5X: The Golden Rule Of Successful Entrepreneurs (2025)

Over theyears, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with thousands of entrepreneurs. By and large, most of these men and women were smart, passionate and building companies around real market opportunities.

However, many (if not most) of their businesses were struggling or failing.

After starting a few businesses of my own, I started to wonder, why are some companies runaway successes when so many others crash and burn?

For a while, the answer eluded me, but eventually, I discovered that—whether they realized it or not—successful entrepreneurs follow a simple rule:

Every dollar spent on growth must produce 5 dollars in revenue.

I call this the 5X rule. Successful, growing businesses make 5 times what they spend on marketing, advertising, sales or any other growth channel.

Why the Rule Works

To help explain why this rule is such a good predictor of business success, let’s run through a quick hypothetical scenario.

Say you inherited a small, deep sea fishing guide business from your father. Your boat is small, so you can only take one client out at a time, but you charge $150 per trip.

Up till now, you’ve been running your business based on direct sales, repeat business and word-of-mouth, which nets you 20 sales and $3,000 of revenue per month.

Of course, you have to pay about $75 for fuel, boat repairs, bait and other trip-related costs every time you head out to sea, so you really only end up with $1,500 of profit every month.

Or at least, that’s what you thought when you inherited the business.

On closer inspection, you discovered that this was a lifestyle business for your dad. He was an old seadog with a pension and he didn’t care if he was making money—he just loved catching fish!

And, as it turns out, it costs you around $2,000 every month to rent an office and your spot on the dock.

With $3,000 of revenue and $3,500 of costs, your business is losing $500 a month.

So, if you want your business to survive and grow, something has to change.

Unfortunately, you can’t afford to buy a bigger boat and if you increase your prices, your current customers will leave. However, it occurs to you that most people like to book fishing trips online these days, so maybe you could drive a lot more business if you started advertising online.

Here’s how your advertising efforts might pan out:

You Spend $1.00 and Make $1.00

In this scenario, your online advertising investment produces one $150 sale for every $150 you spend.

At first glance, this looks like a break even situation, but it really isn’t.

Remember, each trip costs you $75, so if you spend as much on acquiring a new sale as you make from the sale, you lose $75 on every transaction.

In a 1X-type situation like this, more sales actually equals less money for your business:

You Spend $1.00 and Make $2.00

But what if you make $150 for every $75 you spend? That will balance out the cost of a trip, so you’ll be breaking even, right?

Well, technically that’s true, but remember, you didn’t start advertising to break even, you started because you need to dig your business out of a $500/month hole.

If you only break even on your advertising costs, you’ll never make any headway against that deficit:

You Spend $1.00 and Make $3.00

Now things are finally starting to make sense. If you spend $50 and produce a $150 sale, you actually make $25 after paying for the costs of the trip itself.

You can put that extra $25 towards your $500 deficit and—if you get at least 20 extra sales from your online advertising each month (40 sales total)—your business will finally break even:

At this point, your business is at least sustainable, but you probably can’t make a whole lot more than 40 fishing trips a month, so your business isn’t going to grow and you still aren’t making any sort of profit.

You Spend $1.00 and Make $4.00

However, if you can get your advertising cost down to $37.50 per sale, you can actually begin to turn a profit from your advertising.

Sure, you might only be able to make 40 fishing trips a month, but now your business breaks even after just 34 trips:

Once you’ve sold 34 fishing trips, you only have to pay $37.50 in advertising costs and $75 in fulfillment costs per trip. That means you make $37.50 on your last 6 trips.

Guess what? You’re finally turning a profit!

You Spend $1.00 and Make $5.00

If you can pay just $30 to produce a $150 sale, your business will break even after 31 fishing trips:

Your last 9 trips will each be worth $45 of profit, which means you end up with $405 of profit at the end of each month.

If you’re willing to reinvest that $405 into growing your business, you can sell your current boat, take out a loan and buy a bigger boat that will allow you to take 4 people out on each trip.

Sure, the new loan will probably eat up that $405 of extra profit you were making, but if you can book 160 tickets each month at $45 profit per trip, you’ll be making $5,400 of profit a month.

And, if you take that profit and reinvest it in a second boat and hire another captain, you’ll be well on your way to building a deep sea fishing empire!

Where Does Your Business Stand?

After talking to hundreds of business owners, it’s become clear that this rule is a great predictor of business success.

To put it simply, most companies break even at 3x, are profitable at 4x and grow once they reach a 5x multiple. Companies that hit a 10x, 15x or even 20x cost-to-revenue ratio are usually well-positioned to dominate their industry.

With that in mind, the question is, where does your business stand?

Fortunately, that’s fairly easy to calculate. All you need to know is what you are spending to produce a new sale and how much that sale is worth to you.

Going back to our deep sea fishing example, here’s how you could calculate your advertising multiple if you spent $1,000 and generated 40 sales:

Step 1. Divide your advertising spend by the new customers you obtained from your advertising efforts.

[$1,000 in spend] / [40 sales] = $25 of advertising spend per sale

Step 2. Divide the value of a sale by how much you spent to produce that sale.

[$150 revenue per sale] / [$25 cost per sale] = $6.00 of revenue per $1.00 of advertising spend

That’s a 6x multiple!

Putting the Golden Rule to Work for Your Business

You can use this same formula to evaluate the profitability of all sorts of business investments and determine where your company needs to make improvements.

So, if your sales team is only producing $3.00 of revenue for every $1.00 you pay them, your company is probably doing okay, but you may need to change something up if you want to grow your business.

If you’re in a service industry and an employee is only producing $1.00 of revenue for every $1.00 you pay them, they probably need additional training or support.

Or, if you are considering a new software and you can’t figure out how that software will produce more than $2.00 for every $1.00 you spend on it, it might not be the software for you.

Make sense?

Now, not every situation is as cut and dry as the examples in this article, but the fact remains, growing companies operate at a 5x or better multiple. If you want to be one of those companies, your business needs to operate at a 5x multiple, too.

5X: The Golden Rule Of Successful Entrepreneurs (2025)


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5) Put In Great Efforts

Having lots of money to start up your business is one thing, but making more money based off that original amount will require you to put in more than some lousy pennies. Once you've had your idea or product, start to invest your time, talent, and energy into building your business.

What is the 5X rule? ›

For a while, the answer eluded me, but eventually, I discovered that—whether they realized it or not—successful entrepreneurs follow a simple rule: Every dollar spent on growth must produce 5 dollars in revenue. I call this the 5X rule.

What is the rule of 5 in business? ›

The rule of 5 in marketing is a general guideline that suggests that a company should aim to have at least five unique points of contact with a potential customer before they are likely to make a purchase.

What is the golden rule of entrepreneurship? ›

I believe in the Golden Rule of Entrepreneurship. That is, you treat other business owners the way you would want to be treated as an owner and you go above and beyond for your customers the same way you would want an owner to do for you as a customer.

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Rule #5 - Be glad something worse didn't happen. situationship rule number 1 to 5 | TikTok. Rule number 5 everything happens for a reason, and that reason causes change. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it's hard, but in the end, it's all for the best.

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I personally believe strongly in the 5-5-5 rule: “Within 5 years, we want to be able to lower the prices for our consumers to only 1/5th of today's price point, and/or we want to be able to increase our income by a factor of 5, and all this while becoming or remaining a healthy company.” Both fives are better, one of ...

What is the 5x principle? ›

The 5X Rule is a strategic approach to ROI and advertising spend. It is based on the principle that a successful marketing campaign should generate a return that is five times the amount spent on it. For example, if $1,000 is invested in a marketing campaign, the return should be $5,000.

What does 5x mean? ›

5x, or five times in multiplication.

What would 5x mean? ›

The numerical part of a term is called its numerical coefficient (or coefficient). In the term 5x, the 5 is the numerical coefficient. 5x means that the variable, x, is multiplied by 5.

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The Rule of 5, much like the lumberjack's sharpened axe, is a tool for success. It's about preparation, consistency, adaptability, rest, and celebration. As you embark on your journey, remember the axe illustration and the power of daily, intentional actions.

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"The golden rule for every business is this: Put yourself in your customer's place." – Orison Swett Marden…

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The 5x5 rule states that if you come across an issue take a moment to think whether or not it will matter in 5 years. If it won't, don't spend more than 5 minutes stressing out about it.

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10 Golden Rules
  • RULE 1: HAVE A VISION. Your vision is your destination. ...
  • RULE 2: USE YOUR INFLUENCE. All businesses need business partners to grow. ...
  • RULE 6: TIMING. ...

What is the golden rule and business? ›

The Golden Rule, it's the best way to benefit everyone in business. Business starts and ends with treating customers right, which is common sense. However, much can be said for treating your suppliers and employees right too. Doing so leads to better morale, better effort, and better results.

What is the Golden Golden rule? ›

The most familiar version of the Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Moral philosophy has barely taken notice of the golden rule in its own terms despite the rule's prominence in commonsense ethics.

What is entrepreneurship 5? ›

Entrepreneurship is when an individual who has an idea acts on that idea, usually to disrupt the current market with a new product or service. Entrepreneurship usually starts as a small business but the long-term vision is much greater, to seek high profits and capture market share with an innovative new idea.

What is the 5 percent rule for entrepreneurs relief? ›

Either (a) the individual must be entitled to at least 5% of the sale proceeds on a disposal of all the ordinary share capital, or (b) to at least 5% of profits available for distribution to all equity holders and 5% of net assets available to equity holders on a winding-up.

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What are the essential steps to becoming an entrepreneur?
  • Step 1: Your initial idea. You need a starter idea—the seed to nurture and develop. ...
  • Step 2: Test your idea. ...
  • Step 3: Plan your business and strategy. ...
  • Step 4: Secure funding. ...
  • Step 5: Grow and scale.

What is an entrepreneur 5 points? ›

An entrepreneur is an individual who identifies a business opportunity and takes the initiative to create, organize, and operate a new business venture. This person typically assumes the financial risks associated with starting and managing the enterprise with the goal of earning profits.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.