Fact Sheet
Aug 16, 2024MHS GENESIS Fact Sheet
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MHS GENESIS is the Department of Defense's new electronic health record. When fully deployed, MHS GENESIS will provide the DOD's 9.6 million beneficiaries and 205,000 medical providers with a single, integrated health record across the continuum of care – deployed and at home and eventually, through the transition to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Aug 10, 2024MHS GENESIS Leader Reflects on Challenges, Successes as He Prepares to Pass the Torch
U.S. Air Force Col. (Dr.) Thomas Cantilina, the deputy Military Health System EHR functional champion at the Defense Health Agency and chief health informatics officer, is set to retire from duty in October. In these final months of his military career, he reflects on his role in helping the DOD launch its single electronic health record worldwide.
Jul 23, 2024MHS GENESIS Patient Portal Makes Refilling Prescriptions Easier
Do you get prescriptions at a military pharmacy? If you need to request a refill or a renewal for your prescription, the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal makes it easy.
Jun 28, 2024Data Sharing, Interoperability Improve Patient Care and Outcomes
Health data sharing and exchange boost the value of the data inside and outside of the Department of Defense.
Jun 25, 2024MHS GENESIS Secure Messaging: A Direct Line to Your Military Health Care Team
The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal lets you speak to your military health care team at your military hospital or clinic through secure messaging. Learn how and when to use secure messaging.
Jun 13, 2024Technical support for MHS GENESIS
MHS GENESIS – the modern electronic health record that features a patient-focused Portal providing access to your medical records.Since this is a new electronic health record, there are bound to be questions and technical issues with the system.For technical assistance with issues accessing the Patient Portal, beneficiaries are encouraged to ...
Jun 13, 2024What is the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal?
Introduction to the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal site
Apr 29, 2024MHS GENESIS 7-Year Rollout Enters New Phase After Final Go-Live
MHS GENESIS operational at every military hospital and clinic worldwide, and Department of Defense sets sights on continuous enhancements and improvements.
Article Around MHS
Apr 15, 2024MHS GENESIS: One Year Later at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
A little over a year ago, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center began a new chapter in military health care by implementing MHS GENESIS, the Department of Defense electronic health record system, and a landmark initiative to transform health service delivery to more than 9.5 million beneficiaries.
Article Around MHS
Apr 5, 2024Army Medicine Joins Effort to Combat Recruiting Shortfalls
The Department of Defense has faced several challenges that prevented the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy from reaching fiscal year 2023 recruitment goals.
Mar 29, 2024MHS GENESIS Prescription Refill Detailed Overview
A detailed overview of the prescription refill feature now available on the MHS GENESIS patient portal
Mar 23, 2024Military Health System Leader Shares His Vision for Collaboration Between the Military Health System and Department of Veterans Affairs
Dr. Paul Cordts, deputy assistant director of medical affairs for the Defense Health Agency, addressed the ongoing collaboration of the Military Health System and the Department of Veterans Affairs in a presentation at the annual meeting of AMSUS, the Society of Federal Health Professionals.
Mar 21, 2024The HIPAA Privacy Rule and Military Health Care: What Parents of Minors Need To Know
Are you the parent or legal sponsor of a minor child? If so, there are things you should know about what access you have to your child’s health care records and choices. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Final Rule protects minors’ privacy concerning their health care choices and treatment.
Mar 19, 2024Military Medicine an ‘Indispensable Asset to Our Military and the Nation’
Defense Health Agency leaders outlined continuing efforts to transform the Military Health System and fulfill the agency’s mission to improve health and readiness for its 9.6 million beneficiaries at the annual meeting of AMSUS, the Society of Federal Health Professionals.
Mar 15, 2024New Feature of MHS GENESIS Patient Portal Allows Prescription Refills
The Defense Health Agency has launched a new feature that lets you request prescription refills through MHS GENESIS.