelane + pyrite + chalcopyrite veins. The final fluorite-carbonate stage is characterized by pure fluorite veins, pure ankerite veins, fluorite + lepidomelane veins, quartz + pyrite veins, lepidomelane + scheelite veins and minor quartz + calcite veins.

W-Nb-Ta mineralization potential The discovery of Ta-Nb oxides-containing pegmatite in the northeast of Jiaoxi deposit (Fig. 3a, b), indicates the potential for W-Nb-Ta mineralization in this district. Field data indicate that this pegmatite is exposed at a large scale in this district.

ReferencesGeng, Q.R., Zhang, Z., Peng, Z.M., Guan, J.L., Zhu, X.P., Mao, X.C., 2016, Jurassic–Cretaceous granitoids and related tectono-metallogenesis in the Zapug–Duobuza arc, western Tibet. Ore Geology Reviews 77, 163-175.Li, G.M., Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Duo, J., Zhang, T.P., Xiao, B., Zhao, J.X., 2012, Geology and hydrothermal alteration of the Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper district in the Bangongco metallogenetic belt, Nothwestern Tibet: Resource Geology 62, 99-118.Tang, J.X., Wang, Q., Yang, C., Ding, S., Lang, L.H., Liu, H.F., Huang, Y., Zheng, W.B., Wang, L.Q., Gao, Y.M., Feng, J., Duan, J.L., Song, Y., Wang, Y.Y., Lin, B., Fang, X., Zhang, Z., Yang, H.H., 2014, Two porphyry-epithermal depositt metallogenic subseries in Tibetan Plateau: practice of “absence prospecting” deposit metallogenic series. Mineral Deposits 33, 1151-1170 (in Chinese with English abstract).

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EGRU News December 2019 31


Figure 1. Photographs of mineralization features in Jiaoxi deposit. Apy = arsenopyrite; Brl = beryl; Ccp = Chalcopyrite; Fl = fluorite; Lep = lepidomelane; Py = pyrite; Mal = malachite; Qtz = quartz; Wol = wolframite.

Wang, L.Q., Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Danzhen, W.X., 2018, A Miocene tungsten mineralization and its implications in the western Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic belt: Constraints from U-Pb, Ar-Ar, and Re-Os geochronology of the Jiaoxi tungsten deposit, Tibet, China. Ore Geology Reviews 97, 74-87.

Zhang, Z., Yao, X.F., Tang, J.X., Li, Z.J., Wang, L.Q., Yang, Y., Duan, J.L., Song, J.L., Lin, X., 2015, Lithogeochemical, Re-Os and U-Pb Geochronological, Hf-Lu and S-Pb Isotope Data of the Ga’erqiong-Galale Cu-Au Ore-Concentrated Area: Evidence for the Late Cretaceous Magmatism and Metallogenic Event in the Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone, Northwestern Tibet. Resource Geology 65, 76-102.

...cont'd...Jiaoxi tungsten deposit, Tibet

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32 EGRU News December 2019

Figure 2. Illustration of different types of veins in Jiaoxi deposit. Ccp = Chalcopyrite; Fl = fluorite; Fel = feldspar; Gn = Galena; Lep = lepidomelane; Py = pyrite; Qtz = quartz; Wol = wolframite.

Figure 3. Hand specimen photograph (a) and microphotograph (b) of Nb-Ta oxide-containing pegmatite in the Jiaoxi district.

Jiaoxi tungsten deposit, Tibet...cont'd

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EGRU News December 2019 33


Scapolite is a common mineral occurrence associated with IOCG deposits in the Mary Kathleen Domain of the Mt Isa Inlier, Northwest Queensland. Previous studies have shown the potential for scapolite chemistry to be used as a fluid tracer, but potential links to mineralization are seldom made.

Situated 6km south of the Mary Kathleen Mine and hosted within the crustal scale Mary Kathleen Syncline structure, the Elaine Dorothy prospect hosts substantial IOCG mineralization. Scapolite is a major component of the surrounding calc silicate and skarn host rocks. This study investigates the potential for scapolite to be used as a vectoring tool towards mineralization at Elaine Dorothy.

Figure1. Detailed map of the study area highlighting the local lithologies and structures, as well as the scapolite sample locations (yellow circles represent hydrothermal scapolite, red circles represent skarn scapolite and green circles represent metamorphic scapolite). Inset highlights the Elaine Dorothy Deposit geology in more detail.

Scapolite as a vector at the Elaine Dorothy IOCG DepositAlex Edgar

JCU Geoscience Honours Project

Sampling of scapolite was undertaken during 2018, with samples reduced and processed into thin sections for petrographic analysis and in-situ geochemical analyses. Geochemical analyses were undertaken using the EPMA, SEM and LA-ICP-MS all housed within the Advanced Analytical Centre at James Cook University. Three generations of scapolite were identified during this study: - early metamorphic scapolite hosted within calc

silicate rocks and marble; - later skarn scapolite hosted within skarn assemblages - hydrothermal scapolite hosted in very late cross-

cutting veins, associated with hydrothermal calcite and copper oxide mineralization.

Geochemical analyses returned successful results for scapolite to be used as a vector to mineralization. Both sulphur and caesium were anomalously high in the scapolite proximal to Elaine Dorothy, whilst elevated copper at two locations may indicate the presence of fertile fluids.

The spatial association between sulphur in scapolite and the Elaine Dorothy prospect may suggest the influence of a mineralizing fluid, and low chlorine/bromine ratios of sulphur enriched scapolite suggest that this mineralizing fluid was neither magmatic nor metamorphic in origin, contradictory to current interpretation.

Figure 2. Simplified geological map illustrating the distribution of chlorine/bromine ratios, sulphur content (APFU), caesium content (ppm) and copper content (ppm) at each sample site across the study area.

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34 EGRU News December 2019

Roger Taylor with former students: Left to right: Ian Morrison, Kaylene Camuti, Darcy Milburn, Roger Taylor, Peter Pollard, Annette Rebgetz, Phillip Blevin, Stuart Moore, Gavin Clarke.

In June this year EGRU hosted a highly successful conference on Sn-W-Critical Metals and Associated Magmatic Systems. The conference was held on the shores of Lake Tinaroo on the Atherton Tablelands in north-east Queensland, and attracted world class researchers from academia and industry, along with professional exploration and mining geologists.

Delegates from Europe, USA, Canada, China, South Africa and Australia took part in two and a half days of technical sessions, a half-day field trip to the Herberton tin mining field, and a post conference field trip to the Mount Carbine tungsten deposit.

Sn-W-Critical Metals & Associated Magmatic SystemsAn International Geological Conference

Conference keynote presentations included:Professor Rolf RomerPotsdam University, GermanyInfluence of protolith chemistry on the regional distribution of Phanerozoic magmatic tin depositsDr Phillip BlevinMineral Systems, Geological Survey of NSWThe character, setting and genesis of magmas associated with Sn-W critical metal mineralisation in eastern AustraliaProfessor Jingwen MaoChinese Academy of Geological Sciences, BeijingGeology and metallogeny of tungsten and tin deposits in China

A special session was held in honour of Roger Taylor, a former Director of EGRU, author of the Geology of Tin Deposits, and a world renowned researcher and contributor to the understanding of tin systems. Roger travelled from Launceston to join colleagues, former students and fellow researchers at Tinaroo. The Roger Taylor Session focussed on tin mineralisation in Australia, in particular north-

east Queensland, and included presentations by Drs Phillip Blevin and Gavin Clarke, both past students of Roger's. Former consulting partner and student, Peter Pollard, gave a potted history of Roger's career, including his role as leader of the highly valued MSc in Mining and Exploration Geology at JCU, and recalled Roger's famous parties held during every MSc session.

Roger Taylor Session

Thank you to the EGRU volunteers who were so helpful throughout the conference, including Liping Zeng and Eric Zurek-Haidamous.

Special thanks to Paul Slezak, who provided essential and invaluable behind-the-scenes support.

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EGRU News December 2019 35


Ioan Sanislav, Jason Bennet & Lucy Jones

Liping Zeng & Prof. Shao-Yong Jian

Conference delegates on the steps of Tinaroo Lake Resort

Colin Jones, Ewan Orovan & David Cooke

Leonidas Vonopartis, Joshua Denholm, Ross Chandler & Eric Zurek-Haidamous

Carl Spandler & John Mavrogenes

Matt Plumridge, Colin Plumridge &Eoin Rothery


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36 EGRU News December 2019

Mid-way through the conference technical sessions, delegates boarded buses and travelled to Herberton for a half-day visit to the Herberton Mining Museum and the Great Northern Mine Walk. The Great Northern Mine, along with numerous other hard rock tin deposits, is located on Herberton Hill behind the Herberton Mining Museum.Herberton is the oldest town on the Atherton Tablelands. The town was established following the discovery of the rich vein style cassiterite mineralisation that became the site of the Great Northern Mine. These hard rock deposits were discovered in April 1880 and, by Christmas of 1880, the Herberton field boasted a population of 300 men and 27 women. Between 1880 and 1956 the Great Northern produced over 5000 tonnes of ore. Three shafts were the main producers, and the Great Northern Mine Walk takes in the sites of these shafts.Barely 15 years after the 1880 discovery a falling tin price contributed to a decline in tin production, closure of many local businesses, and a shrinking population. Tin production from the Herberton field continued sporadically until the tin price crash of 1985. The Mine Walk was led by Ian Morrison from Lantana Exploration. Conference delegates had the opportunity to fossick for tin ore along the walk, and to investigate the fascinating historical, geological and mining displays in the Herberton Mining Museum. Conference delegates were hosted by museum volunteers who helped with information about the museum and had put together special displays of ore specimens. The museum visit and mine walk were followed a generous and delicious afternoon tea provided by the Herberton Country Women's Association.


Delegates fossicking for altered and mineralised granite around the site of the Eastern Shaft

Great Northern Mine - Eastern Shaftcirca 1900

Mullock dump that still contains Sn ore and,locally, wolframite crystals.

Liping Zeng in the Museum, with quartz crystals from the Wolfram Camp tungsten deposit in NE Queensland.

Afternoon tea at the Herberton Country Women's Association Hall.

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EGRU News December 2019 37


The search for wolframite

The Mount Carbine Mine site.

Examing drill core from the Mount Carbine ore body.

Looking for mineralisation and alteration in boulders at Mount Carbine.

Discussion amongst the boulders, with the Mount Carbine Tableland in the distance

A one-day field trip to the Mount Carbine tungsten deposit followed the three days of conference technical sessions. The field trip was led by geologist Darcy Milburn, and access to the site was kindly provided by Speciality Metals International Limited. Wolframite was first discovered on the slopes of Carbine Hill in the 1880s and, during the 1980s, Mount Carbine was one of the world’s largest producers of high grade wolframite, with photometric ore sorting used for upgrading mill feed. Production ceased in 1986 due to falling tungsten prices, however, in early July this year, a Joint Venture between Speciality Metals and Cronimet Asia Pte Ltd commenced for a tailings retreatment and stockpile project, with production scheduled to begin in mid-2020.Mineralisation at Mount Carbine consists of series of steeply dipping north-west trending veins along a north trending belt approximately 2.5km long by 0.5km wide. The veins are persistent along strike and down dip. The Main stage veining comprises quartz + apatite / wolframite / potassium feldspar / biotite / muscovite, with minor associated Mo and Bi. The veining is associated with biotite / tourmaline alteration and is zoned, with an inner core of quartz-feldspar veining passing outwards into lower grade thinner veins containing muscovite. Later stage veining may contain fluorite, chlorite, albite, scheelite, cassiterite and minor Fe, As, Cu and Zn sulphides.Field trip delegates were provided with an overview of the mine history and mineralisation by Darcy, and had the opportunity to examine mineralised drill core and to search for mineralisation and associated alteration in the waste dump and boulder pad.


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38 EGRU News December 2019

On the 12th of November 2019, four James Cook University post-graduate students had the pleasure of attending the Geological Society of Australia (GSA) Earth Science Student Symposium in Brisbane (GESSS-Q). JCU students Christopher Yule, David Rubenach, Katy Baker and Tegan Beveridge travelled from Townsville to attend the meeting thanks to the GSA Regional Travel Grants. The event was hosted by the Institute for Future Environments at the Queensland University of Technology, Garden Point campus. The day was packed full of conference activities, including student presentations, a poster session, a Q&A panel and even a geoscience themed baking competition.

Christopher YuleThe presentation I gave featured research from a paper I am writing on what seismic acquisition parameters can image beneath mafic volcanic units. I enjoyed meeting new people at the trivia event and at the conference itself as well as catching up with colleagues outside of JCU. Marina Costelloe’s talk on the geophysical data Geoscience Australia has been collecting and collating was especially interesting to me. I was impressed by the calibre of presentations at GESSS-Q and it was a highly enjoyable experience.

David Rubenach I presented research on historical earthquakes and earthquake cluster analysis in Queensland. This research forms part of two papers I am writing with several co-authors (James Daniell, Paul Dirks, and Janice Wegner): a review of historical earthquakes and their impacts in Queensland, and a technical review of earthquake distribution and potential impacts in Queensland. The research is part of a larger project PhD project in collaboration with Queensland Rail looking at the impacts of earthquakes on railways in Queensland. This conference provided me with an invaluable opportunity to network with students from around Queensland and the attending sponsors. I saw fascinating presentations from geoscience students from around Queensland covering many different topics ranging from gypsum crystallography to carbon sequestration using bugs. Finally, the post-conference Q&A provided some surprisingly candid answers on questions regarding geoscience careers.

Katy BakerMy presentation was about how acoustic backscatter and sediment grainsize can be used to understand the distribution of saucer scallop habitats in southeast Queensland. I enjoyed the Icebreaker Event the evening before the conference; it was great to connect with students in a laid-back setting. I was very impressed with the presentations and posters throughout the event. I found the wrap up panel to be particularly informative. It was great to hear from experts in different fields and network with them along with fellow students after the event!

Tegan BeveridgeMy conference presentation was about geochemical fingerprinting of bentonite horizons for better correlation in sedimentary basins and was lucky enough to be awarded best talk for this year’s symposium. My favourite part of the conference was connecting with other geoscience students by networking throughout the day and the Icebreaker Trivia event the evening before. I found the calibre of research conducted by geoscience students in Queensland to be both impressive and inspirational. I also really enjoyed the fun and creativity of the Geoscience Bake-Off!

Thanks to EGRU for the support so that we could attend GESSS-Q 2019.

EGRU at GESSS-Q 2019

JCU postgraduate students at GESSS-Q. From L to R: Tegan Beveridge, Katy Baker,

David Rubenach, Christopher Yule

Congratulations to Tegan Beveridge who was awarded "Best Conference Presentation".

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EGRU News December 2019 39

Courses, Workshops

EGRU at GeoS Student Trivia Night

In late September the JCU GeoScience Society held a Student Triva Night. EGRU sponsored the event and provided the prizes. The event was really well attended, with about 40 students taking part. The winning team were presented with an Estwing geological hammer, Bob Henderson's book The Geology of Australia, and Roger Taylor's book Ore Textures.

Management In Mineral Exploration Short Courses

Nick Franey presented 5 x one-day course modules on Management in Mineral Exploration in July this year. The courses attracted delegates from Africa and Indonesia, as well as Australia. The next series of courses in Townsville are scheduled for September - October 2020.

Exploration management courses can also be presented in-house courses, or tailored for Engineers or Non-Technical professionals involved in the management of mineral exploration programs. Please contact EGRU for further information.

Nick Franey with participants in the EGRU exploration management short courses. From L to R: Amanda Ibeneme (Resolute Mining), Putu Utama (Agincourt Resources), Amadou Traore (Resolute Mining), Matthew Healy (Round Oak Minerals), Candra Hadi (Agincourt Resources), Nick Franey .

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Courses, Workshops

40 EGRU News December 2019

Professional Geologist Short Courses in 2020

In 2020 EGRU is again offering a series of short courses aimed at advancing the skills and competencies of professional geoscientists.

The series has been developed in collaboration with industry professionals, with the objective of delivering training in geoscience core and applied skills suitable for professionals ranging from early career to highly experienced geoscientists.

Most courses are delivered at JCU, some are field-based, and some can also be delivered in-house and tailored to meet requirements.

2020 TimetableJanuary20 - 22 Jan

Ore Textures & Breccias: Recognition TechniquesCourse Leader: Dr Gavin Clarke (EGRU)3 days, JCU Townsville

23 - 24 Jan

Core Logging TechniquesCourse Leader: Prof Paul Dirks (EGRU)2 days, JCU Townsville

February3 - 7 Feb

Geology Essentials - Advanced Core Skills TrainingCourse Leaders: Dr Jan Huizenga, Prof Paul Dirks (EGRU)5 days, Townsville

10 - 11 Feb

Leapfrog Geo FundamentalsCourse Leader: Pieter Creus (EGRU)2 days, JCU Townsville

12 - 13 Feb

Leapfrog Geo Advanced TrainingCourse Leader: Pieter Creus (EGRU)2 days, JCU Townsville

13 Feb

QGIS for GeologistsCourse Leader: Grant Boxer1 day, JCU Townsville

14 Feb

More QGISCourse Leader: Grant Boxer1 day, JCU Townsville

June7 - 15 June

Advanced Field TrainingCourse Leaders: Prof Paul Dirks, Dr Ioan Sanislav (EGRU)8 days, Cloncurry area

July6 July

Geochemical Data: Acquisition, Analysis, Quality and Management Course Leader: Dr Dennis Arne (Telemark Geosciences)1 day, JCU Townsville

7 July

Exploratory Data Analysis using ioGASCourse Leader: Dr Dennis Arne (Telemark Geosciences)1 day, JCU Townsville

8 July

Integration of Geochemical, Mineralogical and Geological DataCourse Leader: Dr Dennis Arne (Telemark Geosciences)1 day, JCU Townsville

9 - 11 July

Spatial Data AnalysisCourse Leader: Dr Arianne Ford (Kenex)3 days, JCU Townsville

September - October28 September - 2nd October

Management in Mineral ExplorationCourse Leader: Nick Franey 5 x 1 day modules, JCU Townsville

For further information about EGRU short courses:Visit the EGRU web site Professional Development page, or Contact the EGRU Manager: [emailprotected]

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EGRU News December 2019 41

Courses, Workshops

May12 - 15 May

Mineral Systems of the Mount Isa InlierEGRU, in association with the Geological Survey of Queensland, is hosting a workshop on the Minerals Systems of the Mount Isa Inlier in Cloncurry. This is the fourth in the series of workshops that aim to bring together industry, academic and government geoscientists in a forum that will showcase the diverse deposits of the region.

This workshop will include:

ӹ 2 days of technical sessions, including presentations by invited speakers

ӹ Drill core viewing with examples from deposits in the region.

ӹ 2 x one day field trips (schedule/locations subject to change)

Day 1 - Tick Hill Au deposit

Day 2 - Elaine Dorothy and Mt Colin Cu-Au deposits

June14 - 19 June

8th Biennial ACROFI ConferenceAsian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions

The conference will include technical sessions, a workshop and a field trip

Conference themes include:New developments in fluid researchFluids in hydrothermal ore deposits and mineral explorationMagmatic melts and fluidsFluids in volcanic systemsMetamorphic fluids

EGRU News May 2019 41

The highly successful EGRU workshop on Mineral Deposits of the Mount isa Inlier will be held again in May 2020. The workshop will feature presentations by industry, government and research geoscientists.

Then, in June, EGRU will host the 8th Biennial ACROFI Conference in Townsville. This conference will bring together researchers from around the world to discuss the latest research related to fluids in geological systems. The program will feature keynote presentations from world-renowned researchers.

For further information about EGRU workshops & conferences:Visit the EGRU web site Mount Isa Workshop and ACROFI Conference pages.

Contact the EGRU Administration Officer: [emailprotected]

Workshops & Conferences in 2020

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42 EGRU News December 2019

JCU Geoscience welcomes two new staff members

Ioan is a geologist with experience in a wide range of mineralisation styles, including lode gold, IOCG, SEDEX, porphyry, epithermal, podiform chromitite, manganese and VAMS deposits. He has worked in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia, gaining experience from a variety of geological

and cultural environments. Ioan’s current research projects include: ӹ Lode gold mineralisation in the Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania.

ӹ Magma fertility in the Mary Kathleen Belt, Mt Isa Inlier.

ӹ Structural geology of the Dugald River Zn-Pb-Ag mine.

Ioan has a BSc in Geochemistry and an MSc in Stratigraphy from Al. I. Cuza University, Romania, and a PhD in Geology from JCU. From 2009 until 2014 he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at JCU, a period that included 30 months as an embedded researcher with the Geita Gold Mine in Tanzania. His experience at Geita included the supervision of regional exploration teams, target generation, exploration program design, exploration database design, and liaison with researchers and consultants. From 2015 to 2019 Ioan taught at both undergraduate and masters level at JCU, with subjects including field geology, structural geology and economic geology. In August 2019 he was appointed as a Lecturer in Economic Geology in the Geoscience department at JCU. He has supervised to completion 2 PhD projects, and is currently the main advisor to 3 PhD projects and co-advisor on 2 PhD projects.Ioan’s research interests encompass a wide range of geological disciplines, skills and analytical techniques and their application to economic geology. He uses a variety of techniques in his research, including field geology and geological mapping, structural geology, geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, numerical modelling, SWIR, geochronology and geophysics. He has published 29 research papers and contributed to numerous conferences and workshops.

Dr Ioan SanislavLecturer in Economic Geology

Brandon Mahan began his geoscience career at Indiana State University (Indiana, USA), where his area of focus was on macro-structural geology, e.g. rock identification and field mapping. During this time, he also conducted b i o g e o c h e m i c a l research on the eolian iron and phosphorus flux record of the Southern Ocean over roughly the past twenty million years. From Indiana Brandon moved to Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri, USA) to undertake his Masters research. Here he continued his work in structural geology, and added an experimental component to this by conducting rock deformation experiments, characterizing their seismic properties and relating this back to seismic signatures in subduction zones. A research position and PhD at l’Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Paris, France) greatly expanded Brandon's research agenda and skillset. The majority of his research there combined experimental petrology (metal-silicate differentiation) and planetary-/cosmo-chemistry, examined through the lens of trace element and isotope geochemistry, namely volatile (easily vaporized) elements—like Zn and Cu—and their isotopes. Within this post, he also began working in the emerging field of Isotope Metallomics - the application of element and isotope geochemistry techniques to medical research. In addition to continuing along all of these research pathways in his current role at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia), he now also actively pursues the research and development of rapid trace element and stable isotope geochemistry protocols and workflows. In his new role as part of the research team at JCU, he will aim to apply these skills and experiences towards developing a high impact and immensely multi-disciplinary research portfolio along with students, postdoctoral researchers, colleagues and collaborators.Brandon will join the JCU Geoscience team early in 2020.

Dr Brandon MahanLecturer in Geochemistry

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld&#039;s Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (45)

EGRU News December 2019 43


Katy Baker (MSc) Sediment/scallop relationships in SE QueenslandSupervisor: Dr James Daniell

Tegan Beveridge (PhD)Geochemical characterisation of bentonites combined with high-precision geochronology for correlation and provenance in the Cretaceous Strata of North America.Supervisors: A/Prof Eric Roberts

Alex Brown (PhD)Base Metal Genesis, Stratigraphy and Structural Evolution of the Central Tommy Creek Domain, Mt Isa InlierSupervisors: A/Prof. Carl Spandler, Prof. Tom Blenkinsop, Prof. Paul Dirks

Michael Calder (PhD)Zonation, paragenesis and fluid evolution from the root to top of the Far Southeast Lepanto porphyry epithermal system, Mankayan district, Philippines.Supervisors: Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, A/Prof. Carl Spandler, Dr Jeffrey Hendenquist, Dr Antonio Arribas

Pieter Creus (PhD)Structural Paragenesis of the Dugald River Zn-Pb-Ag Mine, Mount Isa InlierSupervisors: Dr Ioan Sanislav, Prof. Paul Dirks

Elliot Foley (PhD)Jurassic Arc - Recontructing the Lost World of Eastern Australia through basin analysis in the Laura and Carpentaria Basins, NE QLDSupervisors: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, Dr Espen Knutsen, A/Prof. Carl Spandler

Samara French (PhD)Spatial Modelling of Saucer Scallop Distributions within the Southwest Queensland Scallop FisherySupervisor: Dr James Daniell, A/Prof. Eric Roberts

Kelly Heilbron (PhD)Establishing a tectonic framework for the Cretaceous break-up of eastern Gondwana.Supervisors: Dr James Daniell, Dr Rob Holm, A/Prof. Carl Spandler, A/Prof. Eric Roberts

Leigh Lawrence (PhD)Geochemical investigation of Oligocene-aged alkaline volcanic events in the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania.Supervisors: A/Prof. Carl Spandler, A/Prof. Eric Roberts

Leah Lynham (MPhil) Palaeoenvironment and palaeovalley gold provenance of the Lefroy Palaeodrainage System, Western Australia and its implications for future placer gold explorationSupervisors: Dr Espen Knutsen, Prof. Paul Dirks

Xuan Truong Le (PhD)The Tick Hill gold deposit, Mt Isa InlierSupervisors: Prof. Paul Dirks, Dr Ioan Sanislav, Dr Jan Martin Huizenga,

Theresa Orr (PhD)Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Analysis of Selected Cretaceous, Oligocene and Miocene Palesols from the Rukwa Rift Basin, TanzaniaSupervisors: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, Prof. Michael Bird, Dr Chris Wuster

Alexander Parker (PhD)Fluids in the lower crust: storage and mobilization.Supervisors: Dr Jan Martin Huizenga, Dr Ioan Sanislav

Caleb Puszkiewicz (PhD)Analyses of JCU Groundwater-Ocean Interconnection, Extent and Potential ImpactsSupervisors: Dr Jan Martin Huizenga, Prof. Paul Dirks

Jessie Robbins (PhD)Understanding the genesis and patterns of cave fill across the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa.Supervisors: Prof. Paul Dirks, A/Prof. Eric Roberts

David Rubenach (MPhil)Earthquake hazard mapping and modelling to support Qld Rail's infrastructure.Supervisors: Dr James Daniell, Prof. Paul Dirks

Postgraduate StudentsResearch Projects

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld&#039;s Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (46)


44 EGRU News December 2019

Joshua Spence (PhD)Magma Fertility of the Mary Kathleen Fold Belt (MKFB), Mt Isa InlierSupervisors: Dr Ioan Sanislav, Prof. Paul Dirks, A/Prof. Carl Spandler

Christopher Todd (PhD)Sedimentary history of the Porcupine Gorge National Park and application of U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology for correlation of Cretaceous and Jurassic strata in northern Queensland.Supervisor: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, A/Prof. Carl Spandler

Michal Wenderlich (PhD)Seismic Stratigraphy of the Great Barrier Reef.Supervisor: Dr James Daniell

Jelle Wiersma (PhD)Cave sedimentation processes, geochronology, and the distribution of hominins at Rising Star Cave, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa.Supervisors: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, Prof. Paul Dirks

Raven Wright (Mssc)Mesophotic reefs on the southern GBRSupervisor: Dr James Daniell

Christopher Yule (PhD)The structure and stratigraphy of the offshore Canning Basin.Supervisor: Dr James Daniell

Postgraduate StudentsResearch Projects

Congratulations to Elliot Foley

Awarded the 2019 APPEA Tony Noonan Memorial Scholarship

JCU PhD student, Elliot Foley, has been awarded the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association's (APPEA) prestigious Tony Noon Memorial Scholarship for 2019.

Elliot was awarded the $3,000 scholarship for his research on sedimentary basins and petroleum prospectivity in north-eastern Queensland, focusing on the Carpentaria Basin.

APPEA Chief Executive, Andrew McConville, said Elliot impressed judges with his ground-breaking research relating to Australia’s oil and gas industry.

The annual Tony Noon Memorial Scholarship provides a one-off grant for honours, Masters or PhD students from a range of disciplines, including geology, safety, engineering, economics, law or environmental management.Elliot Foley (right) with his project supervisor A/Prof. Eric Roberts.

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Mineral Deposits of the Mount Isa Inlier 202012 - 15 May 2020Cloncurry Community CentreCloncurry, QldAustraliaThe Economic Geology Research Centre (EGRU) at James Cook University, in association with the Geological Survey of Queensland, is hosting a workshop on the Minerals Systems of the Mount Isa Inlier in Cloncurry in May 2020.

This is the fourth in the series of workshops in the Mount Isa - Cloncurry region that that aim to bring together academia, government and industry geoscientists to discuss the diverse deposits of the region.

This workshop will include:

ӹ 2 days of technical sessions with presentations by invited speakers

ӹ Drill Core veiwing with examples from deposits in the region

ӹ 2 x one day field trips (schedule/locations subject to change)

- Day 1 Tick Hill Au deposit

- Day 2 Elaine Dorothy and Mt Colin Cu-Au deposits

Registration Fees per day (inclusive of GST)

Technical SessionsEGRU Member $500

Non-EGRU Member $700

Student $250

Field TripRegistrant $300

Student $200

Registration fees include:

Transport to/from Mount Isa Airport

Daily catering during technical sessions and field trip

Social eventsRegistration fees do not include: Airfares to/from Mount Isa Breakfast all days, dinner except social events Accommodation

Enquiries contact: Judy Botting, EGRU Administration Officeror contact the Workshop Leaders: Prof. Paul Dirks & Dr Ioan Sanislav

EGRU News December 2019 45

Events & Services

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld&#039;s Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (48)

Events & Services

46 EGRU News November 2019

Asian Current Research on Fluid InclusionsThe 8th Biennial ACROFI ConferenceEGRU is proud to host the 8th international ACROFI conference and invites academics, researchers, students and industry professionals to join us in Townsville, in tropical north-eastern Queensland, from 16-18 June 2020.

The main theme of the conference is the study of fluid and melt inclusions. The meeting typically has an informal character and is ideally suited for students to present their results and meet experts in their fields.

The meeting will include three days of presentations (oral and poster) preceded by a two-day workshop (basic concepts of fluid inclusion studies, LA-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions, lab visit) and followed by a one-day post-conference field trip.

Conference Keynote Speakers:

ӹ Robert Bodnar, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA

ӹ Katy Evans, Curtin University, Australia

ӹ John Mavrogenes, Australian National University, Australia

ӹ Pei Ni, Nanjing University, China

ӹ Jung Hun Seo, Inha University, South Korea

Conference Invited Speakers:

ӹ Yuan Mei, CSIRO, Australia

ӹ Leigh Lawrence, James jCook University, Australia

ӹ Adam Abersteiner, University of Tasmania

ӹ Toru Shimizu, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST

Conference topics include:

ӹ New developments in fluid research including analytical, experimental, and thermodynamics aspects

ӹ Magmatic melts and fluids

ӹ Fluids in volcanic systems

ӹ Metamorphic fluids

ӹ Hydrothermal ore deposits and mineral exploration

Abstract submission closes 28 February 2020.Further information is available at the conference website. Registration opens in early 2020:

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld&#039;s Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (49)

EGRU Facilities/Equipment ӹ ICP-MS: 2 quadrupole ICP-MS units.

ӹ LA (Laser Ablation) System (193nm)

ӹ MC-ICP-MS (Multi-collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer)

ӹ Clean Lab: class 350 clean lab

ӹ Microprobe: Jeol JXA8200 “Superprobe” – 5WDS, EDS, BSE, SE, CL

ӹ SEM: with cathodoluminescence imaging capacity

ӹ XRD: Siemens D5000 Diffractometer (XRD)

ӹ ICP-AES: Varian Liberty Series II

ӹ SWIR spectral instruments: PIMA-SP and specTERRA

ӹ Raman microspectrometry facility

ӹ Fluid inclusion stage: Linkam MDS600 freezing/heating stage

ӹ Melt inclusion / fluid inclusion stage: Linkam TS1500 heating stage

ӹ Lapidary/Mineral Separation Laboratory Equipment available includes - RockLabs crusher and splitter, Temer and Disc mills, Franz magnetic separator, Wilfley table, and dental drill for micro-sampling. Magnetometer: GeoMetrics G 816/826A

ӹ Photomicrography set 1: Leica DM2500P microscope + Leica DFC420 C Camera

ӹ Photomicrography set 2: Leica DM RXP microscope + Leica DC 300 v2.0 Camera

ӹ Magnetic susceptibility meter: Fugro GMS-2 (Serial No: 1942)

ӹ Microscopes: Transmitted light + reflected light optical microscopes, including a Nikon Eclipse E400 POL, a Nikon Labophot2 POL, and ~45 Leica microscopes

ӹ Gigapan robotic camera

ӹ 3D visualisation laboratory

EGRU Analytical Capabilities ӹ SWIR (Short Wavelength Infra-Red) spectral analysis

ӹ Thermometric measurements of fluid inclusions and melt inclusions

ӹ Composition of individual fluid/melt inclusions

ӹ Mineral major element compositions by EDS and/or WDS on a Jeol ‘Superprobe’ electron microprobe

ӹ Cathodoluminescence (CL), Back-Scattered Electron (BSE) and Secondary Electron (SE) imaging, using SEM and electron microprobe

ӹ Full CL wavelength spectra analysis by electron microprobe equipped with a CL spectrometer (XCLent)

ӹ Mineral trace element composition

ӹ Mineral elemental mapping

ӹ Stable isotope analysis (C, O, Cu)

ӹ Geochronology (U-Pb on zircon, titanite, monazite, xenotime)

ӹ Radiogenic isotope analysis

ӹ In situ Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotope analyses

ӹ High pressure / temperature experiments

For information on EGRU analytical services contact A/Prof. Carl Spandler: [emailprotected]

EGRU News November 2019 47

Events & Services

NEWSLETTER -· Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Qld&#039;s Jurassic to Cretaceous Basins Queensland Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonics, Paleogeography and Landscape - [PDF Document] (50)

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EGRU conferences, short courses and workshops.

Membership information is available at

Delegates attending EGRU conferences, short courses and workshops may earn

Professional Development points from their professional bodies.

For more than 35 years EGRU has been connecting researchers, students, industry, and government organisations, and building productive working

relationships by:

promoting collaborative research;

providing applied research services;

delivering professional development training.

Economic Geology Research CentreCollege of Science and Engineering

James Cook UniversityTownsville, QLD 4811, Australia

T: +61 7 4781 4726 E: [emailprotected]:

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.