Financing Decisions: Investment, Financing and Dividend Decisions, Q&A (2024)

Financial Management

Decisions, decisions. Running an organization must involve taking thousands of decisions a day as you can imagine. The decisions that have to be taken with respect to the capital structure are known as Financing Decision. Let us learn a bit more about the types of financing decisions.

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If carefully reviewed what constitutes a business, we will come to the conclusion that there are two things that matter, money and decision Without money, a company won’t survive and without decisions, money can’t survive. An administration has to take countless decisions in the lifetime of the company. Thus, the most important ones are related to money. The decisions related to money are called ‘Financing Decisions.’

These are also known as Capital Budgeting Decisions. A company’s assets and resources are rare and must be put to their utmost utilization. A firm should pick where to invest in order to gain the highest conceivable returns.This decision relates to the careful selection of assets in which funds will be invested by the firms. The firm puts its funds in procuring fixed assets and current assets. When choice with respect to a fixed asset is taken it is known as capital budgeting decision.

Financial decision is important to make wise decisions about when, where and how should a business acquire fund. Because a firm tends to profit most when the market estimation of an organization’s share expands and this is not only a sign of development for the firm but also it boosts investor’s wealth. Consequently, this relates to the composition of various securities in the capital structure of the company.

Dividends decisions relate to the distribution of profits earned by the organization. The major alternatives are whether to retain the earnings profit or todistribute to the shareholders.

Certain arrangements of the Companies Act put confinements on payouts as profit. Such arrangements must be followedwhile announcing the dividends.

Question: Why do organization retain the earnings rather than distributing them? Because of

Answer. c. Because of development opportunity for the organization

Question: Explain the investment criteria factor affecting investment decision.

Answer. Different Capital Budgeting procedures are accessible to a business that can be utilized to assess different investment propositions. These are based on calculations with regards to the amount of investment, interest rates, cash flows and rate of returns associated with propositions. These procedures are applied to the investment proposals to choose the best proposal.

Financing Decisions: Investment, Financing and Dividend Decisions, Q&A (2024)


What is the difference between investment decision financing decision and dividend decision? ›

Finance functions cover Investment (allocating funds to assets for growth), Dividend (deciding on profit distribution to shareholders), Financing (raising capital through equity or debt), and Liquidity (ensuring sufficient cash flow for operations).

What are the 3 main decisions in finance? ›

When it comes to managing finances, there are three distinct aspects of decision-making or types of decisions that a company will take. These include an Investment Decision, Financing Decision, and Dividend Decision.

What are the three financial management areas decisions questions? ›

There are three decisions that financial managers have to take:
  • Investment Decision.
  • Financing Decision and.
  • Dividend Decision.

What are the important differences between investment decisions and financing decisions? ›

Investment decisions are concerned with the proper allocation of capital, whereas financing decisions are concerned with the capital structure of the company. A company has wide-ranging goals that it has to achieve with the limited capital it has.

What is an example of a dividend decision? ›

Example: if a company adopts a 30% payout ratio and if EPS is Rs 100, then shareholder having 10 shares will receive Rs. 300 as dividend under this policy.

How are investment financing and dividend decisions interrelated? ›

Investment decisions directly impact both financing and dividend decisions. When a company decides to undertake an investment project, it requires funds to finance it. This leads to financing decisions, where the company must choose the appropriate mix of debt and equity to raise the necessary capital.

Why is a dividend decision significant to the firm? ›

The dividend decision is important for several reasons. It's a way for companies to distribute a portion of their profits back to their shareholders. The decision can also signal the firm's financial health and future growth prospects. Furthermore, the dividend decision can have a direct impact on a firm's stock price.

What is influenced by the financing decision? ›

Factors Affecting Financing Decisions

Cost: Financing decisions are based on the allocation of funds and cost-cutting. The cost of fundraising from different sources differs a lot and the most cost-efficient source should be chosen. Risk: The dangers of starting a venture with funds differ based on various sources.

What are the types of dividend decision in financial management? ›

There are four major types of dividend policies: regular dividend, irregular dividend, stable dividend, and no dividend. Dividend policies dictate how a company decides to distribute its earnings to its shareholders.

What is an example of an investment decision? ›

An investment decision could involve purchasing new equipment, investing in research and development, buying new property, or expanding into new markets. These decisions often have long-term implications and are influenced by a multitude of factors.

Which of the following is related to dividend decisions? ›

Dividend decisions involve determining the amount of profits to be distributed to shareholders, the timing of the distribution, and the method of distribution. Capital structure refers to the mix of debt and equity financing used by a company to fund its operations and investments.

What are 5 questions to ask before investing? ›

5 questions to ask before you invest
  • Am I comfortable with the level of risk? Can I afford to lose my money? ...
  • Do I understand the investment and could I get my money out easily? ...
  • Are my investments regulated? ...
  • Am I protected if the investment provider or my adviser goes out of business? ...
  • Should I get financial advice?

What is the first step in financial planning? ›

1. Assess your financial situation and typical expenses. An important first step is to take stock of your current financial situation. Even if you're not where you'd like to be, be honest with yourself about the income you're currently generating, savings you've accumulated and your general spending habits.

What is the role of investment decisions? ›

Why is an investment decision important? In organizations, investment decisions are crucial for growth and profitability—impact cash flows—have a long-term impact as many of these decisions are irreversible. Even with limited funds, individuals can obtain impressive returns if the investment is well-planned.

What do investment decisions require decisions about? ›

Investment decisions are made based on several factors: the current and potential market shares of the company, its technology, and the creation of value during the exit phase.

What is dividend decision in simple words? ›

Dividend decision relates to how much of the company's net profit is to be distributed to the shareholders and how much of it should be retained in the business for meeting the investment requirements. This decision should be taken keeping in mind the overall objective of maximising shareholders' wealth.

What are the differences between investment and financing? ›

Investing cash flows arise from a company investing in or disposing of long-term assets. Financing cash flows arise from a company raising funds through debt or equity and repaying debt.

What is the difference between dividend decision and dividend policy? ›

The dividend policy of a company is the decision about the distribution of dividends to its shareholders. A dividend policy is a financial decision that involves deciding on the dividend payout ratio, the frequency of dividends and should they pay dividends at all or not.

What is the dividend decision also known as? ›

The dividend decision are known a the residual decisions as they are taken only after the payment of the fixed assets by the company and keeping a potion of the profits as retained earnings. That is, dividends are decided only after meeting the financial and other obligations of the company.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.