Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

4: 2 :1 19 I Partly cloudy Wednesday; MARION ADE WEATHER Another Quilt Block Thursday rain or snow and On' Page 8 Today. L', If 4 colder. 24 HOURS OF SERVICE Associated Press Leased Wire LEADING FIFTH DISTRICT PAPER INDIANA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1931. A THREE CENTS Vol. 42.

No. 147. MARION, KIRKLAND CONVICTED OF MURDER Assembly Adjourns; Debate Validity of Late Measures "Help! Help!" Victim Shouts; But Rescuers Are Victimized Mysterious person who called for help from the most places, and who vowed theyin and had no key." and last night threatened, to way, upset which the for tenor long now has been" uneventful. The voices, shrouded with that smothered sound that sends chills chasing up and down the spine, popped up from nowhere, at the most unexpected times. In the bus terminal in the Hotel Spencer building, yesterday, some one called for help.

He was imprisoned beneath the floor, and could find no doors or windows, he said. He was dying of suffocation. But drivers, managers, passengers and dry pedestrians attracted station by inside the clamor, turned the out, called out the police reserves and detective squad, and no prisoner Was found 'neath PROGRESSIVES TO MEET TODAY Leaders of Both Parties Watch as Sen. Norris, Borah. Prepare Addresses; 3rd Party Denied.

Washington, March 10. (AP) -National leaders of both parties looked apprehensively tonight at the conference tomorrow of Republican and Democratic independents. In the meeting to be presided over by, the veteran Nebraska, Senator a foe Norris, of Presi- Republican, dent Hoover, the politicians saw the foundation being laid for a third party, although such a purpose was vigorously protested by Norris and 1 his colleagues. Whatever its outcome, the meeting assures, lengthy discussion of national economic problems. It will be opened tomorrow by Senator Norris before about 125 participants and will continue through Thursday.

Borah, Norris to Speak. The Columbia Broadcasting System will carry to the nation the speeches to be delivered by Senator Borah, of Idaho, on agriculture and by Senator Norris on the power issue. Borah will speak tomorrow afternoon at 1 p. m. (CST.) and Norris at the same time on Thursday.

The National Broadcasting System will carry the opening address tomorrow of Senator Norris m. No place has been made on the program for prohibition and the senate independent leaders who called the meeting no intention ing have plenty to do in disof getting to this controversy, feelposing they, the five topics listed for discussion. Five Topics Listed. These are: Agriculture, power, unemployment, tariff and representative government. From the discussion, the leaders hope to draft a legislative program for presentation to the next congress in December a congress in which this group holds the balance of power.

Preliminary discussions today on Capitol Hill developed that both the Hoover program and the Democratic platform suggested last week by Chairman Raskob of the national committee are due for bombardment. Because of the known opposition of the Senate group sponsoring the conference to the administration's policies on economics and its apparent lack of interest in the Raskob platform, leaders speculated considerably today over the third party prospects involved in the meeting. Senator LaFollette, Republican, Wisconsin, whose father, the late. Senator Robert M. La Folette, led A third party movement in 19 will play a leading role in the conference.

He will lead the round table discussion on unemployment, a question (Continued on Page Nine) New Apportionment Measure is Signed Indianapolis, March 10. (P) -Gov. Harry G. Leslie started to work today on the bills left over for his consideration by the Indiana general assembly. One of the first measures signed by the governor was the measure which divides the state into twelve congressional districts.

The governor has until next Saturday midnight to sign or reject any bills sent to him by the legislature since last Saturday. 3 ORIGIN OF SCHOOL HOUSE BLAZE IS UNDETERMINED Mystery last night surrounded the origin of a fire which started in 8 north room on the second floor of Washington school in North Marion. Fire officials declined to estimate the amount of damage, until further checkup is, made, but it is not thought to be more than $50. Il WORDY BATTLE RESULTS FROM MYERS ACTION Speaker of House Dates Signature on Income Tax Bill as March 10; Senate Leader Angered. SIGNS BUDGET BILL Governor Leslie Assures Funds for Government; Reapportionment Also Hangs in Balance.

Indianapolis, March 10. (AP) -The individual income taxbill, passed by the senate, and house and sent to Governor Harry G. during the final hours of the general assembly session today, was declared unconstitutional tonight by Attorney General James M. Ogden. Governor Leslie announced he would look over the Attorney.

general's opinion and study the hill before deciding whether to sign it or reject it. Indianapolis, March 10. (AP) -The seventy-seventh Indiana general assembly expired of exbaustion this afternoon. After having arbitrarily added almost fourteen hours to the constitutional limitation of sixty-one days set for legislative meetings the House adjourned sine die at 1:22 p.m. In the Senate Lieut.

Gov. Edgar D. Bush banged the gavel at 1:45 p. m. and declared the session at an end.

The biennial meeting of the legislators wound up with an exchange of bitter words, The ernor, a Republican, charged Speaker Walter Myers House, Democrat, with deliberately mutilating the individual income tax bill so that signature of the measure by Gov. Harry G. Leslie would be impossible. 9 Questions Validity. The speaker in affixing his signature to the income tax measure had appended 8 statement in which he questioned the validity of the various legislative steps which carried the measure to final enactment late last night.

He also dated his signature as March 10, thus casting additional doubt on the validity of the bill, the legislative session legally having ended on March 9. The income tax measure along with a congressional reapportionment bill and biennial appropriation the bill received legislature the in the final last approval hours of the sessietenant the governor, income an ard- tax ent of bill, was incensed by the attitude of Speaker Myers on this measure. Declaring that the speaker by affixing his signature on the face of the enrolled act had made invalid, the lieutenant governor said: Attacks Myers' Action. "It is an unheard of procedure for public officials to mutilate a pub(lie record. Had.

the signature been 'on the prevented proper the line governor it might from not sign- have ing the bill. The action undoubtedly will invalidate the act." Throughout debate on the income (Continued on Page Miner 3 SUSPECT SANE ALIENISTS SAY Schroeder, Alleged Torch Slayer, to Be at Mercy of Jury. Today; Trial Testimony is Completed. Indianapolis, March 10. (P)-Two alienists appointed by the court testified today in the murder trial of Herbert Schroeder, Mobile, that the defendent "unquestionably is of sound mind" and was at the time an unknown' man's body was burned in Schroeder's car near here last May.

All testimony in the case was completed today and arguments will begin tomorrow morning. It was indicated that these would take all of the session and that the court's instructions to the jury, which Judge Frank P. Baker, said would take about an hour, probably will not be given until Thursday. The jury will have seven verdicts to consider: first degree murder, carrying a death penalty; degree murder assessing life imprisonment; second degree murder, life ment; voluntary manslaughter, 2 to 21 years imprisonment; involuntary manslaughter, 2 to 14 years imprisonment, to find the defendant of unwound mind, and acquital. Dr.

Rogers Smith and Dr. Charles D. Hunes were the mental specialists who examined Schroeder and gave their opinions from the witness stand today. They concurred in their Love Mart Girl Associated Press Photo Clarissa Tauber, 16, has caused the arrest of two Los Angeles men in connection with a "love syndi. cate," furnishing young girls as companions for business men on week-end trips in Los Angeles and Hollywood.

i Place Grant with Eight Others; Leave Area as Republican. COUNTY IN NEW FIFTH DISTRICT Reapportionment Act Would If the validity is sustained of a law passed in the closing hours of the recent session of the legislature, when day passed into night and night passed into another day, with the lawmakers attempting by turning back the clock to make one day of two, Grant county is to be in the Fifth congressional district. This is a brand new district and politicians are devoting some time to its possible, the political new fifth allignment. are: Wabash, Huntington, Miami, Grant, Howard; Jay, Clinton, Tipton and Blackford counties. In the present eleventh of which Grant county is a part are: Wabash, Huntington, Miami, Grant, Blackford, Cass and Pulaski.

Wabash, Huntington, Miami, Grant and Blackford, of the Eleventh are in the new Fifth and to it have been added Jay, Clinton, Howard and Tipton counties. Pulaski and Cass Counties are elsewhere. Wabash and Grant of the new Fifth, and of the present Eleventh, are normally republican, Wabash heavily. In the last election, howWabash turned a complete somersault and went strongly democratic. Huntington is fighting Miami and 'Blackford are democratic.

Of the new counties Howard is normally heavily republican although it, too, performed strangely in the last election. Jay is said to be democratic, Clinton is probably republican although it has not been dependable in recent years and Tipton is republican in ordinary times. Miami, Blackford, Jay are democratic, Wabash, Howard and Grant strongly republican, Tipton fairly dependable, with Clinton (Continued on Page Nine) WILL ROGERS says: To the Editor Leader-Tribune: Reverly Hills, March There is not much humor in this but there whole lot of warning. This "Jamaica ginger jag" has hit our coast. Here is what you get in a two-ounce bottle for 50 cents: First the fingers and toes become numb: then the legs and knees 'become permanently paralyzed; seldom above the knees.

Among cases here are a barber with wife and two children, hands totally paralyzed; a borer with wife and three children, will never walk again; at old soldiers' home, thirty -two cases and two deaths. And all a druggist has to plead is that he didn't know it was poisoned. This is not to be construed 'as prohibition lecture. It's really an ad for just old "corn." It only paralyzes you temporarily. Yours, LEt shie Rogers LINK PANTAGES IN COAST LOVE 4.

MART INQUIRY Theater Magnet Accused of Dealings with Alleged Girl Bazaar; Four Others to Be Arrested. San Diego, March 10. (AP) Alexander Pantages was drawn into the Los Angeles "love market" investigation today when District Attorney Thomas A. Whelan announced he would charge the theater magnate with violation of the juvenile court act in connection with operation of the bazaar. Jesse Shreve, wealthy San Diego real estate man, and three others also will be arrested, Whelan said.

Shreve, Pantages, Olive Clark Day and her asserted common law husband, William H. Joblemann, were to be accused of conspiracy and violation of the juvenile court act, and John P. Mills, San Diego oil man, charged with assault against young girls, Whelan announced. Allege Girls "On Call" All charges are in connection with the operation of the "Love Market" which officials said had young girls on call for week-end parties. Pantages was recently released from jail under $100,000 bonds pending decision on an appeal against conviction on charges of criminally assaulting Eunice Pringle, office co-ed in 1929.

danLos Angeles He was sentenced to 8 prison term of one to fifty years. Bail of $10.000 each was to be demanded by District Attorney Whelan of Shrove and Pantages. Girls Are Named Whelan said Lydia Nitto, also known as Alice Blake, and another girl named Helen Livingston, were making the complaints against Pantand Both girls were transported here from Los Angeles to meet the men, Whelan said. The district attorney also stated his information indicated Olive Day, proprietor of the love mart, had obtained $200 each from the girls and had passed on only $15 to each of the girls for the acts referred to in complaints being drawn. Pantages, when seen at the 'Agua Calientq hotel, where he and Mrs.

Pantager were occupying a suite, deany knowledge of the so-called Hollywood "love bazaar." Denies Guilt "I do not know anything at all about this love syndicate, other than what had read in the papers," said Pantages. "I have a very sick man ever since the incipiency of my trial in Los Angeles. My being cometimes as low as 100 pounds, and it is only lately that I have begun to gain. "I have no knowledge whatever of this syndicate and have only known William H. Jobelmann about two weeks, and that was at the time the Los Angeles charges were made.

I believe my name has been brought into this affair for the sole purpose of injuring my appeal in the Los Angeles trial, for I am innocent of these new charges." Former Bluffton Judge Succumbs Bluffton, March 10. (AP) Judge A. W. Hamilton, 57, who completed a term on the Wells circuit court bench Jan. 1, died at his home here late today.

He had been ill since January with a blood infection. He was a graduate of law school and had been a member of the Wells county bar since 1900. He also was mayor of Bluffton from 1906 to 1910. The widow and three children survive. HAWKS LANDS IN TEXAS ON HOP FROM NEW YORK Houston, March 10.

(AP) Captain Frank M. Hawks landed here at 4:36 p. m. this afternoon after a flight from New York. Hawks took off from New York 7:16 a.

m. and stopped for lunch at Atlanta. His flying time was eight hours and 36 minutes. The speed flier will visit here with home folk before returning to New York to sail March 31 for Europe to make several flights. Lima, Peru, March Lieut.

Col. David Samanez Ocampo flew to Lima tonight and became the (new provisional president of Peru. Samanez Ocampo, who was head of the "Southern Junta" set up by Arequipa revolutionaries until last night, when that junta resigned as a move toward bringing peace to the country, drove immediately from the landing field to the government house. PERU'S NEW PRESIDENT TAKES PLANE TO OFFICE, SEE UPHEAVAL AFTER CHANGE IN CITY BOARD Mayor Edwards Replaces Members of Board of Works; Declares Act is for "Harmony." Indications of a major upheaval in Marion's government, probably resulting in dismissal of the head of at least one city department, were seen last night following announcement by Mayor Jack Edwards that he had replaced two members of the board of works. George Ring.

president of the hoard, and Shawley, will make WAY for Forrest Drook, former board member, and Roy Matthews, Mayor Edwarda announced. When the change will be effective not made clear in the announcement Those in touch with the city goy. ernment said last night, that the change was made AN A result of recent lack of harmony over policies of the water works department. Mayor Edwards said that ho made the change because he had to have as members of his auxiliary boards, men who "will work with me." Recall Stuart Action Signs of 4 break between the mayor and the board of works were first noted, observers said, when Neil Stuart was ousted his DOsition with the water department. Stuart had been a strong political backer of Mayor Edwards in his campaign for nomination and election.

More recently, dismissal by Sam Van Cleave, water works superin-1 tendent, of an employe has acted as secretary to the mayor, is said to have added fuel to the fire. It is understood that present board of works has been in accord with the policies of the water works department and has not given ear to the mayor on several decisions. Demands Harmony Mayor Edwards insisted day that the change was merely one to bring about harmony. He declared that. there was 110 "break" with any member of the board.

He said that ho held no hard feelings for the board members he was ing but that on the other hand the move was one of expediency to us. sure cooperation between branches of the city government and himself, their directing head. Drook, who had been A member of the board up to the time of his recent replacement by Edward Wort last nixht. that he hail nut been informed officially of the mayor's action. He admitted, however.

that he had "heard of it." Drook. said that. he would have no comment to make until ho had talked to the mayor but said further that he was back of the mayor and of "everything that in right." Mayor Edwards was expected to return to Marion today after a trip to Indianapolis and Muncie. Budget for State Up $20,000,000 Indianapolis, March 10. (A The biennial appropriation bill passed by the general assembly carries total appropriations of 930 for state departments and institutions for the two year period beginning Oct.

1, 1931. The total is $20,492,108 more than the appropriations made by the 1929 legislature despite the fact that the general fund appropriation of 840,730 is $1,422,017 less than that of two years ago. Griffin, Mar. 10. (A) -This little town, destroyed in 1925 by a tornado, was threatened with disaster again today when the steam boiler in the basem*nt of the school building blew up.

No one was injured despite the fact a class was in session in the room just above the explosion, although the room was, slightly damaged. All windows in the basem*nt were broken and partitions shattered. GRIFFIN, DISASTER RECALLED BY EXPLOSION AGED COAL MINER FOUND DYING IN WAITING SHED Terre Haute, March 10. (A)- John P'. Doyle, 72, coal miner who had been missing from his home, here several days, war found today in a miner's waiting shed near Blanford and died from exposure before he could be taken to a hospital.

Ho was in A critical condition when found and death, which fol. lowed a short time later, was attributed by phyrician; to exposure. Doyle had been employed at the Interstate mine 'but had not worked for some time, CONVICTED VIRGIL KIRKLAND VICTIM ARLENE DRAVES PROBE STUDIO A STORY Authorities Photographer Seek to With Link That Death of Patrolman; Letters Are Found. Hopkinsville, March 10. (AP) -Lettera and bottles of poison from the studio of Jim McClure were taken today before the grand jury investigating the poisoning of Edwin Dyous, patrolman, whose death preceeded by five weeks the suicide yesterday of McClure and his attempt life of NrA.

Dycus. 'The grand jury reported late today it would take up the case again tomorrow and from the rambling letters whether to believe McClure's statement in one of them that he had given Mr. Dyrus poison the day her. husband died and whether that poison actually WAR administered in. food to the county patrolman.

Chemical analywas raid to prove Dyeus had been poisoned. Letter Hints Crime. In another letter found in a trunk in the 09-yea cold photo-grapher's studio, addressed to. Mrs. Dycus, was the statement about her husband, "do you remember when you had to switch dishes on him ate! he became ill afterward?" The pretty 24-year-old Brunette, whom other of McClure's many term indicated intended to kill with himself, remained' in jail today, held for investigation, She wounded and screaming from studio yesterday morning and polire later found the photographer dead.

PROVES HUBBY'S DRIVING WASN'T ON GOLF COURSE Washington, March 10. Emmett F. Scott's Sunday golf got a divorce for his wife. She told the judge he left home immaculately dressed on Sundays and the ostensible drive to the course and hack registcred 70 miles on the speedometer. So she contended he was driving, and not playing golf.

She named a feminine driving partner and Justice Adkins granted her an interlocutory degree of divorce from "The real estate operator. AND SO IT GOES One lady had a brooder stove she no longer needed and a sccond lady needed just that very thing, 80 two people were satis. fied. This ad ran 3 times, cost $1.26 and the stove was sold. BROODER "Newton." cheap, only used 3 weeks, 3323 So.

Washington. Phone 812. Every day people are selling things thru the use of the find want ads. PHONES 234 AND 244 Phone your ad in today. 35 percent coverage of Marion's Trading Territory.

LIFE SENTENCE FIXED BY JURY; PLANS APPEAL 14 the floor. (Nor anywhere else). At the police headquarters, last. night, numerous visitors were sent on fools' errands, hunting men who were calling them. One was sure the person was locked in the fingerprint and Bertillon office.

Another looked among the vagrants in the detention cella. Others explored the city, garage. The victims, who collected one by one, in and about the city hall, included Lawrence Huey, former building; inspector; Charles Garrison, attorney; George Wert, several police officers newspaper man, The secret finally came out, A ventriloquist was at large. and unrestrained. He maid him name was Williams, and that he was accessory salesman.

Anyhow, he had his fling in Marion, whether he sold any horns or not. CONTINUE WAR ON SNOW DRIFTS Two County Plows Work All Night in Effort to Clear Principal Roads; Most Are Passable. The two county snow plows were pushed over rural highways all last night, by a large force of men in charge of County Highway, Superintendent Kenneth an offort to further clear the main arteries for traffic. The men have worked almost constantly since the first blizzard, Saturday, Sparks said last night that most of the roads had been made passable, despite the second snow: fall, Sunday, which drifted extensively. A Might snow which fell last night was wet, and did not drift.

Predictions of the Indiana General Service Company officials were that today would bring 8 rise in temperature, and skies. This is in variance with the state forecast, which promised rain or snOW Several county officials, farmers and out of town salesmen, who were were marooned able in to go Marion, home Monday last night, after the highways had been cleared. SCHOOLS CLOSED Wabash, March Every rural school in the county, including the Somerset, Lagro, Lafontaine, Urbana and Roann buildings, all of which are in town, were closed 1.0- day, because of blocked highways, Today roads were reported much condition than they yesterday when snow plows were sent out. on them and of automobiles were abandoned in drifts along the School officials said hack drivers were unable to cover their routes in some cases and in others the drivore made no attempt to take their cars out. State road 24 was blocked for SOVeral hours today but finally was opened to traffic again.

WINTER HITS SOUTH (By The Associated Press) F'rosty winter into the south today, tightened its cold grip over Europe and swept the Balkan quake scenes with chill winds. Snow avalanches descended upon rail and telegraph lines in France. Ice encrusted English roads. Ships tossed on high waves through blinding snow along the continental coast. New England and the middle west still WEre digging from under drifts.

The black forest and Rhine valley of Germany lay buried in white. fragments of boats and the of an airplane were remnants of coast gales in MassachusettE. The boat fragments indicated five fishermen were lost. The airplane pieces spelled tragic mystery. Dixie's frost was felt as far south as Miami, Fla.

Party From Grant County Snowbound Grant county apparently isn't the only snowbound spot in the middle west. According to a telephone message received here yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carey and Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Carey, of Grant county, are snowbound in Tuxcola, Ill. Returning from a trip to Casey, "to attend the golden wedding of Robert Carey's sister, the party WAS caught in: deep near Pesotum, Ill. Their car caught fire in the drift and they were taken to Tumcola. They expect to be home in a few days. Word of their plight was received here by Mrs.

T. A. Prickett. MINE WORKERS MEET Indianapolis, Mar. 10 (AP)-A meeting of the International I Board of the 'United Mine Workers of American opened here Officials said only routine matters were considered.

Gary Youth's Attack Killed Girl, Jurors Decide; Report Verdict Reached After Six Ballots. ARGUE ON PENALTY Former High School Athlete Receives News Stolidly; Mother Weeps; Girl's Father Pleased. Valparaiso, March 10. al Valparaiso, (AP) -Virgil Kirkland, the exhigh school star, WAS convicted tonight of murderinx Arlenc Draven, his companion on a "Naming youth" liquor party last fall. The jury Axed life imprisonment as the sentence, after deliberating leas than four hours.

Sentence will he parked Monday. At that time, the defense announc. ed, it will take the first stop for an appeal to higher courts. The verdict war a compromise between death in the electric chair and nasault and battery- A range permitted under the woven alternatives listed in the instructions of Judge Scant Crumpacker. It.

terminated a 14-dax. trial, replete with sensations, from the drinking party at the home of David Thompson in Gary November 29. Four Others. Charged At: that time, Kirkland and four other youths were charged with attacking the 18-year-old girl and bringing about "her death. The other wUhate to come th trial.

The years old, received the he verdict atolidly. His mother, however, rushed to him and cried my poor boy!" "I am Charles Draven, father of the girl, said. He shook with the jurors, "We will appeal at once, Barratt O'Hara, chief of defense counsel. It was reported the furymen taken only Mix ballots between tirement at 4:15 and the formal ver dict at after they agreed to Virkland's guilt. Several were understood to have held for the death penalty, but later agreed to life imprisonment.

Delay Other Trials "There will ba no hurry in bring. ing the other four young men dieted with Kirkland to trial," said Prosecutor' Robert. Extill of Lake county, from which a venue had been obtained to Porter county. They aro Thompson, city fire. man: Loon Stanford; Ilenry Shirk Paul Barton.

Charges against them involve solely attack. Kirkland, besides, the attack, was accused of having struck the girl when she refused to accede to demands. The story of the party, retold the trial, culminated in this fashion: Story In Retold At 3 a. Sunday, Nov. 30, Kirkland, Barton and Stanford carried the limp home of form Dr.

Russell Draves, Whartof Miss on. They thought, she was uncondead. a The doctor fouid she Kirkland and his companions were jailed the next day. The convicted youth, in a confession said he the others had attacked Miss Draves. The state produced witnesses Continued on Page Two) SCHOOL GIRL'S BODY IS FOUND Mutilated Remains of California Child Wrapped in Burlap Bag; Seek Clues to Gruesome Crime.

San Diego, March 10. (A)- The decapitated and mutilated body of ten-year-old Virginia Brooks of East San Diego, who had been missing since February 11, was found wrapped in a burlap barley bag on Camp Kearny Mesa today by a sheep herder. The girl vanished while on the way to school and had been sought over the southwest. Deputy Sheriff Blake raid she apparently had been dead about four weeks and that in addition to being decapitated both legs had been cut off. The sheep herder said the body had not been where he found it for more than 24 hours as he was in that vicinity yesterday and would have noticed it.

The mesa 'is about 15 miles north of San Diego and lity tle frequented. Authorttice were making a ful search to determine whether the body had been brought to the place in an automobile, in the hope of finding clues leading to the en 9 had rehad out in- his at into WAS and 2 24. 2.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.