Lottery System & Software Reviews (2024)

I need to warn you up front – sadly, most systems out there are total junk. Seriously. So be prepared for some honest lottery system reviews… a lot of people aren’t going to like this…

What Is A Lottery System?

Most of us understand a lottery system to be a way of playing the lottery that helps increase our chances of winning. But it can also refer to a wheeling system (or ‘system play’) – which is a way of combining numbers to create combinations. We cover both here. So read my reviews below to know what is useful and what you should avoid.

Lottery System & Software Reviews (1)

It’s really quite sad that there is so much rubbish out there. It makes me mad – and it should make you mad too.

Some of it is well meaning, but a lot of it just isn’t. And the bottom line is the same anyway – they make money selling you junk, and you get ZERO real benefit out of it. How do they escape prosecution? In some cases, very careful wording. In others, it beats me! But that’s why I will continue to update these lottery system and software reviews for 2024 and beyond.

[Sidenote: If you were looking for reviews about me instead then head to Lottery Guy reviews]

Note: I hope you love any products I recommend here as much as I do. But just so you know, this site may receive a small share of the purchase price if you do buy as a result of following a link on this page. It doesn’t affect my opinion or the price you pay.

The Good Lottery Systems

Lottery System & Software Reviews (2)

My best systems/software list is depressingly small. Sorry! But there just isn’t much that is good (despite maintaining this list of reviews for well over 10 years now!). I would dearly love to add anything else worthwhile here – so please do tell me about any other good systems or books that I may have missed.

(And system designers, I’ll happily share and recommend your products here – all you have to do is provide proper proof that it really works, or least justify why it makes sense. Not too much to ask, right?)

The Strategy Group (not for everyone)

Obviously full disclosure here – this is my own group, so obviously I would say it’s good! But Members of my Group do tend to stay Members, so I guess they agree. 🙂

The Strategy Group was created as a result of my frustration at all the junk out there. And because of so many of you guys saying “OK, so give me something better”. It’s NOT for everyone though! If you want to maximise your chances of winning, you’ll love it. If you want some kind of ‘push button miracle’ then this is NOT for you. Read More About My Lottery Strategy Group Here

1. Lottery Syndicates

Simple yet cannot fail. Buying more tickets means a much better chance of winning – which is what syndicates are all about. You do of course trade a better chance of winning with having to share the prizes. But that’s reality. And who minds sharing if you actually do win. Is it the best you can do? No. But it is quick and easy.

You can read more about why lottery syndicates work. Or check out my current favourite online syndicates here.

2. Win Lotto Systems

This is a book and software package from Mark Collard/Prof William Foster. The book is a rare gem in a mine full of nonsense – sensible, logical lottery playing tips and strategies.

Read my more detailed Win Lotto Systems Review or you can get the package direct from Will

3. How to Win More: Strategies for Increasing a Lottery Win

Just good solid advice on playing the lottery. Stocks appear to be very low for this book though, so don’t hang around if you want a copy.
You can buy this one on Amazon.

4. ‘Combinatorial Lottery Systems with Guaranteed Wins’ by Iliya Bluskov

Wheeling is often mis-sold, and usually bundled with crazy number prediction software. So it’s refreshing to find a genuine, and up to date wheeling book from someone who knows what they are talking about. Wheeling does have some value for lottery players, not in some hyped up ‘beat the lottery’ way, but in terms of winning smaller prizes more often and wheeling systems designed with proper known ‘win guarantees’ built-in. Bluskov has a math Ph.D. and has published papers specifically on this stuff. Detailed review to follow. Find Iliya’s book on Amazon here

NOTE: there is also a version of the book dedicated to games with 5 main numbers such as US Powerball, Mega Millions and EuroMillions etc. You can find that one here.

These books were out of print for a long time, but new updated versions have now been released. The latest versions are only available on Kindle – but Amazon provide a Kindle Reader app which you can get from here for everything from PC/Mac to most tablets/phones.

5. Scratch Smarter

If you play scratch-off tickets and live in the USA you need to get this. Let me put that another way, do NOT play scratchers in the US without this. For just $20 per YEAR, you get a report every week that tells you at a glance which games are the best to play. And which you should not play. Each report is customised to your State specifically.

This is not just about odds, their Smart Factor algorithm takes into account big prizes won and remaining, as well as smaller prizes won and remaining – to maximise your chances of winning with every ticket you buy. Simply play those marked Green, and avoid those marked Red. This works out at just 38c per week, so it’s a no-brainer that truly works.

UPDATE: Most States now have a Premium option for DAILY reports. These are also designed to be easier to use on your phone. If you’re a regular scratcher this is an upgrade worth having.

Get ‘Scratch Smarter’ here

The Middle Ground

Lottery System & Software Reviews (4)

This ‘Middle Ground’ section exists because it wasn’t fair to lump these in with the stuff that is outright garbage designed to simply extract your cash. So here is the more ‘well meaning’ software and systems that are either based on sound theory or contain some useful element. But they don’t belong in the best systems list.

So be aware: these are NOT proven to work, but do still have some merit or offer some value.

Lottery Statistic Analyser – pretty complicated analysis software. If analysis is your thing then you’ll probably enjoy using this. It is however unproven, and if math scares you then this is not for you. UPDATE: looks like this is no longer available.

Delta Lotto System – the ‘Analysis Lotto Software’ by Dave Muse is at least based on a sound theory, that of trying to detect bias. In this case the possibility of a draw machine not sufficiently mixing the balls from the state they enter the machine. But there’s no evidence that such a bias exists in any game, or that this software has been able to detect any. The fact it only seems to work for ‘short periods of time’ would confirm the results are simply sufficiently random that there is no detectable mixing bias.

Lotto Sorcerer – lottery prediction software based on the claim that tiny mechanical imperfections in draw machines and lottery balls make the lottery predictable. They don’t in any way that has been proven, but it is at least theoretically possible that such bias could give an edge – albeit a very small edge, IF it even exists in that game.

Lotto Mania – This software has some useful features, such as wheel creation and being able to print your combinations directly on your playslips. There is also the usual past results analysis, but it does quickly wander firmly off into the nonsense world of using meaningless patterns such as odds/evens and sum analysis. But at least it’s not too expensive at $35.

How To Win Scratch Offs – one of the most popular lottery games in the world yet hardly any advice exists for playing the scratchers. Now scratch offs are not generally my thing, but this guide comes from an ex-lotto retailer who spent 5 years watching how people play these games so he does know a thing or two. It’s overpriced but if you play these games regularly it may help you out.

Lottery Looper – I liked Lottery Looper. I wasn’t expecting to, but I can see why word of mouth spread this around. It’s the first lottery analysis tool I’ve ever come across that manages to totally avoid all the hype and nonsense that all the rest insist on cramming in. Lottery Looper is based on some sound science (the potential for bias), and it does what it does well. It looks pretty good, and is easy to use. Believe it or not, it’s also pretty cheap at $29.99. Especially as that’s a one-off fee. NOTE: this is Windows only. (Don’t confuse this with Lotto Logic which Timersoft also sell, Looper is the newer software). UPDATE: Unfortunately updates seem to have stalled in favor of a 3rd software program Lotto Effect. Read my full Lottery Looper Review.

The Bad Lottery Systems

Lottery System & Software Reviews (5)

Please do NOT buy any of the books, software or lottery systems below. They are a waste of your money. If you want to discuss any of them in more detail, contact me, but please don’t put any more money in these people’s pockets. The best systems/software/books etc are up here.

TIP: If you want to see if something is on this list, hit Ctrl-F on your keyboard (to search within the page). If it’s not here then please do contact me and I’ll check it out for you.

Lottery Audit Review – Lottery Audit is a subscription service for online lottery analysis software. It’s nice looking simple software, but there is no evidence that it does anything to help you win.

Richard Lustig Lottery Book / ‘Learn How To Increase Your Chances of Winning The Lottery’ – Florida lottery winner Richard is a “7 times grand prize winner” and says it has nothing to do with luck. I can’t agree I’m afraid. The ‘grand’ prizes are nowhere near as big as you think, and the last one was in 2010! Now he has a ‘Lottery Winners University’, an extremely expensive $50 per month rehash of the book! And for just $197 extra you can also waste your money ‘upgrading’ to Richard’s Tools (‘Auto Lotto Processor’), which is really the Lotto Destroyer nonsense sold under another name. Or get ‘Lotto Dominator’ (also sold as ‘Lotto Annihilator’), 180 pages of filler, repetition, confusion and nonsense for a ridiculous $147. And now you can also buy the old ‘Auto Lotto Processor’ junk as ‘Lottery Maximizer’ for $97… just read the disclaimer at the bottom of their site before you waste your money though.

Honest Lottery System / Silver Lotto System / Ken Silver – Based on ‘pick so many odd/even, so many between this number and that’, then ‘just keep trying’ when you don’t win. Ken has done very well selling his systems. You’ll see pictures of his expensive cars on his website – “bought by lotto” he says. Read very carefully between the lines though, as he never actually says he won the lotto to pay for them, he just says the lotto paid for them. Surely not from selling systems..?

Gail Howard / Smart Luck / Lotto: How To Wheel a Fortune – Gail has been knocking out books about wheeling for 29+ years, although the ‘Gail’ of the infomercials from 20 years ago appears to have had little (if anything) to do with the company for a very long time. The sales pitch usually goes something like “look at all our jackpot winners, obviously our system works”. So what happened to the other 99.9% of customers who bought the books and software..? Fact is, wheeling does not improve your chances of winning the jackpot. And neither does advice about avoiding combinations that have never been picked before, or making your selections add up to a particular range of numbers. NOTE: If you order direct they do NOT do refunds – be warned.

Stefan Vandevelde – Inverted Lottery System / Change Lottery Rules / / ‘Pick 3 Sniper’ – lots of analysis of past results and prediction claims with zero evidence. With just enough math to sound ‘advanced’. Some good optimised wheels though. Now with Winslips it’s all done for you, by clever computers and stuff… It all sounds so promising yet neither in the manual or in the software does Winslips deliver anything of practical value. Very disappointing.

The Lotto Black Book / QRV Holdings / Giancarlo Cappuccio – Larry Blair got shot in the foot but won the lottery twice. Apparently. Or maybe the photo of the lottery winner shown is just copied from the Oklahoma lottery website… that winner actually used a quick pick to win the jackpot in 2006. Watch out though as there are “only 134 copies left”… except it’s said that since at least September 2009.

Updated for 2011: the Lotto Black Book now has a new sales page – I guess some of those 134 ebooks must still be left then ;-). Gone are the old ‘borrowed’ photos and instead we have new borrowed winners photos (with a disclaimer stating those people didn’t actually win using this system!). Plus claims of how it must be good because look at all the people who are promoting it… who have never actually bought it, but are willing to make a fast buck if they can convince people to buy this junk. Larry is planning on using your $96.83 to build a library. Maybe he’ll show us a photo of that in a couple of years.

Mark Bower / Winning The Lottery In 3 Steps – our first Larry Blair copycat. Is Mark Bower’s winners photo genuine, do those winners checks look more than a little bit photoshopped with his name, or what about the comments at the bottom that look like Facebook but aren’t. There’s even a bit in the sales letter that says it was all based on a ‘vast study’ by a ‘Belgian science man’… none of it makes sense.

Formula 1 Lotto System / ‘Glen Hooke’ – this one claims to be a system developed by an MIT Professor that took 27 years to develop. Then they changed it to say 9 years..! Yet another system that claims to eliminate bad numbers and combinations that won’t win, but doesn’t explain how they are able to do that.

Lottery Checkmate System / Sergey Tabin – claims to make $3,000 – $10,000 per month playing the lottery, but provides no evidence. It says it’s ‘based on the game of chess’, which couldn’t really be more different to playing the lottery.

Lottery Variant System – Big claims, no details and no evidence except winnings checks that prove to have been copied from other websites!

Lotto Hat Software – the wheeling aspects of this software might be useful, but otherwise this is the usual collection of useless filtering tools. No longer available.

Lotto 007 / Lotto007 Prediction Expert / Lotto PowerPlayer Pro – ‘Lotto 007 XP 2012’ includes features to check results and print tickets which could be useful. It’s also full of filtering and analysis features which some may enjoy – but this is just generic ‘mathematical sounding’ stuff that doesn’t make any difference to your chances of winning. The software design is very 1990’s and not user friendly. The manual is appalling.

Lotto Master Formula – short book covering lots of old unproven theories in very little depth. It’s also a word-for-word copy of an older much cheaper book! Plus some highly dubious claims and inconsistencies in the website – but read more in my full Lotto Master Formula Review

Lotto Guy Lottery System / Smart Play Lotto Wheels – basically a 1 page system that says to pick numbers according to certain patterns, using sums, odds/evens and high/lows (and looks more than a little similar to Gail Howard’s advice). Unfortunately this pattern based approach does not help. It also claims to be “University Developed, Tested and Proven” which simply isn’t true. As for the ‘Lotto Guy’ name similarity, and ‘Smart Play’ being very similar to Gail Howards ‘Smart Luck’, I’ll let you make your own mind up on that one.

Lottery Method / How To Win Pick 3, 4, 5, 6 / Lottery Circle / Ace Lee – bad advice based on analyzing past results but drawing incorrect conclusions (his ‘Scratchers’ book has some merit, but not the rest). Most no longer available.

‘Winning Lotto’ / 1,000 Weeks Of Lotto / Terry Fisher / LottoMasta – more wheeling systems, plus advice on strategy which is actually wrong.

Bob Brown Lottery System / – fun story but ultimately a load of baloney. Feel free to buy a very expensive poster if you want to share in Bob’s big joke.

Winning Lottery Lines/ Schneider Software / Harry Schneider – well meaning but fundamentally flawed. Sorry Harry but you just can’t eliminate combinations as unlucky because they haven’t been drawn before. No matter what math you wrap it up in. Lotteries haven’t been around that long (compared to the sheer number of combinations possible) so the vast majority of combinations haven’t had a chance to get drawn yet.

Lotto Strategies For Winners / Richard Wilson – apparently he’s dying from cancer so has now chosen to reveal his amazing secret – for just $77 (because if it was free, you wouldn’t read it… right?). The winners photos are not him and have been copied without permission. The winners checks are not his and have been copied from other websites.

Beat The Lotto / Donald Hunting – irrelevant number analysis and a bit of wheeling, with the same ‘ending midnight pre-launch bargain’ that’s been running since 2004..!

VK’s Winning Lottery Method – yet more numeric analysis (hot and cold number theory etc) that simply doesn’t work as claimed.

Lottery Harvester – just overpriced wheeling system software offering only one system for your money. System 12 is one piece of software, System 15 is another! Plus some very dubious claims of ‘thousands’ who regularly collect cash using it, and ‘many’ who have won $100,000+.

Learn Lottery – past results analysis, incorrect conclusions and poor advice.

Chris Malcolm Lottery System – more of the same. But bundled in a package of systems for everything from Pick 3 to Pick 6. So you get a lot of rubbish for your money instead.

‘Professor Dolph’ / Lottery Number Advisor / LONA – it all sounds very mathematical and clever, but everything comes back to the same old eliminating ‘unlikely combinations’ which just doesn’t make sense (lottery balls don’t know what number they are!). Dolph also thinks the lottery is random ‘just like the stock markets, commodities markets or the weather’. Claiming the stock markets and weather systems are random makes as much sense as this software. No longer available.

Robert Walsh Pick 3/4 Systems – more analysis of past results that focuses on ‘how numbers are related to each other’, for games with very small prizes. No longer available.

Lotto Cheatah – software based on the premise of fundamentally and completely misunderstanding the law of averages. No longer available.

Win-Track / Success Publishers LLC / John Abate – it’s amazing how many junk systems one person can sell. Everything from the lottery to horse racing to slot machines, and more. Dozens and dozens of them from ‘Your Winning Numbers’ to ‘Guaranteed 6 Numbers’, the ‘Jackpot Winner Lottery System’ by ‘Gary Stroughlin’ (or ‘James Gregory’ depending on which mailing you got!), the ‘Cash-5 Maximizer System’ by ‘Art Robertson’ and their latest ‘Doctor T Lottery System’ – and so many more. All sold under different authors names (why?). All hype and nonsense. Avoid. The Iowa Attorney General says these “appear to violate Iowa’s Consumer Fraud Act” and demanded sales cease in Iowa (source).

Lotto Puppeteer – Lottery companies make a profit regardless of whether anyone wins the jackpot. So don’t fall for the angle about insider lottery secrets. And as for the 10% to charity sob story – if you want to donate your winnings to charity you can do so without buying this.

Lottery Phenomenon – claims to teach you how to predict the future. Backed up by a sales page which states that photos of winners/checks are the writer – when they are actually copied from other news websites, and are all different winners from different US states. The first, ‘this is me’, is actually Anthony Castro who won $250,000, and this was even on a scratch-off ticket so there were no numbers to predict.

‘Beat Lottery’ / Peter Dolinaj – claims to be able to predict lottery numbers, and will happily provide those numbers to you – for a price of course. Please don’t waste your money folks. These are no more likely to win than a quick pick.

Lottery Slayer / JLR Group LLC – software that claims to pick better numbers. But it’s the usual collection claims that just don’t stand up to any scrutiny. Winning numbers are less likely to be repeated? No they’re not, why would they be.

Lottonet Integra XP01 / Dietner – website and software design from the 1990’s even though it says it took 600 hours to design the interface. Very expensive wheeling software ($169) with prediction features for which he even states ‘you cannot predict the numbers’.

Daily Win / Clifton Musgrove / Lotto Wiz – formulas for Pick 3 lottery that are supposed to help you beat the odds. But the formulas are built on the usual number patterns (repeating numbers, triples etc).

Paul Connor / Winning Lotto Strategies – also now sold as ‘The Lotto Black Book’ (see above). There is some doubt over the copyright status of this work as it appears to just be a compilation of writing originally by Robert Perkis. But regardless of that it’s almost entirely about numerical analysis which does nothing in the real world to help your chances of winning.

Daily Pick System / ‘Paul Terry’ – extremely dubious claims for a Pick 3/Pick 4 system based on number analysis that doesn’t work.

Pick 6 Leak / ‘Kevin Bailey’ – all hype to sell what are really just wheeling systems for Pick 6. You can get better for a lot less money from Bluskov.

Lottery Cash Software / ‘Brad Millers’ – possibly the dullest promotional video ever for this overpriced number prediction software.

Lotto Combo System / ‘Dan Butler’ – more from the stable of ‘Paul’ and ‘Brad’ (above). This one is trying to profit from the work and reputation of Iliya Bluskov – but is full of the usual hype and nonsense claims. It’s also grossly overpriced. Save your money and get Bluskov’s book instead.

Playslip Numbers – this site claims to sell numbers that are ‘more likely to win the lottery’ using a ‘complex algorithm’. You can even pay extra for exclusive numbers.

LotWin – based on bad math and the false belief that numbers can be due or overdue to appear. Plus the usual filtering and reduction features that have never been proven to make any difference to your chances of winning.

Winners Only Lotto / Rodney Lundy – $7 a month for ‘lucky numbers’ for Pick 3/4. Numerology is not a branch of math that can predict future results! Save your money folks, or spend it on tickets instead – as that alone will give you a way better chance than the “up to 67%” better that Rodney actually claims.

Lotto Pro – claims to pick numbers with ‘the best statistical chance of hitting’, and that it can ‘eliminate tickets with unlikely number combinations’. Neither of which makes any sense. You might find it useful for managing and printing your tickets. This one does however claim a real jackpot winner – Paul Hemphill who won $35M playing Powerball in 2011 credits this software for picking his numbers. But just remember that he’d been using it since 1995 and ‘thousands of copies’ of the software have been sold. People win with quick picks too but it doesn’t mean they are more likely to win.

Magayo Lotto / Magayo Pick – yet more of the same old rehashed software. As usual this one claims to analyze past results, predict better future results and get rid of unlikely lottery numbers. But provides no evidence to back up the claims made, and provides seriously flawed reasoning as to why this would make any sense in the first place. Please also don’t believe the ‘awards’ as these aren’t real awards that carry any meaning. Those companies don’t even install the software let alone test it.

Ultimate Lottery Package – a story about how ‘Billy Bridges’ father knew 500 big lottery winners in a ‘secret society’, but you had to be smart enough to understand their secrets. Read the small print and those ‘137 big winners’ he interviewed become people who may or may not have won, people he or may not have actually interviewed, and people who may have won as much as $50.

Lottery Crusher / Lottery Winning Formula / ‘Michael Jenkins’ – from the incredibly cheesy video to the ludicrous claims this one is not hard to avoid. ‘We have helped millions of people win’ they say, but frankly there isn’t a snowballs chance in hell that they have millions of customers. This pile of hype is just the same old useless past results analysis software yet again.

Lottery Destroyer / ‘Mike Bennett’ – more hype and nonsense from this online software that simply combines hot/cold number theory with your favourite/lucky numbers. Neither of which makes any difference to your chances of winning. Don’t even waste your $5 on the 5 day trial – just spend it on quick picks instead and you’ll have a much better chance of winning.

Lotto Profits / ‘Jeremy Stewart’ – here we go again (doesn’t this look an awful lot like Lottery Crusher AND Lottery Destroyer…). Same old nonsense but at least the story gets funnier each time they release a new product site. This time Astrology and signs of the zodiac are the big secret. Yup.

Powerball Winning Strategies / Alex J. – The “only legal Powerball hacker that ever existed” – surely nobody really believes this stuff? Apparently it’s all a conspiracy, they don’t want you to win, and all you need is the secret code which “Alex” will sell you for just $37. Please don’t believe this stuff.

Steve Player Lottery Systems – these are mainly just grossly overpriced wheeling systems (if you want good quality wheels just get Bluskov’s book above, it’s better and vastly cheaper). Steve also sells expensive ‘predictions’ – but does everyone get the same numbers..? If you give out enough different combinations to enough people, somebody will win.

Lotto Crusher System – Everett Thompson – not to be confused with the equally useless Lottery Crusher. This one clearly models itself on the Lottery Black Book. It has the ridiculous story – a convenience store owner threatening a customer with a gun because he claims too many lottery prizes. It also takes photos of other winners from news and lottery websites and claims they used this overpriced ($97) nonsense. The most ridiculous of which is the photo of Urooj Khan (who died in 2012 – before this was even created). Then there are the supposed photos of Everett himself – only he seems to have photoshopped the name on the winners check, oh, and a different head onto John McCarthy from Delaware. UPDATE: this is now sold under the name of both ‘The Lotto Master Plan’ and ‘Lottery Defeated’, by ‘Kenneth Leffler’. For $197.

Lotto Pro-Multiplier System / Mike Gobbana / Hamilton Publishing – I’ve yet to see anything worthwhile come from Hamilton Publishing anyway, but this is the usual bunch of big claims and empty promises. It comes in the form of a nice old fashioned letter (“Dear Friend…”). Yes, there is the possibility of bias existing in a draw. No, nobody has ever been able to prove it exists. So how ‘Mike’ can sell a system claiming it will make you $2,500 to $5,000 a week is a bit of mystery. All the classic warning signs are there – including the complaints about trying to get a refund. Oh, and read the small print at the end – if you hadn’t already worked out that those winners pictures have nothing to do with this system, they even tell you! Also beware their latest: ‘Money Cruncher’, ‘XXNG Lottery System’ and ‘Super Power Lotto’ by ‘Robert Bose’.

Lotto Decoded / Neil Hetmer – It’s strange how such a prolific lottery winner can do so well and yet not exist in the press anywhere, despite the photos showing his presentation checks from both the Washington and Vancouver Lotteries. It’s also strange how the moles on his face seem to swap sides from one photo to the next. To be fair though, ‘Neil’ is not at all bad with Photoshop.

Loto Rainbow / Renato Gianella – Fundamentally flawed system, which claims to be from a Brazilian mathematician. Based on grouping combinations into patterns, then saying you have more chance if you match the pattern. Except of course you don’t win anything for matching the pattern – only the actual numbers drawn. Making it entirely pointless.

Smart Lottery Wheel / ‘John Crawford’ – From the same people who brought you Lottery Crusher. So not surprisingly this wheeling based system is nothing but crazy expensive ($50 a month) hype. If you need wheeling systems, just get Bluskov’s book, but don’t waste your money on this.

Lotto Destroyer / ‘Jared Wilson’ – Where do they get these stories from? Secrets distilled from ‘Jared’ phoning lots of multiple lottery winners..? And all you have to do is plug the last 7 results into the magic formula? It’s all just utter nonsense folks – please don’t believe this rubbish. The ludicrous story alone should be enough to make you walk away. But if not, then how about the fake photos of people who did NOT win the lottery using this system? One of them is Ali Sultan – he won that $1,000 in a comedy contest! Enough said? (Note: this is also sold under the name of ‘Auto Lotto Processor’ and ‘Lottery Smasher’)

Lotto Metrix – ‘Win using math’… or maybe not. This makes the same mistake I see over and over again. He seems to think that if you match patterns that occur more often in all the possible combinations of results, then you are more likely to win (a theory which Gail Howard sadly made famous). Unfortunately it’s total nonsense. Yes, you are more likely to match ‘the pattern’. But just matching a pattern is useless – no lottery pays you for matching a pattern, only for matching the actual numbers drawn.

WB Co. / TL Distribution / Southwest Publishing – Another publisher of many different systems sold by direct mail. These include the BANN-UP Method, Pick Game Blaster, 1-2-3 Method for Lotteries, Lottery Killer and the Gibbes Lottery Method (aka ‘Nate Gibbs The Lottery Surgeon’). All of which Iowa Attorney General has described as ‘predatory mailings’ that are ‘deceptive, unfair and otherwise in violation of the Consumer Fraud Act’. Iowa then fined them in December 2016 for sending fraudulent mailings.

Win The Lottery Method / ‘Alexander Morrison’ – He claims to be “one of the most renowned experts” in Statistics and Probability, yet nobody has ever heard of him and he has no papers published in the relevant journals. Then he goes on to explain this approach is based on eliminating the millions of combinations that will never win, which demonstrates a lack of understanding of even basic probability. If you need any more convincing that this is not what it seems – just compare the winners photos with the testimonials, and see how many don’t match up.

‘Your Lottery Service UK Ltd’ – smily Alice Green (‘head of customer service’ but probably doesn’t exist) offers you 10 free entries to the lottery. You just call the number to claim… oh, and provide your bank/card details. Then you’re locked in for 3 months of paid syndicate membership (“oh, we didn’t mention that up front..?” sorry), where it’s completely unclear how many tickets are played or how many members are in a group. There are much better, more honest syndicates to choose from, so please avoid this one.

Banned Systems – ‘The Banned Lottery System’ claims to have been ‘banned in New Zealand’. It wasn’t, that’s just not true. No lottery system has ever been banned by any lottery company anywhere, ever! They also sell ‘System X’ which claims to have taken a math professor 5 years to develop – again, this is not true either. It’s really just a basic wheeling system based on hot/cold numbers. If wheeling systems are really what you want then go to a genuine recognized expert for this (Bluskov).

Lottery System & Software Reviews (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.