Maximum Social Security Benefit: How Is It Figured? (2025)

The maximum Social Security retirement benefit depends on the age at which retirees begin collecting and their earnings history, among other factors. In 2024, the maximum monthly benefit is $3,822 for someone who files atfull retirement age (FRA)at age 66. The highest benefit for those who qualify and delay claiming until age 70 is $4,873.

Key Takeaways

  • Qualifying for Social Security requires ten years of work or 40 work credits.
  • The maximum benefit is $3,822 for someone at full retirement age in 2024.
  • Individuals must wait until full retirement age to claim benefits and have been a high earner for 35 years to earn the maximum Social Security benefit.

How Social Security Benefits Are Calculated

Social Security benefits are calculated by combining an individual's 35 highest-paid years. All wages are indexed to account for inflation. Wages from previous years are multiplied by a factor based on the years they were earned. This calculation provides an amount comparable to buying power based on the U.S. dollar's current value. If you have 40 work credits, you can claim Social Security as early as age 62, but waiting until FRA will result in a much higher benefit. The most individuals can receive in 2024 at age 62 is $2,710.

Once all wages are indexed, an average indexed monthly earnings (AIME) is computed by dividing the sum of all indexed wages by 420 (35 years expressed as months). A zero is entered for years when an individual did not work. The benefit amount is calculated based on factors that include the year when collection begins, FRA, and whether an individual will continue to work while collecting benefits.

Your FRA depends on the year of birth. The FRA is 66 for people born between 1943 and 1954. Retirees receive 100% of benefits if they wait until FRA to claim them. Individuals who wait until 70 (waiting for four years to file a claim for benefits) to claim Social Security receive 132% of their monthly benefit. The FRA changes to 67 for people born in 1960 or later.

Once an individual reaches 70, there is no reason to wait longer to start collecting since the benefit won’t increase further.

Claiming the Maximum Benefit

Retirees must earn Social Security’s maximum taxable income for 35 years to receive the highest benefit. The cap, which is the amount of earnings subject toSocial Security tax, is $168,600 in 2024, up from $160,200 in 2023. Individuals must be high earners over many decades and delay receiving benefits to potentially become one of a small group to receive $4,873 per month and:

  • Earn at least the maximum wage taxable by Social Security over 35 years. Individuals must contribute the maximum amount. This figure is adjusted annually based on the national average wage index.
  • Elect to start receiving Social Security benefits at age 70. Social Security benefits can be accessed as early as 62. However, to get the maximum, individuals need to wait until 70.

Timing Benefits

An individual retiring at 66 years and ten months will earn FRA. If they opt to receive benefits at age 62 it will reduce their monthly benefit to account for the longer time that they could receive benefits, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA). That decrease is usually permanent. If the same person waits for benefits until age 70, their monthly benefit increases. The larger amount is due to the delayed retirement credits earned for the decision to postpone receiving benefits past FRA.

The best time to start taking Social Security benefits depends on current income and employment status, other available retirement funds, and life expectancy.

The SSA has calculators to help estimate benefits.

Average Monthly Payment

The average Social Security retirement benefit is significantly lower than the maximum. It was $1,915.26 per month in April 2024, according to the SSA. To ensure that benefits maintain their buying power, the SSA adjusts them with the cost of living. For example, thecost-of-living adjustment (COLA) was 3.2% in 2024.


How much of your preretirement income Social Security is designed to replace.

What Is Full Retirement Age?

The full retirement age is when individuals can collect full Social Security retirement benefits based on the year they were born. The FRA is 66 years and two months for those born in 1955 and gradually increases to 67 for those born in 1960 and after.

What Are Delayed Retirement Credits?

Individuals who wait past their FRA to collect Social Security retirement benefits receive credits for each month that they delay up to age 70. These credits can increase the monthly benefit by 8% a year.

How Much Do Individuals Have to Make to Get Maximum Social Security?

To receive the maximum Social Security benefit, individuals must earn at least the maximum wage taxable by Social Security for 35 years and delay claiming the benefit until they reach 70. The earnings cap adjusts based on changes to the national average wage index and is $168,600 in 2024.

Is Social Security Based on the Last 5 Years of Work?

No, Social Security benefits are based on the 35 highest-paid inflation-adjusted years and take into consideration the age when individuals start receiving benefits.

The Bottom Line

Social Security benefits are a form of retirement income. It is meant to replace a portion of your pre-retirement earnings based on the total amount of money you earn during your time in the workforce. You can start earning benefits as early as age 62, albeit at a lower amount. You can increase your benefit amount by delaying them until 70, which is the age at which the monthly benefit is capped.

Maximum Social Security Benefit: How Is It Figured? (2025)


How is maximum Social Security benefit calculated? ›

Social Security benefits are typically computed using "average indexed monthly earnings." This average summarizes up to 35 years of a worker's indexed earnings. We apply a formula to this average to compute the primary insurance amount (PIA). The PIA is the basis for the benefits that are paid to an individual.

How does SSA calculate how much you get? ›

We: Base Social Security benefits on your lifetime earnings. Adjust or “index” your actual earnings to account for changes in average wages since the year the earnings were received. Calculate your average indexed monthly earnings during the 35 years in which you earned the most.

Is there a maximum Social Security benefit regardless of income? ›

Beginning in August 2024, when you reach full retirement age, you would receive your full benefit ($800 per month), no matter how much you earn.

How do I find out my actual Social Security benefit amount? ›

You can get your Social Security Statement (Statement) online by using your personal my Social Security account. Your online Statement gives you secure and convenient access to estimates for retirement, disability, and survivors benefits you and your family may be eligible for.

Is there a cap on the maximum Social Security benefit? ›

The maximum Social Security check

Your maximum benefit if you file at full retirement age – between 66 and 67 – is $3,822 per month. Your maximum benefit if you file at age 70 – the age when extra benefits stop accruing – is $4,873 per month.

How much Social Security will I get if I make $120000 a year? ›

The point is that if you earned $120,000 per year for the past 35 years, thanks to the annual maximum taxable wage limits, the maximum Social Security benefit you could get at full retirement age is $2,687.

At what age is Social Security no longer taxed? ›

Social Security tax FAQs

Social Security income can be taxable no matter how old you are. It all depends on whether your total combined income exceeds a certain level set for your filing status. You may have heard that Social Security income is not taxed after age 70; this is false.

Is it better to collect Social Security at 62 or 67? ›

You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, you are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up to age 70, your benefit amount will increase.

What is the 10 year rule for Social Security? ›

If you've worked and paid taxes into the Social Security system for at least 10 years and have earned a minimum of 40 work credits, you can collect your own benefits as early as age 62.

At what age do you get 100% of your Social Security benefits? ›

If you start receiving benefits at age 66 you get 100 percent of your monthly benefit. If you delay receiving retirement benefits until after your full retirement age, your monthly benefit continues to increase. The chart below explains how delayed retirement affects your benefit.

How much Social Security will I get if I make $100,000 a year? ›

If your pay at retirement will be $100,000, your benefits will start at $2,026 each month, which equals $24,315 per year. And if your pay at retirement will be $125,000, your monthly benefits at the outset will be $2,407 for $28,889 yearly.

What is the formula for calculating my Social Security benefits? ›

Key Points. The Social Security benefits formula is used to calculate your primary insurance amount. The formula is based on your average monthly earnings over your 35 highest-earning years, adjusted for inflation. You can collect your maximum benefit if you wait until age 70.

Is Social Security based on the last 5 years of work? ›

Social Security bases your retirement benefits on your lifetime earnings. We adjust or “index” your actual earnings to account for changes in average wages since the year the earnings were received. Then we calculate your average indexed monthly earnings from your highest 35 years of earnings.

How accurate are Social Security estimated benefits? ›

Also, as you mentioned, Social Security sometimes includes assumed future year earnings amounts when providing estimates, so their benefit estimates are only as accurate as those future year earnings projections turn out to be. Do I Need To Contact Social Security About My Payment Date?

Can I retire on $500,000 plus Social Security? ›

If you have $500,000 in a pre-tax IRA and expect $2,000 per month from Social Security, you may have enough money to retire at age 67. A half million dollars is a relatively modest nest egg, but it can still generate a comfortable income depending on your standard of living.

How often does Social Security recalculate benefits based on your earnings? ›

Each year we review the records for all Social Security beneficiaries who work. If your latest year of earnings turns out to be 1 of your highest years, we refigure your benefit and pay you any increase due. This is an automatic process, and benefits are paid in December of the following year.

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